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File: ef72d44f8ca255d⋯.jpeg (13.86 KB, 474x223, 474:223, TGSNT.jpeg)

68312d  No.123217[Last 50 Posts]

You incessant fucking newfags, you do not belong here if you haven't watched TGSNT


Then watch Europa The Last Battle


Also you older cunts needs to spread TGSNT allot more like in 2014. I don't care if you're crying about jewtube removing the one with 8million views years ago. Keep pushing it across all platforms.

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a3eb0d  No.123619


Please. It's so full of shit I'm convinced (((they))) made it just to put a bunch of shit into vulnerable white boys heads to embarass them when they try and express themselves.

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68312d  No.123699

File: 625e86e0df39e06⋯.jpg (40.16 KB, 600x693, 200:231, 74567456.jpg)


>Please. It's so full of shit I'm convinced (((they))) made it just to put a bunch of shit into vulnerable white boys heads to embarass them when they try and express themselves.

JIDF must have some really young new recruits

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f34234  No.123701


Can't even name one thing wrong with it, huh?

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68312d  No.123708

Honestly it should just be a sticky. Many wouldn't even be here if not for TGSNT

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23c777  No.123725

It's a beautiful movie.

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f34234  No.123777


took the entire world to bring him down. he was nearly unstoppable.

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a69e39  No.123781

If I recall correctly, this movie beat Schindler's list for the best picture oscar.

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3d6759  No.123836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler

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73e79a  No.123910

File: 129651b57983358⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 390x241, 390:241, hitlerkiss.gif)

It's way too long though. The first 2 hours about Hitler are great, but after that it turns into an overlong, History Channel tier documentary about WW2 complete with side stories about various war figures and events, etc. Good info but totally off subject of Hitler. It needs to be severely edited down, and arguably even edited into two different films, one about Hitler and the other about all the WW2 shit. Great effort though, and we need many more such projects, just gotta tighten shit up.

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68312d  No.123934


> History Channel tier documentary about WW2

That's kind of a low jab. History channel stopped doing ww2 docs 20 years ago and it was mostly anti axis. Now its full retard ayylmaos and swamp people.

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73e79a  No.123938


I know, but back in the day it was called the "Hitler Channel." I know it's just another reality TV network now, but still, to stay on topic AHGS does go too far off the rails away from Hitler into the military/strategic war history stuff that doesn't relate to the man himself, who I feel should have been the main focus. It also just makes the movie too long and unfocused in general so it's hard to introduce it to a friend or something because it's six damn hours. It's a great effort but IMO flawed on some levels.

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cc334d  No.123987

Do you recommend reading any literature before watching either of these videos? I want to understand as much as possible.

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44e06d  No.124004


It's actually not that good. There are some good leads to follow up on, but it's more like counter-propaganda, rather than good historiography.

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44e06d  No.124005


Just read Richard Tedor's book "Hitler's Revolution" (buy or dl from library genesis) and forget about watching this documentary. It should take about the same amount of time, too.

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68312d  No.124148



I did both. Both are good.

TGSNT is a better propaganda tool. The book covers things the film does not, but its a book.


Why is it counter propaganda? What parts of it were false?

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5ad0c3  No.124164


Ahem … butthurt triggered SJWs … I said:

It's a borinig movie about a sad little man who failed at literally everything he tried. YAWN.

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d55d7e  No.124187


>Jim Condit Jr.


Listen to any of his debates. He got BTFO so badly he backed out of a scheduled follow up.

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68312d  No.124857

If anything, if everyone has already seen TGSNT which they should have if they are here, they should watch Europa next

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7f3557  No.124873


E:TLB has dis (and mis) information in it, as well. But at least it's narrated, because normalfags aren't going to sit for six hours and READ shit. They have to be force-fed it.

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c5f017  No.124875


>they should watch Europa next

Where can you watch it? google returns nothing but garbage.

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89b5a2  No.124882


Why the fuck are you using ✡Google✡ for anything?


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68312d  No.124885


I think a normal person would just chop a movie up into segments to watch. Most sites already chop it up into 30min segments anyway.


Definitely not the OP, don't even read it. Try ebaulmsworld or newgrounds w/ adobe flash

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c5f017  No.124887


I'm not, it's just easier to say and understand than naming some obscure search engine or trying to use other words.

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6aee11  No.125535


I want to thank you for offering this information. I began watching TGSNT yesterday and finished, and am now on part 5 of Europa. I also want to say that even though I never blindly believed what the media said, I was shocked to see and hear the extent to which (( they )) control the world and the horrors they have afflicted upon it. I promise you that I will continue to search for truth and encourage others to do so as well.

