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File: 9982c123c91dab4⋯.jpg (164.23 KB, 862x485, 862:485, lying_teenagers.jpg)

00fd59  No.146407

Some fucking crackheads who visited Victoria crossed the New South Wales border into Queensland using fake information to get past police, and have now infected a bunch of people because of their fucking ignorance.

Freedom was given to Queenslanders in the form of unrestricted inter-state travel, but these two cunts have taken that away from Queenslanders.

The only punishment they got was a fine, and 1 of the 2 refuses to tell the police where they went after crossing the border. They should be in PRISON, but we have gone SOFT. They deserve to burn in hell Queensland could go back into lock down and restrict our freedoms, AGAIN, because of these shitters.

If ya'll got any extra info or conspiracies, drop it below.

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40d210  No.146761

>doing what you're told

Why not just grow a pair of balls and go wherever you want anyway instead?

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2a8175  No.146797


>They should be in PRISON

They are, it's called Australia, mate.

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ea2861  No.146837


>they allowed us to have special good goy privileges, but now those mean old criminals got it taken away!!!

This is what happens when you let them disarm you. You turn into a simpering manbaby who whines on the internet about the (((government))) giving and taking away privileges you never actually had. Take notice.

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5b12bc  No.146841


what the fuck are you talking about? where is this quennsland or victoria and why would i care about your bullshit

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339534  No.146855


Rofllll. So true, as Henry Ford said "To turn to the government is accepting failure" for they will never complete what they say, the only thing that can lead us to exalted happiness is labor, confidence in ourselves and a willingness to invent and take risk. God Bless.

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36576c  No.146982


> have now infected a bunch of people

You'll believe the TV box when it tells you that but you won't believe it when it tells you to kill yourself for your white privilege.

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b156c9  No.147110


>They should be in PRISON

They should be killed.

Stop being a weakling that obeys orders.



Stop being a weakling that obeys orders.

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