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File: 6c53297bca1b96c⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1512x1207, 1512:1207, ClipboardImage.png)

3e4331  No.122896[Last 50 Posts]

Mark Miley, seing opportunity to obey his real masters, strikes out at Trump instead of not going on the walk and just keeping his mouth shut.

What kinds of photos and videos does the Epstein Cabal have on him? Why don't they seem to have even ONE of Trump diddling any whores? Could it be because he didn't play with any Lolitas?

One thing I like about a crisis. It gives closeted pedovores a chance to out themselves.

I wonder how long it will take before photos of him in some of his extracurricular activities surface.

As usual, Trump surfs over the waves of hate sponsored by the enemies of the USA.

What do we know about Geneeral Miley Cyrus?

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97beb2  No.122900

Don't give this thread the time of day.

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b9fe47  No.122913

File: 5e8c4f834fac883⋯.jpg (85.82 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 5e8c4f834fac8832be6b1071c2….jpg)

File: fe15e71365bae6e⋯.jpg (190.32 KB, 999x754, 999:754, 67aae7001abca9aa315d5de06d….jpg)

File: 7bfde6f8da6f657⋯.png (220.88 KB, 814x898, 407:449, Adelson_Trump_Esther.png)

File: 7b59709b193bb6c⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 1894x9050, 947:4525, Sheldon_Adelson_Sees_a_Lot….jpg)

File: a9ad4860df951be⋯.png (468.05 KB, 744x751, 744:751, approval_Israel.png)


>Why don't they seem to have even ONE of Trump diddling any whores?

What makes you say that?

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9cbbc6  No.122962


this his son-in-law is a kike

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9cbbc6  No.122963


his daughter even converted.

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9a6747  No.122968

It is curious that many in the Pentagon have decided to side with the cucks. This must really be messing up the carefully fabricated narratives of a Qanon cultist. What great leader in history would allow his generals to speak this way about him? None. Which is why you know the POTUS is a figurehead at best and a puppet at worst.

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61a4be  No.122974


> Trump enemy comes out of the closet.

They're civnats, there never was a closet

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2b455d  No.122977


Trump is just a punching bag, like the WWE villain who kicks a puppy only to get beaten up by the designated hero. Just like past right wing figureheads, like Thatcher or Reagan, he will only ever act as a pacifier to the grassroots right.


The QAnon faggots have long since given up on consistency and rationality. They live in an unfalsifiable narrative bubble. Trump could go on TV right now and say he was a jewish puppet this whole time, and within seconds there'd be walls of text saying "it's a clever ruse, trust the plan, he's got the deep state right where he wants them!"

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a7e39c  No.122978


>trump enemy

We’re all Trump enemies here. What the fuck is your point?

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3e60a0  No.123090


Before the plastic surgery she was so ugly I'm sure she's jewish. My guess she's a genetic jew and the conversion was a formality.

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d37705  No.123117

File: f4a869ccd4cb8f8⋯.webm (962.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, f4a869ccd4cb8f8afe233f1c7….webm)


I still give Trump the benefit of the doubt politically, but to my knowledge all of his kids, except Barron, had a jewish mother.

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fe4dd1  No.123429


It really presents the opportunity for the CivNats to take control. Usurp the Executive Branch, Dismiss the Legislative and Judicial Branches while being hailed as heroes by Leftist Mobs (Drumf Sucks) then build a new Goverment with the Joint Chiefs as the Executive, the Senate elected by those that have served (Starship Troopers), a House for all the people and without Banks, Corporations and Billionaire puppeteers running a sham Democracy behind the scene.

/pol/ is actually fucking close to getting what it wants , National Socialism albeit with diversity, multiculturalism and other leftist virtue signaling by the New Military Oligarchy

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0174e8  No.123456



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8e144d  No.123459



You identify yourselves by your focus on banality, petty gossip, attacking with lies, etc. etc.

The Synagogue of Satan may have its fingers everywhere, but those fingers are going to be pulled out. THAT is what this world war is about. Satan is finite. God is not.

In spite of all your efforts, Jesus was still born, as foretold.

In spite of all your efforts, Jesus defeated you, as foretold.