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68312d  No.135098


and people say not to spam this places

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824574  No.135288


There are a couple of annoying errors in it. For example, it espouses the common belief that Hitler chose the colours on the Nazi flag because of some psychological insight into how bold colours rouse people to action. In reality, he chose black, white, and red because those were the traditional colours of Imperial Germany which represented the greatest unification of the German people in history up until that point. This information is not hard to find in primary sources (e.g. Germany Speaks) so it's disappointing it wasn't sufficiently well-researched.

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b412d1  No.135359

Maybe you should stop calling us fags?

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530ea2  No.135362

Maybe you should stop calling us fags?

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a8ebc2  No.135512


<kikel forgets he's no longer at the TPUSA conference

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588f7a  No.135514


Truth of muchness.

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734801  No.140499

File: ee5d76f274a4311⋯.jpg (48.79 KB, 640x713, 640:713, 1578054903440.jpg)

It's a powerful documentary BECAUSE it also appeals to emotion, if you are a brainwashed zogbot emotion is the only thing that gets through to you. Do the acted parts feel a bit off? yes but theres enough actual footage inbetween to make this documentary series a respectable collection. And even if you are not 100% convinced about everything presented it at the very least makes you question your learned and taught goyledge about WW2.

Excpet the intro which is super cringy it's an overall decent documentary and the german ethnics in poland stories as well as the woman talking about how the germans were like angels and chivalrous beings who saved them from the communists hit people hard in the feels.

Also painting hitlers ambition to show the germans a new way of life how to be healthy, how to be strong, how to stand up for each other, it really makes people feel like "maybe hitlers wasn't so bad after all". The SS Koran was pretty kek too.

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3381a6  No.140502


>hitlers ambition to show the germans …

how to lose a war against an inferior enemy


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734801  No.140529

>birtish and french, the two largest empires in the world

>US, the ultimate oil/arms supplier

>Soviets with an endless manpowerpool

>inferior enemy

inb4 "so are you saying germans weren't the superior race?"

or "why did he start the war then?"

watch the documentary you faggot

>>140502 here's a (You)

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bde99b  No.140533


>samefag responding to himself in a quantum counter-sage 4D bump

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47d177  No.140780

100 White men forming a no-go zone is better than a million White men watching a video

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b56ec6  No.140800


If you haven't read Mein Kampf yet then you are doing it wrong.

Mein Kampf is a beautifully written book about Hitlers life and points of view. He was a brilliant man with an enormous capacity for compassion and love. It's a life changing book.

'Hitler's Revolution', by Richard Tedor is also a good book, and shorter than Mein Kampf.

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3369d2  No.140818



At least the anti-axis documentaries contained real footage of the European theater.

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3284b0  No.142260

File: 362d10716bb8594⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 4000x4000, 1:1, Trump4DJewLaws.jpg)


That has nothing to do with the information presented. He does use real footage mixed in with clips from movies and other documentaries. You want 6 hours of war footage you have seen before? Fuck off faggot back to the donald

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11f8a5  No.144897


>you do not belong here if you haven't watched TGSNT

fuck off. /pol/ was never about hitler worship. go start a board /thirdreich/, /neonazi/ or /isuckhitlerscock24-7/

we all know u are a paid agent here to subvert freethinkers into the useful pigeon hole of neo-nazism.

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9430a3  No.144900


Fun fact, you autistic piece of shit quoting a pro-communist film: if you kill all white men, you kill every idea that could ever come exclusively from a white brain. In other words, you end the whole of human civilization and doom the world to billions of subsapient apes destroying the ecosystem until nothing can live ever again.

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9430a3  No.144901


/pol/ was never about Hitler worship, but neither was it about the jewish hoax of neo-nazism. If you’re not an actual national socialist (or EQUIVALENT ideology), why are you even here?

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78f567  No.145027

File: 3b4a00ea3d1091a⋯.jpg (334.69 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, subversion.jpg)


You're the kind of low IQ retard who would attack Hitler for co-opting commie symbols. Kill yourself, faggot.

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9430a3  No.145086


>too retarded to comprehend what was said

>defending white genocide

wew lad

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19e2b7  No.148253

File: 9cc9ef3f064a503⋯.jpg (25.74 KB, 405x359, 405:359, 1522250474930.jpg)

Guise, I am surveying the ten part vidya "Euopa: The Last Battle". It is breddy gud. Too hard to find. In part four, there is a long passage on nature read by Matthew Heimbach that ought to be recast by another narrator. The passage is great, the imagery is great; but Heimbach fugg his mother in law and go directly to gaol. He live there now. Not very Orthodox. Not very Fash. Part four is ruined. I don't believe in personal armies or anything, but whomstever made this vidya ought to refresh that section in part four with another reader. Possibly an Eco-Fash who is in the public sphere.

