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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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ebe3ea  No.124402

Anyone willing to go destroy or start a campaign to get antifa and BLM to destroy the Georgia Guide stones?, we can sell It to them as it is a genuine symbol of oppression of all the free people on this earth. We need to send the NWO a message showing them we are not afraid and to also by destroying it, it will gain media interest of some sort and hopefully prompt a few individuals to do some digging into the sinister truth behind them. I don’t wanna come across as a radical wanting to destroy property but this I feel genuinely would be a benefit to humanity to make some noise and draw attention to the Cabal.



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a80fad  No.124407


No tripcode fag. You do it.

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124565  No.124418

>believing the Q LARP

>wanting niggers to destroy /ourguidestones/


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f5a778  No.124551

Pretty sure antifa agrees with killing off 7.5 billion humans which the "guide" stones advocate.

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f603ec  No.124831


>Judeo-Masonic tablets of Moses

>Unite humanity

Why not let them experience the improved diversity that they sought so much?

OP has a good idea, let's turn the golem against it's masters. Enlightenment was a mistake.

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edb3df  No.124867


We know who R.C. Christian is now, nigger.


"Guiding reproduction to improve diversity" is about preventing race-mixing and preserving biodiversity, not the jewish goal of mongrelization.

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3e931d  No.124921


>In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company

A pseudonym. So we still don't know who he is and most of the sites that bring up that name are conspiracy sites. How come only one site claims he's a white supremacist while (((wikipedia))) doesn't mention that at all?

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40b63e  No.124961


No, we definitely know it's him. Watch the documentary "Dark Clouds Over Elberton", they trick a guy who had a stroke into letting him see the computer case with the documentation in it.

>An Iowa physician, Herbert H. Kersten of Fort Dodge, reacted to my attack on those who attribute base sentiments to anyone who wants to solve America's problems first. He lulled me into dropping my guard. He said I correctly suggested it is not wrong to be patriotic.

>Then, wham! He threw in the incendiary names of Patrick Buchanan and David Duke, contending they are among the few public figures who speak for American interests "in this new era of internationalism." Duke, he said as my skin crawled, "voices many beliefs held by reasonable Americans. It is unfortunate that more acceptable public figures are not pushing similar views."

>The rest of Dr. Kersten's letter supported protection of American workers, criticized job quotas and outlined why he thinks there should be strict limits on immigration – because our environment, work force and education system can't absorb more people. He urged America to help other nations to help themselves, but not to shoulder the world's burdens.


The Georgia Guidestones are WHITE and REDPILLED.

If you actually want to stick it to ZOG, redpill the negros about the Leo Frank memorial.

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f603ec  No.124971


>(((Freemasons and Rosicrucians)))

>Wanting to keep world population under 500M

>Still want to keep niggers and other subhumans around for the sake of diversity

>Muh grass

>"Protect" nations by forcing them to accept our judeo-masonic retardation

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7d44c0  No.124979


They were definitely part of my inspiration for European ONLY Ethnoglobalism.

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c09848  No.125017


white and red pilled with the message translated in hebrew on the stones?

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f603ec  No.125105


Based and Masonpilled

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