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File: 216e0b9bfa60567⋯.png (994.42 KB, 655x1024, 655:1024, Untitled19_20200705235440.png)

6dfdb8  No.137354

The Captain want you to join the legion of Archangel Michael/Iron Guard/The Legionary movement

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559454  No.137392

Ok, how do we do this?

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933adf  No.137413

File: 978c92a0305953a⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2261x1380, 2261:1380, Uttar_Pradesh.jpg)

Lemme guess…afterwards we can support 'the cause' and become communist revolutionaries under the Fallen. Yep, no thanks…I am no 'fan' of the kleptocracy but I like jewish communism even less.

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0bc340  No.137453


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b635cf  No.137466


Sa traiasca Corneliu Zelea Codreanu!

Good man, kind of idealistic, but even so, I always loved his teachings.

One good thing his death entailed is that he didn't see his nation get raped into submission by kikes, he didn't get to know about the Pitesti experiment and even worse, what happened after communism fell.

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