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c3b7f4  No.118563

How to Thrive in the Coming Chaos

Coming back to this board is depressing as hell, as everyone is just wallowing in one giant demoralization circlejerk. Most anons seem woefully unequipped or unprepared for the chaos that they so desperately claim to want, so I am writing this blog post in order to spur discussion and motivation on how to improve your life enough to be of at least some use to your race in the coming years.

This is not /sig, because I am not discussing specific techniques here (e.g. what the best exercise plan is). This is not a prepper guide (of which the internet is riddled with good examples). This guide is meant to give you a solid life plan that will make you successful in peacetime, while setting you up to be effective in the coming chaos.

If you disagree with me, great. Discuss further below. But talking and doing are two very different things, and the latter is much more useful than the former in times of crisis. You must be prepared for what is to come, and preparation is only possible through action.

This will be laid out in categories of life that you need to get in order. They should be undertaken in parallel, not serially. Think of this as a framework for success; it is up to you to fill in the individual pieces.

This post is too long, so I will break it up. If it is well received, I might consider making this a more formal document.

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c3b7f4  No.118564

1. Religion

Atheism is for Jews; it is a jewish invention, and anyone who falls for it falls under their spell of nihilstic materialism. Even if you can't substantively prove there is a God (hint: no one can), it doesn't matter; belief in a religion will make you mentally stronger, healthier, happier, and more motivated to act on behalf of ideals greater than yourself.

You must find and practice a religion that suits your needs and life experience. Whether it's by imprisonment and starvation, or in your bed on an idyllic farm surrounded by your prosperous family, or on your front porch as ZOG comes to take your guns, you will die. The only way to make peace with this fact and to live successfully and honorably in the face of it is if you practice some form of religion that has something constructive to say about the afterlife. Valhalla, Heaven, nirvana, I DGAF. But you will be unable to do what you need to do if all you value is materiality, because you will put your own physical stability over the needs of your people and the demands of your cause.

Once again, only satanic/masonic/jewish people are atheists. I challenge you to find me just one example from the history of the white race of a successful society that did not have a religion.

I don't care what it is, just make sure that you are happy to practice it, that your preacher/leader is non-pozzed (lot of variance within Christianity), you like learning about it, and are able to practice it wherever you go. (For the Christians: you can study the teachings and pray even in the absence of a based preacher. It will still help.)

Christianity, PaganLARP, Mormonism, Zoroastrianism, even Hinduism and Buddhism are originally indo-european religions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhist_texts

Atheism implies nihilism, and no true nihilist will be capable of following the rest of this guide, or of acting as a beacon of hope and leadership for his volk.

Starting my thread off with religion is a bad idea, but it has to be discussed

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c3b7f4  No.118565

2. Career

You are of no use to anyone, including yourself, if you have neither money nor skills. This section is designed to address both, by helping you find a decently-paid occupation subject to the following constraints:

1. Your occupation is both stable and mobile, meaning it is resistant as much as possible to macroeconomic trends and can be done from anywhere, as the coming years may require you to move around.

2. Your occupation is useful, meaning you will have relevant skills once the clown economy stops functioning

The path you choose will depend on your life up to this point. Some of you either have (or are pursuing) the college/white collar route, and others the blue collar/trade route. One is not inherently better than than the other, and there are good career paths available to straight white men in cy+5 in both categories.

Note that this list is not exhaustive, and it explicitly excludes more entrepreneurial activities. The point is that the career paths for these vocations are all well-defined and not difficult, provided you want to do them and follow the established path.

Blue Collar

Advantages include higher job security (people always need to build and fix shit), no PC police (you won't get fired for a tweet), being surrounded by other men who will share your opinions, or be open to hearing about them, and learning skills that will arguably be more useful in the coming collapse than the white collar skills. They also pay surprisingly well, do not require much expensive training/education, are location-independent (you can do them anywhere), and in many cases allow you to start your own business, which brings many tax advantages. Also, with a higher IQ than most in the field, you will rise quickly to the top and that means significant opportunity for leadership development.