In spite of all your efforts, you will be driven out from before the face of men, even as you were from before the face of God.

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a7e39c  No.123462


>you’re a jew if you don’t worship the ZOG emperor


You have a containment board for your jewish spam. No one here supports Trump. Do not post pro-Trump content here.


>identical spam from a different IP address

You have a containment board for your jewish spam. No one here supports Trump. Do not post pro-Trump content here.

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8e144d  No.123480


>Do not post pro-Trump content here.

I think you have this mistaken for your dark pedo rape basement livestream where you usually hang out with @jack.

Everyone who isn't paid to be here supports Trump. You're in the wrong territory, shill.

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a7e39c  No.123483



This isn’t the_donald. No one here supports your ZOG emperor. You don’t seem to comprehend what this place is. Go back to your containment board. Trump is a race traitor.

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8e144d  No.123487


Don't you have a containment board on the NAMBLA website in the "premium content" section?

Everyone here supports Donald Trump but the homopedos. You are outing yourself. Thanks for doing so

Also, sage negated, faggot.

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a7e39c  No.123490


0/10; you’re not even a funny shill.

* List one thing the ZOG emperor has ever done for whites.

* List one thing the ZOG emperor has ever done against non-whites.

* List one thing the ZOG emperor has ever done against jews specifically.

* List one thing the ZOG emperor has ever done to enforce the constitution.

* List one thing the ZOG emperor has ever done to punish those who violate the constitution.

You won’t reply.

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8e144d  No.123494


Here's an assignment for you:

Provide solid, evidentiary proof that there were six trillion people gassed, burned, hung, shot, uh, whatever else at that one Murder the Jews camp.

Show us how the Federal Reserve has done any good for America.

Explain why the white race has made all the best countries to live in, that your owners have felt duty-bound to flood with rapefugees, etc.

Toddle off, kiddo. Bring your findings back.

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a7e39c  No.123499


>refuses to reply, because he knows everything he believes is a lie and he’s paid to say otherwise

>does exactly as he’s told by his owners

>oy vey the holocaust happened therefore trump gas jews lol i win

Yep, thanks.


This isn’t the_donald. No one here supports your ZOG emperor. Trump is a race traitor. Every action he has taken in his entire life has been against white people. This is not a board for Trump.

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8e144d  No.123501


Refuses to reply because those are the Holy Grails of the Synagogue of Satan:

That sixty quadrillion people were murdered per second in one campfire stove in one Murder Camp

The Federal Reserve, which seems to be coming, more and more, under direct control of the US government.

Write a treatise on both, Captain Shekel.

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a7e39c  No.123541


>refuses to reply

Yes, you did. You refused to explain why you support the ZOG emperor after he publicly called for white genocide. You refused to explain why you support the ZOG emperor when he gives tens of billions to jews for the sake of the holocaust, which he worships. You have absolutely no explanation for why you are posting in favor of Trump here.



You have a containment board for your jewish spam. No one here supports Trump. Do not post pro-Trump content here.

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4e2880  No.123587


Unfortunately this. Qniggers will unironically support WW3 and mass immigration because too them it’s trusting the plan. No sense of standards with them

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97beb2  No.123597


> /pol/ is actually fucking close to getting what it wants , National Socialism albeit with diversity, multiculturalism and other leftist virtue signaling by the New Military Oligarchy

That's not what we want.

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54b40e  No.123717


Well l, Gas Chambers and Deportations ain’t happening.

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46acf3  No.123720

File: 2104fc95c956e9b⋯.png (775.29 KB, 1041x738, 347:246, Roy_Cohn_The_Original_Dona….png)

File: 30ae6ba550f987e⋯.png (397.84 KB, 1027x722, 1027:722, Cohn_Newhouse_Permindex.png)

File: bc8e59180eeba22⋯.jpg (82.9 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Roy_Cohn_Pedo_1.jpg)

File: 9c644b3045bf98d⋯.jpg (127.65 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Roy_Cohn_Pedo_2.jpg)

File: 597a75e02ed9881⋯.jpg (116.84 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Roy_Cohn_Pedo_3.jpg)


>Everyone here supports Donald Trump but the homopedos


Trump's mentor was Roy Cohn, you brainless nigger.

