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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 83afd9c51b35fa6⋯.png (36.5 KB, 4000x2250, 16:9, Who_are_the_minorities_5.png)

1c9597  No.115691

Give me one good reason we should no start this everywhere right now.

I want to see it on twitter, instagram, facebook, everywhere, halfchan. Understood? GO.

>in this thread post meaninful messages written with blue/grey colour on white background

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d92b63  No.115695


Only 3% of the world are RACIST XENOPHOBIC PIGS! What a good message!

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0600ad  No.115729

So go do it, dipshit. Who's stopping you?

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1c9597  No.115733




I have, dipshit, have you?

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1c9597  No.115734

File: c1f6ec46aa698ee⋯.png (44.6 KB, 2521x1509, 2521:1509, Who_are_the_minorities_blu….png)

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1c9597  No.115735

File: 5addfe5a5641e14⋯.png (22.93 KB, 4000x2250, 16:9, white_back_grey.png)

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0600ad  No.115740


>have you

No. This isn't a thread.

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1c9597  No.115908

File: 3effe61d6d58122⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, minority.png)


are you even white

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1c9597  No.115909

File: be9ca944c609dd1⋯.png (509.55 KB, 1152x1280, 9:10, minority_2.png)

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15efcf  No.115936

File: 8922c7a5d130224⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 4795x2850, 959:570, image.jpg)

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ff8440  No.116586


Why would anyone even give a shit? They litterally hate whites, fucking dumbest thread I've ever encountered

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4190ce  No.117660

File: b735777a51be0d4⋯.jpg (31.4 KB, 441x541, 441:541, 23ede7925ee168e112c2bba72b….jpg)

This is a strong message. Well worth working on. Statistical evidence proofs in a stable link would make the claim more believable. Show data.

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9b025d  No.117673

File: 010003ebf1f7d1e⋯.jpg (64.08 KB, 900x599, 900:599, cia_glownigger_run_over_te….jpg)

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4cb48e  No.117706


The difference here is its not trying to convince niggers and chinks; this media is aimed at convincing WHITES. That makes it useful. If you werent burdened by a two digit IQ you would realise this.

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05901b  No.117710


So if white people will soon be the minority then all of these anti racism laws and policies should benefit white people more than others (soon)?

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4cb48e  No.117727


No. Thats not how any of this works. You dont vote or legislate your way out of your own genocide, you fight. In order to fight, you need people. This is material that convinces my people, who finally, slowly, are starting to realise were living in a dystopia of a kikes making. Violence beats usury in terms of effective control.

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f64483  No.117756

What is the total percentage of children?

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0aeedb  No.117763

Here's what we should focus on. Besides Hungary no white country will allow their citizens to have a say on immigration policy.

This is why Trump got elected, nothing changed.

This is the real purpose of Brexit and nothing changed.

This is the real purpose of the riots in France, nothing changed.

In every case they get away with this because they control the media. In fucking Britain the "friends of Israel" decide immigration policy.

We have Trump in office.

We have the pandemic on our side.

We have the riots on our side.

And there's no chance in hell there will be any change in immigration laws. So much for democracy.

Then the right wingers are so fucking gullible. They misdirect those dumb fucks with talk of a wall and trump's Jewish speech writers throw in a couple antisemitic dog whistles. Now we have mandatory Holocaust brainwashing for all school kids. Criticism of Israel banned on all college campuses and whites are being called Nazis and white supremacists when in reality they wanted to end chain migration. Owe and we are trying to start war w Iran.

Fuck the god damn wall, legal immigration is what matters esp chain migration. Right wingers are so fucking gullible they just got tricked into voting against the one candidate who dared to even mention the browning of America. Wtg fags,

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4cb48e  No.117794


Filtered. Go derail another thread Jakov.

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0aeedb  No.117811


Oh and the internet is now being heavily censored. This happened under Trump and I know i'll run into 50 pro Trump threads post.

Then all these right wingers talking shit about libs and minorities destroying America and espouse strong Christian values.

Talk is cheap

Besides the Jews when it comes down to actually going to Somalia and Congo to rescue poor refugees it's not left wing libs, god haters or ANTIFA.

It's the fucking churches being manipulated by Jews and corporations. Almost all the refugee contractors are churches, there's no group more right wing than churches. Yea I know you never noticed that

Take your fucking family values and shove em up your fucking ass.

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c84917  No.117866


spotted a democrat

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a0f3d1  No.117884


>take your fucking family values and shove em up your ass

>oh my god only 3% of todays children are my race how could this happen

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dec260  No.118333

File: 3cbeeaf4baeb68f⋯.gif (564.42 KB, 800x430, 80:43, Glowing.gif)


>it's not left wing libs, god haters or ANTIFA.

>Take your fucking family values and shove em up your fucking ass.

>too specific

>t. antifa atheist faggot

Fuck off with your shilling against white culture you glownigger

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4ba81b  No.118356


Your existence is the essence of judaism.

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eb1c2a  No.118403

File: 925b68d561078da⋯.png (107.65 KB, 459x446, 459:446, CIAnigger_994.png)


you need to do a quick Zoom meet with your Meme Management Officer, your performance is terrible.

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4f8ad2  No.118587


Unless you breed like rabbits, it's too late for the white race

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8d6aa5  No.118619



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8e9ff0  No.118622


At least the Afrikaners were smart enough to dismantle their nuclear weapons when they realized they were doomed to black communism. The Western whites are going to peacefully hand over the most advanced military weaponry in history because they were voted out of power. Do you really think that the brown masses or their handlers will care at all when their government nukes the last white redoubts of Montana, Idaho & rural Canada? They'll cheer.

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