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File: 4c7d1be28314b6f⋯.png (54.34 KB, 604x363, 604:363, jk.PNG)

feb382  No.121788

Hey, /pol/ can we piss some lads off?

Mrs. Rowling (as in J.K Rowling) said some controversial shit on Twitter, refer to pic, and I think it might be funny to trigger some people.

So use the tag #RowlingIsRight and tweet shit about "people who menstruate" and how being trans isn't a real gender. Maybe throw in a little pray the gay away for extra measures.

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29e025  No.121789

Stuff like this is a waste of time.

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feb382  No.121791


I get that you must spend a lot of time on 4chan, but this is /pnd/ not /pol/ please check yourself fag

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6d4bd8  No.121794


Eh, so she separates trans women from actual women. She's just doing it in a "nice" way. Is she wrong? Are trans women actual women and deserve the same rights as women?

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93b287  No.121845


>not understanding that this is an excellent opportunity to drive a wedge between factions of the leftist coalition

feminists and trannies hate each other

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350e65  No.121850


waste of good dubs. Who cares about defective things. Trannies arent people - and i dont give a fuck about JK-all my characters are gay now-Rowling

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