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97beb2  No.123727


Dissolution will.

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63a6cf  No.124034

File: e204345ae73300d⋯.gif (791.96 KB, 616x900, 154:225, Kushner.gif)


>List one thing the ZOG emperor has ever done for whites.

I agree Trump has been a huge disappointment but he did do one thing; he got rid of the TPP. That's it. And mind you that was a lot. In 2012 I was reading about the TPP with deep dread and I was very depressed that stopping it was impossible. And then Trump came along and stopped it. Amazing. Well he didn't build the wall, he's kicked the door wide open to H1B Habib and he's even saying Ann Coulter is just a crazy old bag. Fuck him I guess. I dunno. It's all so sad.

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b73f76  No.124041


hard to believe the jews have the influence over the US that people think they do if they are on the verge of staging a coup to get rid of him.

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17cd9b  No.124348


Trump served a good purpose and was worth the effort we put into him. If nothing else he pissed off and turned a bunch of smug, better than you, intellectual, poised and proper douchebags that we were so used to seeing on TV critiquing Bush (another douche) then praising Obama into a bunch of foaming from the mouth retards. Trump has generated more lulz than any….anyone ever. The clown world craziness would’ve been subtlety slipped into our lives instead of exposed for what it really is without Trump. Finally, last but not least, Trump proved that there is battling groups of elites in the country, multiple syndicates with changing allegiances and not just one homogeneous group that we all believed. Yeah, Trump is still ZOG and we are no where near eliminating the Bank, Corporation, Billionaire Puppeteers wrapped around a MilitaryIndustrialComplex system of Government so I’m ready for the military Coup and bring on the Starship Troopers stylized government if it eliminates the above faggotry in the country.

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a7e39c  No.124453



No, he didn’t even get rid of that. It exists with a different acronym. He managed absolutely nothing, because he’s a jew puppet and always has been.

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63a6cf  No.124479

File: 3f6f433ce29fa59⋯.png (268.37 KB, 500x1217, 500:1217, trump_china.png)


>No, he didn’t even get rid of that. It exists with a different acronym. He managed absolutely nothing, because he’s a jew puppet and always has been.

You're wrong; the secretive TPP courts rulings which would have taken precedence over the congress, the executive and even the Supreme Court have not come into effect as they would have under Hillary. Trump stopped the TPP and has incited a trade war with China. We're in the middle of that war right now, thus the chaos.


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495a78  No.124488

Mark Miley is a warhawk. If Hillary won the election America would have nuked Iran by now for Israel.

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0ca366  No.124492


okay but can you not redditspace and use wikipedia that also uses reuters as a source and use an ifunny watermarked image?

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ca794d  No.124525


For fuck's sake, you have a containment board.


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637ade  No.124569

File: 3a6c1a39f180b7d⋯.jpg (156.5 KB, 1369x1183, 1369:1183, smugmaid.jpg)

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63a6cf  No.124608


I've never been into Q at all. He's as much of a waste of time as Nostradamus.

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3c619a  No.124653



Remember, everyone, the word "redditspace®" is in the NAMbLA handbook of things to say to Loose Tha Faggots onto a thread to shit it up

Also, in the same handbook: redditspacing.™

The Synagogue of Satan uses it as a massively clever buzzword and "dog whistle of cleverness.©"

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81e228  No.124655


No, aggressive homosexual pedophile (oops, I just made a redundancy) Qresearch is a place to keep shrieking faggots like YOU out. Unlike San Francisco, the STRAIGHT people who prefer heterosexual sex with a consenting adult can go wherever we please.

You have a containment place. Sodom and Gomorrah.

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d0a932  No.124657


>homosexual pedophile


Don't make me go over there and show you how heterosexual pedophilia can be, last time you were all begging ron to save you and there was nothing he could do to stop me.

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571a5e  No.124665


Is that you, John Podesta?

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d0a932  No.124668

File: 73063fce9ca290b⋯.webm (4.85 MB, 960x540, 16:9, horny.webm)


I'm whatever boogeyman you want me to be

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571a5e  No.124671

Let's do some math.

1 percent of the population. That's one person per 100.