- Construction*

- Carpenter*

- Mechanic*

- Electrician

- Plumber

- Welder/Machinist*

- Mason

- Landscaper

- Farmer/Rancher*

- Cooking/Food production (cheesemaking, bread baking, etc.)

- Gunsmith/Shooting Instructor*

- Police*

- Military*

- Paramedic*

- Security guard

These jobs are great because you will be a valuable asset to your post-collapse/civil war community as well (the starred jobs are particularly valuable). If you have skills, you will be much safer when whatever warlord rolls in and starts enslaving the useless people.

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c3b7f4  No.118566

White Collar Jobs

There are honestly very few of these jobs that have any real benefits. Most don't pay that well, and teach you things that are only useful when society is functioning "normally". They also mostly take place in rabidly leftist organizations.

However, for the more intellectual among you, these may be where your natural talents lie. Also, depending on your proclivities, working in this kind of setting may allow you to subvert these existing leftist institutions to an extent.

- Software Engineering/IT. Most valuable if you work at a top company (they are all WFH now anyway). Getting into one is straightforward: go to a decent school and major in CS, have some unique tech experience, do internships at good companies, and destroy the coding interview. Non-top companies pay pretty shit, and coding will not be of much use if computers no longer exist)

- Mechanical/Electrical/Civil Engineer. If you study this, make sure you go to a school that can actually get you hired, and preferably one where you have a scholarship, which is easy to get if you have good grades in high school. You also NEED to do internships at good companies. if you have to pay a lot for this kind of schooling, would be better to just become an electrician, etc.

- Doctor. Honestly I'd only recommend if you are already on the path. Modern medical school is unfortunately just "how to be a drug dealer" school, and they teach you precious little about acute care/trauma compared to pill pushing. Might be better to just be a paramedic. Make sure you work in a rural area once you become a doctor

- Accountant. Schooling is not hard, cheap CPA programs are available (make sure you get a good internship). Perfect path for someone with a college degree and no current viable trajectory (can go back to accounting school on a 15-month program, includes internship, and land a good job right after). Everyone loves you, and your job is to make sure the gubment gets less money. Downside is this is useless during helter skelter

- Military (officer). If you have the opportunity to do ROTC or attend West Point, this is pretty good. Decent pay, great respect, and you will learn a ton about combat and leadership, and network with other guys who will believe a lot of what you believe.

- Architect. Schooling is hard, apprenticeship long, and the industry is filled with postmodernism. Few other career paths allow you to tangibly manifest a spiritual idea into reality though, so that's pretty cool.

- Nutritionist/Chiropractor. Now more than ever people need to learn how to be healthy, and people are fed up with incorrect guidance from (((doctors))). This generally requires starting a local social media presence to be successful, but you can make good money and really help people. Just stay away from low-meat/vegan nonsense.

- Academia in Select Fields. Be very careful with this (hard for new grads to get a job), mostly it's complete useless BS. Maybe a degree in plant biology/agriculture can be helpful, but even most STEM, such as theoretical phsyics, will be completely useless. Stay away entirely from the soft sciences/humanities (you should study these independently, but don't try to make a career out of it). Most biotech is fake news, and is only used to medically enslave humanity.

- Priest. Religion has always been important in all European socieites, and it will be no different in the future. While it might not make much money, if it's your calling then I would follow the call. Don't study at a pozzed divinity school though. We need based religious leaders; so don't hesitate from this if you find it's where your passion lies.

Certainly there are careers that are missing here; but these are the ones that stand out the most (and have very well defined trajectories).

Remember, the goal is to make money, and be able to do it anywhere. You also have to like what you do. The options listed should be enough to cover most anons' preferences.

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c3b7f4  No.118568

3. Money

Now that you have a job, and are making money, what are you going to do with it? The problem is that you have to invest for both the collapse/war scenario, as well as the normal life scenario. E.g., if you put money in a 401(k), will the government even exist when it comes time to retire? If you are young, probably not. However, you can't be financially irresponsible either.

