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73fe73  No.132120

Other than the Bible, of course.

I've got City of God from Augustine. I've got some based books, see pic.

What books help the best to instill a Deus Vult mindset? If you would be captured by infidels and get burned, which book do you want to be holding while being burned?

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17e3d8  No.132122

No books can give what is attained inside oneself. I would thank my Goddess for presented suffering and fight until death with no regret.

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95c8e1  No.132144

File: f8e40f42701e7b0⋯.jpg (29.16 KB, 340x499, 340:499, 51oMiwK_jpL_SX338_BO1_204_….jpg)

File: 8abf69378af345b⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 450x338, 225:169, KareldeGoede.jpg)

That a great story. Thuggish barons murder their beloved count in church when he's unarmed in a coup d'etat and the people spontaneously arise against them. The thugs barricade themselves in the citadel and try to negotiate their way out. Galbert is an ecclesiastic and very well educated. For 1127 AD this reads like a modern account, full of rich detail and exciting narrative.

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