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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 7241525021ff758⋯.jpg (152.92 KB, 800x1149, 800:1149, Photo_of_John_D_Rockefelle….jpg)

99756d  No.126001

How are people still not connecting all the dots? It's all well documented.

Flexner Report of 1910.


Ill-Gotten Gains, The Rockefeller War on Drugs: How the Rockefellers turned the United States and other countries

into police states.


All documented. The root wasn't racism, they did use racism to rile up the country to agree to start this war on drugs so people would be forced to buy drugs from the government, they were pushing their patented synthetic pill model, then used the DEA to crush the competition.

We are free-range cattle to these people, given just enough grazing room to think we are free.

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