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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 28f8485d78d7e80⋯.jpg (295.93 KB, 720x522, 40:29, the_pieta_st_patricks_cath….jpg)

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9fb62b  No.131571

Do you find it odd that of you go to St. Patrick's Cathedral Catholic church on 5th avenue of new York City right next to Trump tower…

There are all these artistic statues everywhere and they place a knee bench before each one as a place where you can kneel down before the statue and pray.

It seems like some purposeful plan of spite to get people to literally now down before statues and pray to them, which is quite literally breaking the 2nd commandment:

"You shall not make yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them…"

It gave me an intuitive feeling like the leadership of the Catholic church has been infiltrated by devil worshippers that religiously hate God as much as they believe in his existence and have a vendetta to try to annoy him by doing sneaky shit like this.

It freaked me out. I've been to Catholic churches before but none like this where it was a museum of statues with a kneeling bench at the base of each one.

On top of it there was cameras everywhere like they have this goal of collecting evidence of Catholics breaking as many commandments as they possibly can by stealth. Creepy place, really.

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6b4aa6  No.131574

File: b7836f1876fff68⋯.jpg (104.45 KB, 450x600, 3:4, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: b716eb0f47a07b8⋯.jpg (301.19 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, alconeus.jpg)

File: e36b4f78405e366⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1537x1088, 1537:1088, pergamon.jpg)

If you're an insane semite religious fanatic of the Abrahamic religions this is indeed the case. But the Abrahamic religions are the abode of ugly old buggerbeard men that take the greatest pleasure in sticking their gnarly peckers in the tender bumholes of 10 year old boys, screaming in terror and pain. They love to smash and destroy beaufitul things. That's what they do. They buggerize little boys and smash works of art. That is why we must eradicate them from the face of the earth with neutron bombs.

Remember, all the beautiful statues and temples of antiquity that were destroyed weren't pulled down by invading barbarians. The barbarians loved those temples and statues. It was the work of the insane buggerbeard filthy unwashed religious fanatic madmen of the Christian faith and later of the muslim faith that did that. Big armies of monks tied ropes to the pillars and pulled them down. Those monks were in fact just cowardly draft dodgers that loved to riot in the streets where they were relatively safe rather than defend the borders of the Roman empire. They were filth, crawling with vermin.

Christianity and Islam are the evil bastard children of Judaism. They're all anti human evil cults. If Christianity has any good in it, it's the bits of paganism that were allowed to squeak back into it from antiquity despite the enraged buggerbeards crawling with lice.

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