Furthermore, money is among the most powerful tools at your disposal. As part of the middle class, you are part of the largest consumer base in America. Your purchasing decisions affect the corporate decisionmaking of companies. Corps will only sell things that people buy; and if you think most of these corps are evil which you should you would smartly not buy the shit they sell.

While you can vote every four years, think of every dollar you spend as a vote for the political program of the receiving entity. Do you buy from the Arab-owned deli, or the white-owned organic market? Etc.

With that prelude, here are the general guidelines:

- Cut costs. (aka stop buying stupid shit). Specifically, do not buy anything that hurts you. Because you are just wasting money and helping the jews by weakening yourself. E.g., don't spend money on fancy TVs or any TV. Don't buy a netflix or pornhub subscription. Don't spend money on weed, or booze, or cigs. Don't buy stupid trinkets, like a watch or collector coins. Don't spend money on spic-hiring restaurants (the food is shit anyway). Don't buy fashionable items. Spend as little on rent as possible (see the section on "location" for more). You get the picture– most of the stuff that wastes your money is also a waste of your time and damaging to your life. Avoid it, and prosper.

- Buy Quality Items. Your goal should be to own few things, and for those things to last a lifetime (or longer). Instead of 15 crappy shirts, get 3 high-quality ones. Instead of a new pair of (((Levi's))) every year, buy a more expensive but higher quality pair that lasts five years.

There are some benefits to this approach toward consumption:

- The higher quality the product, the longer it will last, and the less it needs to be replaced, saving $$

- Usually the high-quality version is made by a white-owned American company. Spending more money on them is better then spending less money for Bezos and China to pocket.

- The clown economy is run on massive corps that make shitty products. Avoid them entirely, and this behemoth will begin to weaken.

- Buy Useful Things. This is related to the former point. The idea is not to waste money on things that are fashionable or aesthetic, but to prioritize utility over everything.

- Get a car that is versatile, will last, and can be repaired. E.g. a well-cared for used 4Runner or truck over a sports car.

- Clothing that can carryover to the outdoor arena as opposed to frilly fashion for high society

- Spend money on a hunting or a hiking trip instead of a beach vacation. Use recreation as an excuse to learn helpful skills

- If you can't see yourself using it when SHTF, strongly consider not buying it.

- Invest in Yourself. Money is useless unless it is spent. When they come to grab your guns, $1M in the bank will not save you. Leveling up your skills and life is the best guarantor of future success.

- Invest in skills-based courses, such as a rifle class at Thunder Ranch

- Invest in tools that make you more productive and healthy

- Take an acting or public speaking course (leadership skills)

- Spend money for a language tutor to teach you Russian so you can flee when America falls

- Spend more money on better food so you are healthier

- etc.

- Invest in your Protection. Spend money on things that will help you when the time comes

- Stockpile guns and ammo. These items don't really lose their monetary value under normal circumstances, and they are infinitely necessary when SHTF (remember bosnia.jpg)

- Buy body armor and other protective gear. Hazmat suits, etc.

- Stockpile food, etc.

- Buy a homestead (see more on the property section)

- Pretty much all the prepper stuff is a good investment

- Invest in "Assets". Once you have all that taken care of, if you have money leftover, then you can invest in the standard financial shit. Keep it simple; dollar cost avg into a Vanguard fund. Don't give (((them))) fees to lose your money in a mutual fund. Only pick stocks if you have domain specific knowledge and invest longterm. Shouldn't be speculating anyway, it's a degenerate way to (most likely not) get rich. Investing in gold and silver might be a good idea as well, although I still can't imagine a collapse world in which I'd rather have gold than the equivalent value in ammo.

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c3b7f4  No.118569

4. Health

As mentioned above, this is not /sig. Nonetheless, health is a pillar of success in all times, and it is especially important in the end times. There are three main aspects to health; they are materials, knowledge, and practice. We will cover them at a glance, since it's not my aim to tell you specifically how to eat or train, but remind you that it is fundamentally important.


