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dafae8  No.147546

A few months ago someone linked a mega.nz folder containing hundreds of files, mostly documentaries, on a variety of subjects but all of it pertinent to the european perspective. For example old timey documentaries on European art, and a series on the opioid crisis… It was hosted here : https://mega.nz/folder/FFZnnYoa#EGQLr0EKFExu2oSuKmpWZQ

It was a beautiful and well put together collection that has unfortunately since been purged before I could archive it offline. Help in finding a mirror or torrent if they exist, would be appreciated, and beneficial to those who missed it back then.

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4f89f0  No.147572

This one ?


Or you can take your pic.

https://mega.nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg (/pol/ stuff I)

https://mega.nz/#F!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg (/pol/ stuff II)(Propertarianism Library)

https://mega.nz/#F!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ!QNAixJZL (/pol/ stuff III)(Facist Philosophy)

https://mega.nz/#F!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw (/pol/ stuff IV)(Dark Enlightenment)

https://mega.nz/#F!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q (/pol/ stuff V)(Sydney Trads Recommended Reading)

https://mega.nz/#F!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw (/pol/ stuff VI)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!fo0TDC4a!Ck2n3wuqWutm3FyLtxZB8A (/pol/ related videos)


https://mega.co.nz/#F!UdxSVLJB!bgBwqzuFIV3z0HvCswA0dQ (/pol/ related)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg (/pol/ related)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ (TGSNT, William Pierce, Icelandic Sagas)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!zQtglTAY!JZ8y7bZpqPz6od5WmtLfIg (Third Reich films)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!MQ8ziQKK!rzb0LRaZoyL6te1tguBNnA!RBs1mRhC (Third Reich recordings)

https://mega.nz/#F!fIchVA7Y!owKwAgGKq9pgXrbVOnkeag!7dEXGAAI (Asatru / Paganism)

http://pastebin.com/v6qsewmw (embed) (/sum/ info)(the Summoning Information Page)

https://mega.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!8VxzyY7Y (Occult literature I)

https://mega.nz/#F!RktiXZBS!W_ZvtntvNvWxvsSYZCG_vg (Occult literature II)

https://mega.nz/#F!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA (Occult literature III)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!K8wTjbiZ!mWFZsQRr2SZYC1AsoE6Shw (Occult books, big file size)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg (Psychopolitics)

https://mega.nz/#F!1R0QATqZ!Eb1_M5KC9gkxK6w32R2ETw (/biz/ related)

https://www.mediafire.com/?i44dwzkf9j9n8 (art)

https://mega.nz/#F!MQBRHBJA!L_on3h-XUrtbc719UaMygw (philosophy)

https://mega.co.nz/#F!4FJSUTyL!gRWJW5eBK0ydunfSzDB3xg (/k/)

https://pastebin.com/JN01tWVF (embed) (Languages & Linguistics)

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d34f5a  No.147998


>This one ?



I don't even see Mein Kampf among the books. Tons of flat earth stuff though… At least there's some holohoax junk and it names the Jew.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d34f5a  No.147999


A bunch of the links, /pol/ stuff in particular, say

<This link is unavailable as the user's account has been closed for gross violation of MEGA's Terms of Service

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