>"Everybody" is talking… (dismissive statement trying to look like it was arrived at organically, from his own experience, instead of the discouraging antichrist propaganda that it is.)
>Somehow has time to be here to blaspheme God.
Behold your enemy, America. The synagogue of Satan is not going to go down easy. The cancer has to be removed down to the last cell.
Even as they are descending into hell, they will be cursing the Lord Jesus Christ and dragging you with them, if they can.
Behold the ruins of your country that were once godly, and safe, and prosperous. Behold the results of listening to the reasoning of people devoid of good, and bereft of reason.
Behold the country where jackbooted police arrest you for misdemeanors, which is completely unconstitutional.
Behold the country where the laws are twisted to imprison the goyim while empowering the (((white slavers.)))
Behold a country where money is stolen from good people to pay criminals and sluts to breed.
And turn your back on the system that has been designed to separate you from all truth, reason, and good.
Since DARPA is too down-to-the-marrow corrupt to accept any ideas but those already chosen by its corrupt "who sodomized whom and pays the most for the privilege" system, I guess this is the place to publish new technologies and to advance science. It sure isn't anything that the Synagogue of Satan has its hooks into.
Why do wars grind on?
Because your overlords, which you have opened your arms wide for, eschewing the "bondage" of being a Christian, don't want you to WIN. They want to kill, steal, and destroy, and convince YOU to pay for it with your lives and with your treasure.
Vietnam could have been won in six months. If I showed you a map, you would realize it was true. Choke off the narrow part of the peninsula, not just Vietnam, but Cambodia and Laos. Prevent even an ox-cart from getting through, then having secured the South, leapfrog past the waist and clean up the middle. Continue all the way to Hanoi. Finished. SE Asia secured and not communist.
Then send in the missionaries to shoe people the truth, and that will inoculate the country from sliding into communism, even as it has South Korea.
Rifles. Effective if you relish wars lasting for years. Expand your thinking. This is not 1776.
The A10 gunship is one of the stupidest weapons platforms in the history of mankind. It's GREAT if you need to kill T-62's. When is the last time we faced a tank regiment?
So we use 30mm depleted-uranium slugs on PEOPLE? Why not go all the way up to 120mm slugs? Why not just drop three anvils from orbit?
The sheer audacity of the stupidity is overwhelming.
If you're going to strafe, then STRAFE. Mount five 50-caliber miniguns under each wing, plus a few along the fuselage. Ammo belts can feed from drums in the fuselage, or mounted above it. This isn't rocket science.
Heck, mount TEN 7.62 miniguns under each wing. That would provide a lot more area denial than swatting fleas with a steam hammer.
Oh, and our 1.3 million dollar cruise missiles we are using to destroy what? a 20 thousand dollar target?
Our Air Force is a farce. We could do a lot more in actual national defense with a lot more far-cheaper far-lower-tech planes that don't take ten man-weeks of primping for each day of mission time.
Artillery. Nothing has been made yet that is a very, very good deterrent or counter to a 2500 pound shell coming in at mach 3. So what did we do? Decommissioned our battleships, which can reach 50 miles inland with artillery, and replaced them with money-wasting cruise missiles that can be easily tracked and shot down.
Sniper rifles. Seriously?
a 100-YEAR-OLD cartridge is the zenith of all modern sniping technology?
I mean, America is so completely, utterly, totally retarded that they think the absolute last word in possible accuracy, carry-us-into-the-30th-century sniper rifle will use the .50 BMG cartridge?
As I said, cut out the cancer, and the organism can grow. Maybe the cancer can go live in Canceristan and enjoy fellow cancer cells.
DARPA needs to have all its leaders lined up and shot, because every last one of them is a complete traitor.