No, we definitely know it's him. Watch the documentary "Dark Clouds Over Elberton", they trick a guy who had a stroke into letting him see the computer case with the documentation in it.
>An Iowa physician, Herbert H. Kersten of Fort Dodge, reacted to my attack on those who attribute base sentiments to anyone who wants to solve America's problems first. He lulled me into dropping my guard. He said I correctly suggested it is not wrong to be patriotic.
>Then, wham! He threw in the incendiary names of Patrick Buchanan and David Duke, contending they are among the few public figures who speak for American interests "in this new era of internationalism." Duke, he said as my skin crawled, "voices many beliefs held by reasonable Americans. It is unfortunate that more acceptable public figures are not pushing similar views."
>The rest of Dr. Kersten's letter supported protection of American workers, criticized job quotas and outlined why he thinks there should be strict limits on immigration – because our environment, work force and education system can't absorb more people. He urged America to help other nations to help themselves, but not to shoulder the world's burdens.
The Georgia Guidestones are WHITE and REDPILLED.
If you actually want to stick it to ZOG, redpill the negros about the Leo Frank memorial.