You must know how to be healthy, plain and simple. Not everyone needs to be an expert here, but you should gain a basic understanding of how the body works and how you can treat it in order to serve you well. Do you know what to eat and what to avoid? Do you know how to prepare healthy, cheap, and quick meals?

Regarding the body, Do you know what insulin does, and when/how it is released? Do you know what nutrients are needed, and what vitamins support which systems, etc.? This is all important information when determining what food you should eat. This can be quite a rabbit hole so I suggest keeping it simple by following a few basic guidelines:

- Don't eat sugar. Sugar is the root of all evil. Cut it out ruthlessly. Maybe some raw natural honey or fruit is okay, but even that should be limited.

- Don't eat seed oils ("vegetable oil"). They give you heart disease, brain cancer, and low T.

- Don't eat soy. It gives you alzheimers, low T, and a host of other issues.

- Food comes from farms, not (((factories))). If it has a label on it/comes in a box or a bag, it comes from a factory, and is therefore not food benefit: only packaged/processed foods are approved as Kosher, so you can avoid the kosher tax in this way. Essentially, stick to the produce, meat, and dairy sections of your supermarket (some frozen veggies can be okay), and that's it.

- Buy organic and locally produced food to the greatest extent possible. Non-organic wheat is legitimately toxic, and the most commonly used pesticides are all neurotoxins and cause epigenetic damage.

- Prioritize nutrient dense foods. Messing with supplements can be tricky, because of the complicated interactions between vitamins and minerals. The best is to get your nutrients from food, which are in the right ratios and forms, as nature intended.

The most nutrient dense foods are animal foods, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. For more proof of their value, read Caeser's account of the Germanic tribes and what they ate. Hint: it was mostly meat and dairy.

Remember, this is high quality animal foods. Pasture-raised/grass-fed/wild-caught. No chemicals, no BS, no factory farms. Pick foods from one or more of the following categories and eat them frequently: dairy, seafood, and organ meats. Tip: lamb liver tastes a lot better than cow.

And that's it, those relatively simple guidelines will be all you need to eat well. It's important for you, but it's even more important for your wife and potential offspring. So many of the diseases and damage kids have today are because of terrible nutrition practices by the parents, and no matter the purity of your European genetics, it will all be for naught if your babies have down syndrome and autism, which is becoming increasingly common.

For more on this topic, no book is more important than the work of Weston A. Price, an honorable Aryan doctor and scholar, who sought to find out how nature actually intended for us to eat. The dietary guidelines of the non-profit foundation in his name today are pretty much spot on, and while you may want more specifics for your health condition or circumstance, it is as good a baseline as you can get.

In addition to food, you must also exercise. There are many appropriate forms of exercise, and learning about the body is important to be able to design a good program for you. However, it's easy to follow a number of programs commonly available. Some tips:

- Never go beyond your comfort zone with weights. You will injure yourself.

- Make your working out a useful hobby as well. Specifically, a martial art is the best because you get the exercise and the ability to defend yourself

- Don't kill yourself with intensity; rather prioritize consistency

- Be adaptable. You should have some kind of workout you can do in any circumstance.

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c3b7f4  No.118570


Once you have the knowlege of how to eat healthy, you must be able to provide this food to you and your family. In EU, you are set, because the good food is cheap. In the US it is the opposite, so you will have to get creative.

- Find local farms. Do business directly with the farmers. They will most likely be white, and you will cut out any (((middlemen)))

- There are websites to find them, and you can also see signs when driving around (if you live somewhere rural)

- The Weston Price Foundation has a decent compilation of farms all over the US that sell good quality food.

- Yes, it is expensive. But so are booze and cigs. If you have any of the jobs listed above, you will be able to afford it. It just comes down to: how important is your and your families health?


What good is this if you binge eat on the weekends, or stop going to the gym?