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21f80e  No.148271


Found the kike trying to impress his team lead at the office.

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c628e3  No.150119


I do wonder if there are any legitimate criticisms of it. Obviously this (1) post shill is either a kike or bait posting but it's important to remain critical and devoted to truth. There isn't a large amount of pro-Hitler and pro-NatSoc content out there so it's understandable why this documentary is held in such high regard but I feel there is an abysmally low amount of fact checking done on it.

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c628e3  No.150123


The lack of responses to this are unsettling as well

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792da1  No.150134

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This Man single-handedly survive muster gas, walk through no mans zone, faced down a hale of gunfire, preach for the good spirit of people, turn debt to growth, put value in the everyday mans pocket with no chained extortion through underhandedness but with an open hand. Ein VOLK, ein REICH, ein FUHR… SEIG HEIL!!

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47808b  No.150264


Dude is it really worth six hours of my time? I've caught small clips here n there but six hours that's tough for me.

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3872f7  No.150331

File: 41ce9c49a83ff14⋯.png (704.54 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, AB321CED_63D3_4AE4_BBB9_E3….png)

File: b5a6a3e62abfb82⋯.jpeg (726.2 KB, 828x1345, 828:1345, 0AF6BB57_493E_4250_9ABA_4….jpeg)

File: 739ac68b798c509⋯.jpeg (471.18 KB, 828x1339, 828:1339, E342ECA9_A956_4F87_A119_D….jpeg)

File: 4386f04799389d0⋯.jpeg (624.54 KB, 828x1445, 828:1445, 0DF0A967_8D77_48EB_9594_1….jpeg)

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bd26be  No.150450


Thank you for this post. I've been going through the series and am currently on part 6. As far as I can tell it's a very accurate description of the events that happened. A deeper dive into Weimar Germany would have helped to set the stage I think.

The person who put the series together definitely seems trustworthy to me. I'll be watching the other stuff they put together too.

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3872f7  No.150714

File: 88c909c41af3fdc⋯.jpeg (57.08 KB, 301x1024, 301:1024, 371A4CA1_5721_4ED3_82B6_0….jpeg)

File: deb689c4ad741b0⋯.jpeg (46.29 KB, 582x268, 291:134, 82D57AA8_D122_409B_BC94_F….jpeg)

File: 67ddfe558c8d1e8⋯.jpeg (270.99 KB, 1000x755, 200:151, 3D89506B_C2DE_4869_8987_6….jpeg)

File: 0345fd2151755ec⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB, 648x648, 1:1, 54B5AF90_816A_43FB_8626_9….jpeg)

File: 484d9e8469c53bb⋯.jpeg (731.6 KB, 757x978, 757:978, CBD7B425_710B_4836_A869_9….jpeg)

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9c47ca  No.150718

If this film is still allowed on a site anywhere, it's a fucking trap.

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26221b  No.150849

File: b8cfeca28354f1c⋯.jpg (862.11 KB, 1439x1447, 1439:1447, Screenshot_20200812_185728….jpg)


How can anyone argue with this film.

There have been literally Trillions that have gone into the lie and opposition to NatSoc and you idiots are nitpicking the one film you have

Jesus. Look around, were DROWNING in anti-white anti fascist propaganda and your complaining one life raft isn't the right color …


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cc7ed4  No.150852


Nah, Bitchute does allow controversial topics, as long as you don't openly make death threats or post CP you can pretty much mirror anything there. It's a great site, but full of normies too.

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723cd0  No.150902


There's actually a fuckton of documentary torrents on 1337x.to including AHGSNT, Battlefield Europa, etc. Also Bitchute isn't cucked or compromised, it's just what youtube was 10+ years ago. As long as you don't put any violent threats or obvious fucked shit they let it stay up. I actually recommend it as a good alternative to jewtube because it is growing exponentially these days are more and more creators get banhammered by the kikes and move to Bitchute, taking their audiences with them. A lot of youtubers are doing both youtube and bitchute channels simultaneously as well, possibly in case they get fucked by youtube.

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26221b  No.150917


Bitchute is a workable option, however it's links are banned from Twitter.


Another option is

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36c482  No.150925


>painting hitlers ambition to show the germans

how to walk into a bar, pick a fight with 5 of the meanest looking motherfuckers in there, give your sister's address to make amends, then turn tail and bounce real quick like.

ftfy shill.

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1b818a  No.150979

File: 6080cbf61c726a9⋯.webm (3.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Heil_Trump_With_YouTube_C….webm)

Time is a flat circle.

