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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 294e4b038d2f5b5⋯.png (86.75 KB, 827x761, 827:761, covidvector.png)

bca356  No.139492

how does the CDC and msm get away with reporting every day that niggers and spics are disease-ridden animals? seems like the anti-racist thing to do would be to cover up this fact but they've been running with it by blaming it on "structural racism". doesn't matter. the fact remains that niggers and spics are dirty and diseased.

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67967e  No.139494


Good. Maybe someday this will mean something.

I think it is time that people acknowledge that racial inbreeding is EXTREMELY detrimental to your immune system. If Whites don't fucking stop fucking subhumans (protohumans) they will die just like the protohumans will. There is a REASON why we call them protohumans, their immune systems are LESSER EVOLVED than Whites immune systems. We are the pinnacle of the entire planet and you shouldn't breed with things that are going to make you STUPID or WEAK.

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510728  No.139496

It's funny how they then try to deflect it to their social status and the like, but the point is, who cares? Whether it's because they're black or poor, if, by avoiding all minorities it ensures the mass populace doesn't get sick, does it matter what the cause was? No. It doesn't.

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f12367  No.139500

It doesn't mention the chinkees though and that may be the most important disease hot spot of all. Virtually all the SARS victimes were gooks and I'm still trying to figure out why there were so many dead in China and virtually nothing here unless you were in an old folks home and 80 years old or a gay man singing on Broadway.

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