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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: ac436f4338dc24b⋯.gif (4.19 MB, 512x640, 4:5, tenor.gif)

36c027  No.121762

Chicago sees 18 homicides in deadliest day in 60 years

>Known as one of the most gun violent cities in America, Chicago recently marked a new grim milestone with 18 homicides in a single day, officials said.

>On Sunday, May 31, the Chicago Police Department responded to the most homicides in a 24-hour period, Max Kapustin, senior research director of the University of Chicago Crime Lab, confirmed to ABC News.

>Kapustin said the day also capped the deadliest weekend residents in the so-called Windy City have seen in 28 years. According to his lab's data, which goes back to 1961, the previous record for the most homicides in a single day was 13 on Aug. 4, 1991.

>In fact, there were so many autopsies to do on June 1 that Chief Cook County medical examiner, Dr. Ponni Arunkumar, had to call in additional pathologists to complete them all. The medical examiner's office conducted a total of 35 autopsies on that day, including 15 gun-related homicides, a spokeswoman for the office told ABC News on Tuesday.

Apparently black lives only matter when whites are doing the killing.


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9ddc15  No.121764

So, will they list that at 19,000 COVID cases?

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3e53ec  No.122008

Just how antifa is this board? 18 dead nogs and only 1 reply?

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6f3293  No.122017

The truth is mate, no one really does care about blacks shooting blacks. The fact that you're more likely to read it here rather than on the national news is rather telling. BLM isn't about blacks, it's a global push for marxism, it's just most of the supporters are too dumb to notice.

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f5e0ed  No.122065


>only 1 reply

we don't care. Yay. more dead niggers.

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a7ce2e  No.122220

File: 5b290f26d4e8050⋯.png (1.38 MB, 2256x1096, 282:137, Screen_Shot_2020_06_10_at_….png)


>The fact that you're more likely to read it here rather than on the national news is rather telling.


However no one here has bothered posting the bible of slum behavior in CHI.


I am dissapoint

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8ee840  No.122231

It isn't "black hypocrisy", ffs, it is (((jewish media))).

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84dcf3  No.122262


Yes, they are all hypocrites.

And if you don't kill all of them (jews, leftards and niggers), they will keep pushing their dementia to become normalcy.

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3e53ec  No.122347

If the media were honest they would contrast these deaths with the George Floyd protests to make a point about nigger hypocrisy.

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138d62  No.122806


Yeah and if I had wings I'd be a bird.

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