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File: 5398e180773a910⋯.png (245.82 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200704_114946.png)

bcf530  No.135442

Today is the day you have all been waiting for. John Kennedy is announcing his run for president of 2024. You will have the next election cycle to decide for yourself on your support.

There is indeed a force which took over our country and made us all wage slaves to a corporate government. The Kennedy family has suffered great losses fighting against the system so much so that most of us today in the family don't talk about it publicly for fear of further damage. They will discredit and kill to protect their control, which is why we must take caution and wait for the right moment.

When our nation began, it started with freedom, and our loyalty is to preserving freedom. Pic related is the North Carolina bill of rights, written just after the declaration of independence and written before the first North Carolina constitution, making it its own document which supersedes the state constitution. Other states adopted bills of rights but North Carolina was one of the most based.

Once upon a time, all citizens were landowners. Taxes were completely voluntary and non-compulsatory. Certificates of Bastardy were not necessary since inheritance of land and property rights guaranteed citizenship. Once upon a time the people had all the guns and weaponry, and nobody was convicted of crimes by judge, it was a jury trial or nothing, preventing major abuse of power. We also primarily used gold and silver for money and we need a return to these founding principles.

The treaty of paris of 1783 relinquished all rights previously held by the king to the people, and this created our only true political system, memoryholed today so you forget your rights, and its called popular sovereignty.

All landowners were like kings, for all their property rights were of that of kings.

I only have so much time today, but ive been here a long time and it will all come to light. God bless us Americans, and God bless our freedom.

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7dbe88  No.135459

Fuck niggers.

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b9f112  No.135487

Anyone here landowners?

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9c9ab2  No.135488

File: 97177d8f19956dd⋯.png (28.02 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200704_152359.png)

Anyone here landowners?

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9c9ab2  No.135493

Anyone seen the tv show Yellowstone? Thoughts on property rights? Thoughts on natural rights? Anyone?

Pol always talked about buying an island, creating an ethnostate, etc. Anyone ever try for individual independence?

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7a64a7  No.135497


>John Kennedy

Literally who.

>Today is the day you have all been waiting for.

I haven’t been waiting for it.

>You will have the next election cycle


>They will discredit and kill to protect their control, which is why we must take caution and wait for the right moment.

There is no right moment. Either start killing jews or you have already lost for all eternity.

>When our nation began, it started with freedom, and our loyalty is to preserving freedom.

No, you have no fucking comprehension of what freedom is. You’re looking at libertarian bullshit.

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9c1d7f  No.135586


What country are you from that you don't know who the Kennedy's are?

Theres been a conspiracy over a year now regarding another kennedy run for president

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c6a50f  No.135729

File: 287c6741af58379⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 634x843, 634:843, 4975084_6267153_image_a_5_….jpg)

File: 733176bfde7a836⋯.jpg (107.35 KB, 634x911, 634:911, 4974744_6267153_image_a_4_….jpg)


Aha right, Vincent Fusca…that's JFK Jr with the glasses

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