You must be disciplined in your habits, and the only way is to acknowledge the reason you are pursuing health. Your body is a temple, given by God, and getting you to mistreat it is the goal of your (((enemy))). By mistreating your body, you lose self-respect, and without self-respect, you cannot resist any of the other evils that they may throw your way. You are training to become a Soldier of the White Race, and nothing short of that. Don't downplay the significance or importance of your efforts.

They are winning because we are weak. Strong and healthy people necessarily become virtuous, and this they hate more than anything. They want to genocide us because they know that we have the latent capacity for incredible accomplishment, but by keeping you fat, sick, and weak, they know they can win.

This is why religion is important. You are not doing this for you. Most people don't really care about themselves; they are motivated by something external. When you eat fast food, you are not hurting yourself, you are hurting your race. Unhealthy food is poison for you, but it is the lifeblood of and fuel for the jews, who want you to be sick and weak and degenerate. You're doing this to stop them. Think of this whenever you have the urge to eat shit. Every bite of healthy food you have is a direct affront to everything (((they))) believe in. Every glass of soda you refuse is a tangible act of aggression against your enemies.

This should motivate you to act healthier. Overcome your damn senses, seriously, if you can't stick to this, then how do you expect to beat them?

Also, follow the other /sig tips: nofap, noporn, sleep before midnight, get sunlight, go out to nature, etc.

Do this, and the health and power you cultivate alone will make you a beacon in the darkness. People will compliment you by saying "you look healthy". You will be surprised, and people will be drawn to you.

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c3b7f4  No.118571

5. Property/Living Space

You are now healthy, have a solid source of income, and are developing skills that are useful. But there is a problem. Where should you live?

As recent events have shown, if cities were ever a good option, now is the time to leave. Depending on your occupation, you may be somewhat constrained, but the goal should be for you to permanently locate to a rural white town in a state with favorable demographics and laws.

Aside from the ridiculous rent you pay to your (((landlord))), You do not want to be in a city when SHTF. By being in a rural area where you have ties to your neighbors, you will be safe from a lot of the violence. That's already obvious to many on this board. But what is less obvious is how your location affects your food and water security.

Remember bosnia.jpg. The US was dropping off crates of food every week, and still they went hungry. Most of the casualties in war and from communism throughout all history are due to starvation, not violence.

The US food supply is highly centralized, and it is an on-demand system. Facing a collapse of the system, whether accidental or (((targeted))), if you do not have the means of producing and defending your own food, you are absolutely fucked and will depend on them for a daily ration of soy protein, if you are lucky enough to get it

The only solution to this problem is a strong network of small scale farms dispersed throughout every community in the land. It's not enough to have two farms per town; everyone needs to keep a few chickens, maybe a pig or two, and some sheep cattle are too big and need to much land, so avoid unless you have a professional operation.

And the only way to do this is for you to move out to the country side and set up your own homestead. The more farms there are, the harder it will be for them to interrupt supply lines, and the better chances we have.

Anons everywhere should be waking up and buying land out in the woods and across the plains of this country, and setting up rural homesteads. Especially the white collar ones, who now have the opportunity to WFH forever.

Many of the tradesmen need to live in a more populated area to have clients of their services, but most suburbs even in the northeast can get remote pretty quickly.

Distance from population dense areas is key as well, because you also have to be able to defend your farm. Surround the property with woods; let no one know that you have food on your land.

Make friends with your neighbors in these communities as well, as they may become your only allies.

And in many cases, small scale farms like this can produce a bit of money by selling to others in your community.

You can have all the guns in the world, but you still need to eat three times a day. This is non-negotiable, and may yet be the most important thing /pol/acks can do for success in the coming world.

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c3b7f4  No.118572

6. Activism/Leading Your People

Now that you and your family are well situated, it is time to further the mission by taking a role in the public sphere. This is another complicated discussion, and I will break it down into two categories.

Local Activism

This refers to working face-to-face within your community to protect and defend them, as well as furthering your ideology among real people. One or more of these goals should be attainable to anyone who is not a complete anti-social retard. Essentially, the goal is to get the silent majority to become un-silent, and openly side with your beliefs.