Average victim count: 160 per homosexual pedophile.

Number of homosexual pedophiles in the general pedo pop: 58 percent.

Since pedos make up 1 percent of the population, and homosexuals, who are also, by a strange coincidence, also one percent of the population make up 58 percent of pedos, that means that 0.58 pedos per unit of 100 population has 0.58X160 victims, which is 92.8 victims of homosexual pedophilia per 100 adults.

In other words, for every one homosexual in your city, there will be one child molested, roughly.

So, to cut down the number of children molested by roughly 10,000, you need to just eliminate 10,00 homosexuals from the population.

How about a containment board, like in San Francisco, where every single vehicle or box of freight was, of course, dismantled down to the cubic centimeter to make sure to reduce the influx of child porn and actual children?

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571a5e  No.124672


Shouldn't this be a leading headline in combating child sex trafficking?

Fewer homosexuals equals fewer homosexual rapes, which leads to even FEWER homosexuals, because 66 percent of adult homosexuals remember being raped by a homosexual. That is how they reproduce, by raping innocent young boys and injecting their filthy perversion and the demons that go with it in directly.

They need to be isolated from everyone else and go fluorish and thrive in a city of their own. Perhaps we can build them one on Bikini Atoll.

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571a5e  No.124681


Can you show some homosexual crime statistics?

Also, sage negated.

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1f83ae  No.124683


Not a chance in hell those figures are accurate, same thing happened with the gays being grossly underrepresented in statistics leading to inaccurate figures. People tend to keep aspects of their character that result in lynchings to themselves.

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571a5e  No.124684


Or they just flat-out lie about it because it highlights what a cancer they are on society when so few of them are the cause of most child predation.

I'm thinking maybe it is more like 0.2 percent of the population.

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1f83ae  No.124686


Why would the actual figure be lower? You think people lie about being a pedophile when they aren't?

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2ebea9  No.124692

Shills coming out hard in support of this worthless nobody. Guess he's an important target.

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c86f23  No.124764

File: 609f94b90cba3b9⋯.jpg (175.46 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Criticism_Creates_Support.jpg)


>oh no you don't support the ZOG emperor

>that means you're a shill



You have a containment board. No one here supports Trump.


Sage. You have a containment board. No one here supports Trump.


Okay, so stop bumping the Trump spam thread.





Sage. Again. You have a containment board. No one here supports Trump.

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637ade  No.124766


Sage negated, nigger. If you faggots put as much effort into decrying Schiff and the rest of the kike rats, people would actually listen to you. You don't even try to explain why no one should care about what's going on.

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beee4d  No.124769

File: 4ba48fec49e4471⋯.png (877.17 KB, 596x1164, 149:291, How_the_mighty_have_fallen.png)


shift and the other Traitor we expect them to be Traitor. But those guy…….

Not so much.

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c86f23  No.124773


>OY VEY YOU NO SAY THING ABOUT JEW ON "LEFT" (because I say you didn't, which makes it true, because I say so)



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731e45  No.124814

File: d3d20e4d2e6282f⋯.jpg (141.65 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Corp.jpg)

The corporations are the enemy, did you know they were raping us this bad? Pic

They own both parties, every single MSM outlet, every defense contractor, on and on and on. Corporations are a way to get every bit of profit transfered to the Jews. All we get in return is min wage shit jobs.

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a48022  No.124974

File: eff012a14b87556⋯.jpg (47.16 KB, 600x531, 200:177, 156123456.jpg)


>no one here supports trump

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e47f8c  No.124981


Where do YOU think we are, you filthy fucking kike? This isn't reddit. It's not thedonald.win. It's not cuckchan. And imkikey is LONG gone. Not a single person here has EVER supported your shabbos goy. Get the fuck off our website, RACE TRAITOR.

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ff5c1b  No.124982


>If nothing else he pissed off and turned a bunch of smug, better than you, intellectual, poised and proper douchebags that we were so used to seeing on TV critiquing Bush (another douche) then praising Obama into a bunch of foaming from the mouth retards.

This might be the only good thing he ever did.

Also called SHITHOLE nations SHITHOLES.

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a48022  No.124988

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9e2be1  No.125041

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