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04f600  No.135691

Charting Pediatrics | Peter Hotez, MD, PhD: Physician-Scientist, Pediatrician, Advocate (S3:E17)


>16:45 timestamp

Lists 5 prominent vaxes and makers

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04f600  No.135692


Savi soff


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04f600  No.135694

What the fuck we gonna about this vax shit. I aint taken their poison.

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04f600  No.135699

Research Comms | DR PETER HOTEZ


>33:30 "compulsory vaxes" by law

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04f600  No.135709

Science for the People | #340 Mandatory Vaccination


What the enemy has planned

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8bb14f  No.135730


If you and everyone else don't kill jews, then yes, you and everyone else will be forced by their paid pets to take their poison.

Violence is what solves all problems. Not this glownigger bullshit of "endless preparation and optics".

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