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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: a06ee96e6c64c30⋯.png (1.15 MB, 910x1072, 455:536, obama_trump_beard_anomaly.png)

a29174  No.127894

Have these two been so careful with their public image, that they've never been caught in a picture with even a day's worth of beard stubble on their face?

Is it some kind of public image strategic power move, for your leading figure have an iconic unchanging look? Like Hitler or Stalin with their mustache. I don't even think any real pictures exist of them without a mustache.

Obama and Trump are sort of like the kings on the opposite sides of a political chessboard. Things like this make me wonder: how much of their public image is really left to the chances of off the cuff walk and talk?

What kind of tactics and technology might exist to allow the centers of these two political spheres of power to exert the most precise control over their most powerful players.

Holograms? Make-up artist perfected look-alikes? Robots?

What I wouldn't give to get a look behind the curtain of all this.


RELATED: What in the fuck is with all the camera flash cracking during the one press conference Obama and Trump gave together?


Are we back in the 1950's that cameramen need to break a light bulb in order to flash a picture?

I swear this video gives me such a strange feeling like they're cracking little babies necks in the background in order to try to get Trump is freak out on live camera, as some kind of game they play at the highest levels of the pyramid behind the curtain.

Fucking weird man.

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a29174  No.127896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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720fd2  No.127903


Maybe they don't grow facial hair very well. The camera shutters are odd given that silent cameras work, I think it would be funny if it was to annoy the president to see what reaction he would give.

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a29174  No.127928

File: e82c376eb16eefc⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, obama_trump_presser.png)


Right. Camera shutters, not flashes. Thank you.

Look at Trump's face in this screenshot of him at 1:48 during the presser.


Just the way Trump looks around the room at this point in the video, I see it in his eyes that he's seeing something horrific and doing his best to hold it all back.

Obama has some kind of reptile icy exterior that is repulsive.

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4c1445  No.127981

File: d30efecb8d9ad98⋯.png (892.46 KB, 1278x716, 639:358, lhr.png)

Laser Hair Removal to not accidentally cut yourself right before anyone taking a photo of you. When it comes to blacks they sometimes do it to their entire heads.

If rich people constantly do plastics, this shouldn't come out as surprise.

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58f7bb  No.127993

Because beards are for weak, ungroomed, uncivilized men.

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a2621d  No.128009


Why the fuck would anyone here care? Eat shit and die.



No one will ever believe you.

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72f1bf  No.128300


No US President has had facial hair since Taft in 1913. That's over 100 years of weak no hair pussy faces. Facial hair is the definition is masculinity and truly only the aryan man can grow proper facial hair. The mongoloid races, to include American Indians cannot grow full facial hair and neither can the negro. The jew's hair is curled and matted like sheep's wool and not proper for appearances. Only the white man can grow strong facial hair.

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720fd2  No.128439


This, haha, facial hair, especially true beards or mustaches (not stubble) are an indicator of masculinity. To not have it means you aren't really manly, you are still like a child in appearance (to some extent). Whites, especially non med whites, grow proper facial hair, but it seems arabs, chinks, blacks etc cant. Not even spics or for the most part indians.

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9fed8f  No.128443


To grow a beard, is human.

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359841  No.128510

File: 4b44dfe5b49b9c5⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 550x400, 11:8, obamawhiskers.jpg)


>Only the white man can grow strong facial hair.


>To grow a beard, is human.

We're not even talking about strong facial hair.

It takes what? 12 hours to grow a little bit of stubble?

So in the entire public lives of these people, especially Donald Trump, they never had a picture made public of them with stubble?

Even Obama, pic related, you can see the roots of the beard hair follicles, but with Trump you will never see even a single hair follicle.

Is it a strategy that they have people constantly on the internet and elsewhere on the lookout to remove any beard or stubble pictures of them?

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72f1bf  No.128536


He probably just got that shit lasered, dude. A lot of businessmen do it, especially in older age when they can't hold a razor as steadily or their skin begins to sag and wrinkle.

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d9a861  No.128616


>He probably just got that shit lasered

But that doesn't explain why there are no pics of him in his younger years with any kind of bears growth.

Or are you suggesting he got his beard lasered in his teenage years?

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72f1bf  No.128636


Probably did. Either that or he shaves twice a day. I've known guys who actually did that, or he just has slow hair growth and only shaves every morning. I don't know what to tell you. The dude just doesn't want to show himself with any facial hair.

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b920f2  No.128704

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8ab8b8  No.128779

File: 76b76faf16476f8⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 512x309, 512:309, unnamed.jpg)

File: 8e715f0b85c47c5⋯.png (646.74 KB, 1240x2306, 620:1153, us_presidents_beards.png)



>No US President has had facial hair since Taft in 1913

Is this true?

There exists no pictures of any sitting president since Taft, with a beard, not even before or after the presidency?

I went back as far as Gerald does and found nothing except one picture of bill Clinton pre presidency, with a beard.

This makes no sense to me. I get it during the presidency not having a beard, but how did thee guys all prepare to become president throughout their whole life by never being caught with a beard?

Some 1984 type shit is going on hereDon't give me that shit about they just shaved all the time.

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56eb05  No.128961

File: 5a8269d03411ac3⋯.jpg (179.2 KB, 1199x1439, 1199:1439, 020117_barack_michelle_oba….jpg)

Barry and his beard

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814e4a  No.129715


Because Trump's look is his Brand. And Obama is a nigger, they grow pubes on their chin.

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814e4a  No.129716


Spics look just like hadjis when they grow a beard. Fucking creepy.

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c1279f  No.129808

File: c8e2a6694a40d4f⋯.jpg (11.19 KB, 293x301, 293:301, 1466816822187.jpg)

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d1df9b  No.130119

theres this idea of what a politician should look like, probably thought up by some jewish think tank somewhere. One of them probably said "No facial hair" and they went along with it. I guarantee they shave everyday,

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05a454  No.130562



There's probably a transagenda behind this too. To feminize men and blur the gender lines. If the "most important" man in a country is beardless, that fact alone leaves an unconscious imprint in the minds of millions. Something like programming them.

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f11519  No.131621

File: 3ace7bfcc8ffde4⋯.jpg (32.04 KB, 600x401, 600:401, yes_you_got_that_right.jpg)


>There's probably a transagenda behind this


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