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3872f7  No.151027

File: a7ff5bd9c43dea0⋯.jpeg (65.78 KB, 567x567, 1:1, 4C822880_17D1_4A57_9DA5_8….jpeg)

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0876c4  No.151426

The last time I tried watching this on BitChute, the site kept crashing.

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3872f7  No.151443

File: 6d429676c1a062d⋯.jpg (88 KB, 600x604, 150:151, _our_reichiseternal.jpg)

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3872f7  No.151444

File: d7df0b72ef55067⋯.png (186.41 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1597158245642.png)

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f7e739  No.151454


There was a channel there called "Black Crimes Matter" which had a pretty big following showcasing niggers in action. Bitchute responded by shutting it down in marking the channel NSFW which deleted and disabled all comments. Bitchute are definitely not our friends.

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eb4a11  No.151855

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7127b4  No.151917


I miss Old8's stickie'd primer.

That thing was great, like an

informative sword of Damocles

presiding over the catalog.

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5dc431  No.161238

File: e939c302e710c59⋯.jpg (230.25 KB, 992x655, 992:655, nadlerjew.jpg)


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862a84  No.161241

I tried to send that documentary to my girlfriend on messenger

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af775b  No.161247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<-- I want to march through the streets with my fellow channers, with this song blaring in the background.

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a52b9f  No.161254



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5dc431  No.161811

File: bd68289b6451cd2⋯.png (184.34 KB, 1005x512, 1005:512, natsoc_pol_.png)

File: c2e2edd145ef928⋯.jpeg (2.4 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, april202020.jpeg)

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c13d9c  No.161856


Good point TBH. Thing is who made this film and who paid for it? Has that been chased down?

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c13d9c  No.161860


I would use bitchute exclusively… If only there was a way to play their shit on a phone with the screen off…

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379370  No.161873


Its basically a documetary version of the book "MS King -Bad War", and that one has an entire chapter dedicated to fact checking.

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4ddcf2  No.164611

File: 023653be66eed1b⋯.jpg (3.7 MB, 7592x5780, 1898:1445, berlinnsdap.jpg)

File: 80f169770651ba8⋯.jpg (26.57 KB, 564x423, 4:3, schwarzsonneblacksun.jpg)

“audentes Fortuna iuvat.”

- Virgil, Aeneid 10.284

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c2b7b4  No.164623



His name was Cannon Hinnant.

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1ebbf8  No.164629

Meanwhile, the c IGNOR hinese mods won't permit a thread revealing that m.asks don not work. Thom Tillis wore his m.ask to the Rose Garden nomination. But he got COVID anyway. Because m.asks don't work.

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9430a3  No.164631


We have had a virus sticky thread for EIGHT MONTHS. All virus content goes in the sticky thread. Your post, in fact, is reposted in the sticky thread. Shut the fuck up about it and post virus content there. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp.

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c2b7b4  No.164635

File: fa547585fcf65c7⋯.png (679.08 KB, 667x740, 667:740, 1437669382404.png)


t. rulecuck

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9430a3  No.164637


>wow my spam thread was deleted how dare you

Expect zero support, dipshit.

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c2b7b4  No.164639

File: 08d4ff42b4cce4b⋯.jpg (64.44 KB, 580x348, 5:3, 1434828806343.jpg)


nice reaction, cumskin

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51cb79  No.164993

File: d1f3fd930c6ee2a⋯.webm (7.67 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hitler_decay_of_western_c….webm)

File: 8ed5c9e013a35ae⋯.webm (7.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, hitler_describes_current_….webm)


>You incessant fucking newfags, you do not belong here if you haven't watched TGSNT

Not a newfag, but, in their defense, if they're new they probably haven't even HEARD of TGSNT. You're doing them a service by providing the link, but you can't shit on Eskimos for not knowing about palm trees.

>Here's a couple of vids to contribute to newfag knowledge

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37ed3c  No.166780

File: af4dba17d3a88a4⋯.png (182.16 KB, 488x600, 61:75, SaveThePlanet.png)

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37ed3c  No.166831

File: 3cf3651ce5b6ac1⋯.png (34.94 KB, 233x217, 233:217, CRYING.png)

The way you know this is a good documentary is how it makes the kikes seethe so much.

ITT: pic related

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7d9049  No.182875


Lads this movie makes me angry and sad. I haven't made it without raging yet,

Bastards. Bloody bastards. We really owe them a genocide to match their trashy perverse fantasies.

It would be the highest poetic justice if they were to be on the receiving end of their torture porn; their guilt propaganda.

It falls upon our shoulders to make their dreams come true.

I'm doing my part !

I know you all are too.

To victory.

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e8abf3  No.187782


finally,..i couldn't find the right documentary anywhere!!

you'd be surprised how many films are actually named"Europa

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