- Get on a local planning board, and you have one goal: to allow only acceptable people and businesses into your town. This means no Wal-marts, no chain restaurants, and no Starbucks. All of those places will only bring minorities and competition for your local businesses. Also, no affordable housing projects. It doesn't take much to get on the planning board, and it doesn't take much to keep your town clean.

- Join the board of education, and try to unpozz the local school curriculum. Most people don't have strong opinions on these things, and if you live in a good area and are convincing you will have success.

- Run for mayor, if you're successful enough at these previous endeavors, it might be possible. Keep the pozz out.

- Join the chamber of commerce and network with other community leaders. Subtly redpill them. Most people who grow up in these towns will not know the enemy, and are therefore subject to his propaganda. Show them the true colors of the enemy by citing your experience living in the city.

- Make friends with the sheriff and the cops, and make sure that they are redpilled on the 2A. Make sure that they will have your back in case the feds try to pull anything

- Start a neighborhood watch or militia. Even getting your neighbors together for some range time a few times a month is a good start. You need to have people to call upon when SHTF

- In general, make sure people in your community know who you are, and respect you and your family. Make sure they see you at church. Show up to the community events. Invite them to dinner or your kids' birthday. The more successful, humble, and respectable you are, the more your opinions will be valued.

Popular Activism

Maybe you're stuck in a city, or maybe your talents are different than the ones needed for the above. Either way, the following paths are ways to lead our people in a wider-reaching capacity

- Anonymous online activism. Aka being a twitter/reddit troll. Post memes and redpills, get banned, and repeat. This is pretty low investment needed, and anyone can do it

- Become an anonymous content creator. Start and write a blog about topics of interest, at varying degrees of power level revelation. We need more platforms by which the normies can be driven further to the right. Build up a following, and expose them to continually more radical ideas. This is great for someone with a talent for writing, and a job from which they could be fired, as it is pretty much the only format that can be done anonymously.

- Become an internet personality/"influencer". This is if you are independently wealthy or your employer doesn't care. Make youtube videos, make a podcast, give speeches, have rants on twitter, etc. Get creative. Spread the message the best way you see fit. The more you can build up a following, the better. Most of the current versions of this are cucks. Don't be like them.

- Create a nonprofit/NGO. If you are independently wealthy, and/or run in wealthy circles, then creating a non-profit for right wing activism is a great idea. There are many wealthy conservatives with nowhere to donate their money because they think everything is pozzed (which it is). If you can find them and organize them, then you will be on the path to massive success. It's not that there is no right wing money out there; it is just unorganized or scooped up by cucks.

- Create ART. This is an avenue where we really fail. All popular artmusic, movies, TV, etc. is rabidly left-wing. Where are the conservative bands, or TV shows? If you have talent and/or money, this should be a major area of focus. We complain about rap music, but where is the alternative music that people could listen to? If you can do this, and find someone who can do the previous item, we will be very well off.

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c3b7f4  No.118573


Stop larping on message boards. When the DOTR comes, the rope will most likely be for you. Are you ready for that moment? And no, having a shitty handgun in your lonely ass apartment with a few boxes of ammo is not "ready". Face the reality of the struggle ahead, and prepare for it accordingly. This will make you successful both in peacetime and war. But the more time you spend on here, wallowing in fear, the more easy prey you become.

For the sake of all that is Good, you must succeed, or perish.

Follow this plan, and I guarantee you will be much more effective than you are right now.

t. uppermiddleclassfag

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55749a  No.118580


Sure, but you won’t ever actually do anything in the physical world. No one else will, either. So why bother posting this? If whites were going to fight back, we would have already.

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c3b7f4  No.118582


>muh demoralization trolling

why don't you just kys then. None of this shit is even hard (at least up til step 5)… if you follow it you'll at least just be healthy and wealthy.

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f8e46f  No.118595


Go be a faggot somewhere else, this is literally the first week.

