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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 2500b59bbb26f09⋯.png (173.93 KB, 1488x2105, 1488:2105, get_organized.png)

36f741  No.131409

The chaos and destruction is not going to stop at niggers tearing down statues. Attacks have spread outward from urban areas into the suburbs, and without intervention by the authorities the rioters have become emboldened. It should be clear to all by now that the state has abandoned Whites to our fate, and that intervention is not forthcoming.

This propaganda is for distribution in White suburbs.

Whites must be convinced of the urgency of the situation, and must be motivated to form community groups and prepare for the next level of attack.

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9897df  No.131412

Op is coming for (you)s

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58e105  No.131416


Oh my god! What a nightmare! Really wish we had a specific machine that could highly injure a nigger in just one pull of a trigger! Oh well, too bad

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