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File: c595b8f0bef785d⋯.png (69.68 KB, 596x383, 596:383, Karte_Suedosteuropa_03_01.png)

61ad54  No.117534

How could you defense against Kebabs?

Here on Balkans, the number of immigrants grows daily. In my country, there are few attacks and pickpockets reports per week. Police, as usual, does nothing, and weapon is almost completely banned. You can't even have a knife that's longer than 14 cm. And if you have one that falls into "legal" category, it must be a folding one.

Give tips & tricks.

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f05c43  No.117560



Bawwww … poor mistreated baby. Just put a fucking rat trap in your pockets and stfu.

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89e20f  No.117606


found a mudslime


I would suggest learning how to make your own gun at home like the german shooter did in October.

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19d242  No.118021


it's easy. put a huge fence along the Greek borders (you guys are already beyond saving) and then nuke Turkey. finally, give a good incentive to the ex-Yugoslav countries to enforce their borders instead of skimming the top of the smuggler money.

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0a6e80  No.118028

Our (literal) kike gov settled countless of thousands of shitskins during the (((Corona))) curfew, now they are waiting for the elections to pass to fully unleash them on the population. Luckily more and more people are waking up, we are not cucks like westerners.

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fc9a84  No.118225


Your enemy is a global, international one that exists as a parasite on top of nations as their foundation. Brew nationalist sentiment and you have a chance of expelling the parasite that lays on the face and body of your nation and enters through its orifices. Do not rely on uniting against it internationally (with other balkans), but a message that the other nations can parrot is a good one, and will endear you to other balkans which is positive.

If you do not resist in every way then you will not win. At first you will only be able to do so for a short time in some small way, but you will grow into a full blown monster of resistance and victory eventually. Trust the process well enough to follow through.

Bureaucrats are risk averse slime. They require a safe space to exist. Threaten their paycheck, their job security, anything that will force their hand.

place a note in their home, folded into origami, telling them what to do

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d3fc0d  No.118555

File: 0d7fac4b7893ba6⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, 1571403816803.jpg)


The problem isn't some retarded subhuman nigger pickpockets, it is your blackmailed pedophile occupation government owned by international Jewish finance capital. The only way to fight is to create a strong third-positionist resistance movement grounded in ethnic and racial solidarity, as well as strong ideological anti-capitalism, grow your movement until it is strong enough to be a shadow government, then wait for a crisis in the occupation regime which you can take advantage of in order to take power.

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