OP that was a breddy gud guide. I would also recommend para-professional jobs and vocations, not just physical trades and manual labor. This is like our German Revolution which was the attempted coup of Germany by kikes in the years following WW1. We need to stick this out and prepare for counter ops and organization.

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c3b7f4  No.118599


Thanks anon, what kinds of vocations did you have in mind?

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f8e46f  No.118605


Shit that can be easily achieved by young people in less than 2 years but can set them up for financial success and can enable them to live and work towards greater education. IE shit like instead of the huge commitment of being a doctor or lawyer, you can do a program like para-legal, dental assistant, pharmacy technician, etc. in only a couple years or less and immediately be making $40-60k in many places. This is a great way for young people to get their start in the world, and that money will help them if they want to go do higher education and move up in those fields or transfer to to others. Check out your local junior college or various trader and technician schools, they have tons of options and I know a lot of young people who have found success in those fields whereas fancier jobs that pay more like architects or whatever can't find work. Anything where you have a license or similar that you can take with you anywhere and work all over the country is a huge adaptive advantage.

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fcf7b2  No.118646


He is the same anon who used to spam each and every thread with 'stop talking about things, the only thing to do is go out and murder civilians'. Presumably this is some babby attempt at reverse psychology to make us do precisely the same. Like every other small hat on this website, I would imagine that he gets a notification upon the creation of each thread. Or quite possibly, he has absolutely nothing else in his life to concern himself with but hitting F5 and waiting for new threads to appear manually.

Good stuff though OP, I might dump some resources here if the mods decide to sticky it.

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cffcd9  No.118673


>you posted fact

>the fact hurt my feelings

>you are a troll because I am physically incapable of accepting reality I don't like

No, and you won’t ever actually do anything in the physical world. No one else will, either. Explain why you bothered posting this. If whites were going to fight back, we would have already.


>this is literally the first week.

Of what? White genocide? Niggers nigging? Social decay? There's nothing whatsoever of which this is the first week.

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cffcd9  No.118674



Oh look at this filthy kike try to slip his dialectic in here.

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c3b7f4  No.118733


Yeah great ideas, hadn't really thought of including them as I don't have much exposure to these paths. My high school had a vocational school and a lot of kids seemed to have success with that. (Also, hair stylists can make bank depending on area. Decent job for a young woman)


Not sure what the mods' plans are, but I'd be happy to see what you have.

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47a459  No.119063

>You are of no use to anyone, including yourself, if you have neither money nor skills.

So, it is not worth having any of it. If i won't be valued by who i am, and instead, only by what i can do or by what i can offer to others, then the whole society can fuck off and the whole world can die for what i care.

This whole opportunistic scam disguised "community" is as cancerous as the current kike infested social system.


>Money is useless unless it is spent.

Spoke like a true jew.

What i have, it is mine, to keep it for me only, if i chose to.

This whole "spend everything, goy!" was what allowed the whole jewish economical system to take control of the west in the first place.

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f146db  No.119075


classic lolbert-tier individualistic retard speak

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55749a  No.119143


The first part, sure. The second part, no.

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c3b7f4  No.119155


Last time I checked, the entire project here is 1488, which mentions nothing of individuals, but only a people. And yes, if you had no skill and no occupation, "who you are" is a lazy piece of shit that has no reason to belong to any community except a communist one.

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c3b7f4  No.119301



>Values money for money's sake

>Call's ME the jew

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c4d41a  No.119738


I just lost my latest job right before things started fucking up worldwide, and I never really thrived as an employee anywhere, so i've been working with my family to go become a legitimate mountain man, I explained it in terms of there being no stability or security around right now, and so taking a few years of my life at my young age (20's) to live inbetween wilderness and civilization would put me in a great position to get a good career after things calm down. My plan is to legally hunt, fish, and forage and sell or barter the products to small libertarian farmers known to dot the land on either side of my chosen range. When I intersect with civilization every few days I'll let you know how its going

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