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File: 38fc61e2ef88fb2⋯.png (30.35 KB, 220x220, 1:1, Alerta_Judiada_Logo.png)

File: 2e4857241fe57cd⋯.gif (415.47 KB, 774x334, 387:167, Alerta_Judiada_org_archive.gif)

ddb4fc  No.141854



Internet Archive Alerta Judiada Int. all videos (English) :

Alerta Judiadaa : Free Download, Borrow, and streaming :

Internet Archive All Videos with English subtitles

published by Alerta Judiada Int. in Jewtube, before

being shoah'd in Abril 2017

Alerta Judiada English 360px ogg AJ videos. 538MB zip file


Alerta Judiada English 1080px mp4 AJ videos. 4.0GB zip file



Alerta Judiada English MEGA Archive mp4 & webm video



Alerta Judiada is a ns white man famous by his blog

alertajudiada.com founder of es.dailystormer.name (the

spanish version) and specialy by his excelent videos about

these Topics:

AJ, alerta judiada, adolf hitler, national socialism, nazi,

nazism, jew, jews, judaism, zionism, israel, war,

world war, multiculturalism, migrant crisis, genocide,

white genocide, immigration, refugees, refugee, feminism,

marxism, cultural marxism.

He had subtitle the videos to many languages, these ones

are all the English videos.

He become famous by his blog and started to work with other

comrades into all their projects. Unfortunatly he and other

three men were arrested by police, Since then he did not

go back to publish new videos. I Will put here all the

videos in english that I found. I ask you all to share them

across the internet, together we can avoid the censorship.

Also you can put here other AJ videos that you storage.

Thanks and enjoy the videos, Anons

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ddb4fc  No.141860

Alerta Judiada videos in MPEG4 download 19 files


118.1M Adolf Hitler on the Jews.mp4


441.7M Adolf Hitler, the Man who fought the Bank Sources.mp4


491.9M Adolf Hitler, the Man who fought the Bank.mp4


14.2M Captain Sweden Saves the Day!.mp4


663.6M Churchill's links with organized Jewry.mp4


3.6M Differences between Free Speech and Hate Speech.mp4


80.6M Entartete Musik - Degenerate Music.mp4


16.0M European Union's Immigration Plan in a nutshell


323.6M Hitler's Warning.mp4


368.6M Hitler's last Speech.mp4


152.1M Is the Devil based on the Jew - Bobby Fisher.mp4


84.6M Nationalism or Extinction.mp4


347.3M THIS is National Socialism.mp4


259.6M The Jew wanted this War.mp4


140.6M The Jewish Problem -Dr. Goebbels.mp4


118.0M The Jewish Question - Julius Streicher (1936).mp4


72.7M This is Europa.mp4


239.2M Truth shall Triumph - Adolf Hitler.mp4


199.4M We Dreamed Of Something Marvellous -Léon Degrelle.mp4


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ddb4fc  No.141865

Alerta Judiada videos in OGG VIDEO download 20 files


6.7M Adolf Hitler on the Jews.ogv


298.6M Adolf Hitler's first Address as Chancellor

[Complete-No Subtitles].ogv


23.9M Adolf Hitler, the Man who fought the Bank Sources.ogv


27.6M Adolf Hitler, the Man who fought the Bank.ogv


7.8M Captain Sweden Saves the Day!.ogv


28.6M Churchill's links with organized Jewry.ogv


1.8M Differences between Free Speech and Hate Speech.ogv


4.8M Entartete Musik - Degenerate Music.ogv


836.8K European Union's Immigration Plan in a nutshell


10.1M Hitler's Warning.ogv


24.7M Hitler's last Speech.ogv


7.2M Is the Devil based on the Jew - Bobby Fisher.ogv


4.8M Nationalism or Extinction.ogv


17.9M THIS is National Socialism.ogv


17.4M The Jew wanted this War.ogv


9.9M The Jewish Problem -Dr. Goebbels.ogv


4.1M The Jewish Question - Julius Streicher (1936).ogv


16.6M This is Europa.ogv


13.8M Truth shall Triumph - Adolf Hitler.ogv


10.7M We Dreamed Of Something Marvellous - Léon Degrelle.ogv


TORRENT download all Alerta Judiada videos


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ddb4fc  No.141869

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60d0e9  No.141987


you should also make a torrent man, pero gracias de todos modos

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9178be  No.141990


I miss the days you could go on youtube and find everything including the TGSNT.

