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File: 3ca5e8d6be5af52⋯.jpg (106.33 KB, 500x375, 4:3, lobster_thermidor_picture.jpg)

08197b  No.122359

What have you done to prepare for collective resistance to the neo-bolshevik revolution?

Have you talked with friend and relatives about these events to see who supports them and who does not? Have you tried to get those in opposition to to prepare for worse things? Have you even discussed the idea of a bug out to your family and friends who are appalled by these recent events? Are you looking to leave your current location for a more defensible one? Are you trying to find other groups of people that will not submit to the Bolshevist Lies Militia? Have you and your new compatriots discussed posting counter-narrative flyers? What about flash rallies? Are you doing anything beside shit posting and thinking every OP is a glow nigger?

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331625  No.122388

File: 07a2734eb53d6dd⋯.gif (2.01 MB, 350x197, 350:197, no.gif)


> the idea of a bug out

Damn it. Already ready from the Chinese Virus, but to be honest, I haven't even thought about having to bug out because of the Them. But now that you mention it..

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08197b  No.122967


yes, dubs guns, if the category 4 chimpout comes to your area, the proper response to retreat and regroup, hopefully with people who refuse to tolerate anymore chimpouts.

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92037e  No.122972


Why would I resist? Change is inevitable. Only niggers fear progress.

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