The MSM has been exploding on these headlines since the Trayvon Martin shooting in 2012. In 2013, there were 5 major hate crimes and race controversies that year as well as the formation of the Black Lives Matter movement in response to the George Zimmerman verdict.
17-year-old schoolboy caught in plot to bomb school in racist attack
3 men viciously beat white US marine who intervened after they harassed a black kid in an attack that was caught on video.
Kendrick Johnson case
Boston marathon backlash: American Muslim Association mosque vandalized in Oklahoma City
Two Klansmen arrested in Death Ray plot to kill Obama
I don't have any statistics, but I believe they may have increased sharply since 2016/17. Whereas between 2012 - 15 they started to become popular and widely discussed in the mainstream media. There is another thread on here about black-on-white crime, and that seems to get ignored by the media at the large, especially when it's racially motivated. Personally, I appreciate and welcome these hate crimes. But that's just me. It seems that they're a lot more common in America than Europe.