Everything here is good shit

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9178be  No.141991

I recommend uploading them to


Bitchute too if its missing a few.

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f24ff8  No.142080

File: f60113475ca499a⋯.jpg (48.05 KB, 600x758, 300:379, 8d5.jpg)

there's a few in the webm thread




the torrent linked in the OP doesn't count?

or the one right above your post?

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1d28e8  No.142196


>Unfortunatly he and other three men were arrested by police

Reminder that cops are our enemies too.

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35b145  No.142271

File: d8bfd9d6244d887⋯.png (30.71 KB, 644x353, 644:353, alerta_judiada.png)

File: 4ad310551550a4f⋯.png (134.33 KB, 741x332, 741:332, Alerta_Judiada_shut_down.png)

>>141987 >>142080

First downloadable TORRENT FILE that I have put in the OP


In this torrent file are all the mp4 and ogv videos(7,48GB)

but you can select which ones you want to download only or

uncheck other that you don't want. ogv are lighter than mp4

Here are the MAGNET LINK for all the videos of that torrent



I don't trust in police or civil protection, both were

created, are ruled and only obey (((them))), example this:



>>141991 I have found more links and channels in other

plataforms that contain Alerta Judiada's videos:

Rapeable good collection of 17 videos:


Bitchute channel with 18 english videos and multilingual:


>>142080 10 AJ videos uploaded in 8kun in that thread


This is what I have found for today, but some of this

videos can be found in other web plataforms

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60d0e9  No.142292



yes thank you fren!

I don't use shoah'd anymore I use nakhba'd because it's the kikes doing it

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569d18  No.142407

File: 04881394f3764ff⋯.png (326.56 KB, 615x346, 615:346, First_Holocaust_Book.png)

File: 85ea96260130ba4⋯.png (629.54 KB, 615x451, 15:11, Holocaust_Propaganda.png)

File: 6a5fed7519408a9⋯.png (1.38 MB, 988x858, 38:33, muh_holohoax_meme.png)

File: cb272951db5e6d2⋯.png (84.11 KB, 600x529, 600:529, _Holocaust_No_the_died_of_….png)

There is also good information in text and post done by AJ

and his comrades. Probably, the most important texts and

english posts written by them are these series of five

telegra.ph links which are about the holocaust revisionist

research and ho to taking down the official version of it:






I recomend you to share them across the internet, to your

social media, anti-(((NWO))) groups or contacts, archive or

save them pdf. Together we can avoid the censorship. Thanks

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1c65c2  No.142676



Any police force, in any country, are enemies of free men.

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bc3276  No.143031



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c3210d  No.144178

File: 89e2b646e95a6e7⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 333x500, 333:500, Germany_Problem_Morgenthau….jpg)

File: 710f89271e49b30⋯.png (160.47 KB, 960x545, 192:109, Germany_Must_Perish_Kaufma….png)

File: 9cf9d87b3faa296⋯.png (1.07 MB, 946x1278, 473:639, Germany_Hooton_Plan.png)

File: a75a3b984d3e27a⋯.png (190.7 KB, 800x499, 800:499, Germany_Europeans_Noel_Ign….png)

File: 2a6b994d8739256⋯.png (339.35 KB, 500x597, 500:597, _United_Nations_white_geno….png)

The other less known "Kalergi" plans.

I also bring you an article I found that is about the less

known other white geNOcide plans like Kalergi one designed

writed by jews after wwII to implement in Deuchland or

Europe in general, with no happy end for the White Race.

Plans like Hooton, Morgenthau, Kaufman and Kalergi were and

are part of (((NWOs agenda))) we must stop:



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9efcd3  No.162837

File: 74a8691a3309104⋯.jpg (55.03 KB, 800x582, 400:291, Flag_Israel.jpg)



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afdde3  No.187120

File: d02401e3db79831⋯.pdf (6.48 MB, TakingDownTheOfficialVersi….pdf)

Many videos of this thread have been posted, and someone

converted all the parts of these telegra.ph links: >>142407


Into some pdf files. Download them if you like on this site


Also I have found that pdf all combined into only one pdf

file like an ebook of 168 pages. I recomend to download it,

to print in a store and store it offline, if you like.

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afdde3  No.187121

Many videos of this thread have been posted, and someone

converted all the parts of these telegra.ph links: >>142407


Into some pdf files. Download them if you like on this site


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