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181d84  No.142910

The Fuckers were not on my radar till i seen the dog hit now i have few names videos and screens they will be dealt a very fucked up hand when the hit prison as a few friends are waiting for there arrival few faces i have not had time as im on vacation so ill drop here till i get back and deal with it but ill leave it for you all have fun with till im home lol

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f9b844  No.142914

> help me arrest these white guys who mighy even be in the right

Just where the fuck do you think you are? We have hordes of niggers and commies rampaging in all cities and pedo kikes and pedo judges everywhere and you want to hunt rednecks over a brawl?

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72762c  No.142978


Anon, you think those are white? They look like some kind of mystery meat or muzzie..

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768dab  No.143007


Do you have a source of further info? Is this in Leafland? Ontario Provincial Police?

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