3. Money
Now that you have a job, and are making money, what are you going to do with it? The problem is that you have to invest for both the collapse/war scenario, as well as the normal life scenario. E.g., if you put money in a 401(k), will the government even exist when it comes time to retire? If you are young, probably not. However, you can't be financially irresponsible either.
Furthermore, money is among the most powerful tools at your disposal. As part of the middle class, you are part of the largest consumer base in America. Your purchasing decisions affect the corporate decisionmaking of companies. Corps will only sell things that people buy; and if you think most of these corps are evil which you should you would smartly not buy the shit they sell.
While you can vote every four years, think of every dollar you spend as a vote for the political program of the receiving entity. Do you buy from the Arab-owned deli, or the white-owned organic market? Etc.
With that prelude, here are the general guidelines:
- Cut costs. (aka stop buying stupid shit). Specifically, do not buy anything that hurts you. Because you are just wasting money and helping the jews by weakening yourself. E.g., don't spend money on fancy TVs or any TV. Don't buy a netflix or pornhub subscription. Don't spend money on weed, or booze, or cigs. Don't buy stupid trinkets, like a watch or collector coins. Don't spend money on spic-hiring restaurants (the food is shit anyway). Don't buy fashionable items. Spend as little on rent as possible (see the section on "location" for more). You get the picture– most of the stuff that wastes your money is also a waste of your time and damaging to your life. Avoid it, and prosper.
- Buy Quality Items. Your goal should be to own few things, and for those things to last a lifetime (or longer). Instead of 15 crappy shirts, get 3 high-quality ones. Instead of a new pair of (((Levi's))) every year, buy a more expensive but higher quality pair that lasts five years.
There are some benefits to this approach toward consumption:
- The higher quality the product, the longer it will last, and the less it needs to be replaced, saving $$
- Usually the high-quality version is made by a white-owned American company. Spending more money on them is better then spending less money for Bezos and China to pocket.
- The clown economy is run on massive corps that make shitty products. Avoid them entirely, and this behemoth will begin to weaken.
- Buy Useful Things. This is related to the former point. The idea is not to waste money on things that are fashionable or aesthetic, but to prioritize utility over everything.
- Get a car that is versatile, will last, and can be repaired. E.g. a well-cared for used 4Runner or truck over a sports car.
- Clothing that can carryover to the outdoor arena as opposed to frilly fashion for high society
- Spend money on a hunting or a hiking trip instead of a beach vacation. Use recreation as an excuse to learn helpful skills
- If you can't see yourself using it when SHTF, strongly consider not buying it.
- Invest in Yourself. Money is useless unless it is spent. When they come to grab your guns, $1M in the bank will not save you. Leveling up your skills and life is the best guarantor of future success.
- Invest in skills-based courses, such as a rifle class at Thunder Ranch
- Invest in tools that make you more productive and healthy
- Take an acting or public speaking course (leadership skills)
- Spend money for a language tutor to teach you Russian so you can flee when America falls
- Spend more money on better food so you are healthier
- etc.
- Invest in your Protection. Spend money on things that will help you when the time comes
- Stockpile guns and ammo. These items don't really lose their monetary value under normal circumstances, and they are infinitely necessary when SHTF (remember bosnia.jpg)
- Buy body armor and other protective gear. Hazmat suits, etc.
- Stockpile food, etc.
- Buy a homestead (see more on the property section)
- Pretty much all the prepper stuff is a good investment
- Invest in "Assets". Once you have all that taken care of, if you have money leftover, then you can invest in the standard financial shit. Keep it simple; dollar cost avg into a Vanguard fund. Don't give (((them))) fees to lose your money in a mutual fund. Only pick stocks if you have domain specific knowledge and invest longterm. Shouldn't be speculating anyway, it's a degenerate way to (most likely not) get rich. Investing in gold and silver might be a good idea as well, although I still can't imagine a collapse world in which I'd rather have gold than the equivalent value in ammo.