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The holocaust never happened

File: ac17b0e25baed8a⋯.png (86.46 KB, 300x265, 60:53, ac17b0e25baed8a7025304effd….png)

c011c4  No.109127

Pro-Vaxx Shills Eternally BTFO


>Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years

>Vaccine injury lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,& Del Bigtree, producer of the suppressed anti-vaccine documentary, Vaxxed and the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) are credited with this victory. They demanded the relevant government documents proving that all federally approved vaccines had been tested for quality over the past 32 years — and there were none.

>This means that vaccine makers have been fraudulently exempt from what all other pharmaceutical drug makers have been forced to do concerning biannual recertification for quality and effectiveness — meaning that their vaccines have never been tested for quality and have had no proven safety or effectiveness for over 30 years

>This case can now be legally cited by all those who seek compensation for vaccine injury, making it likely that the pharmaceutical vaccine industry can in the near future be legally bankrupted out of existence, like Bayer-Monsanto after the landmark legal victory won by the dying landscaper in San Francisco several weeks ago, as well as their stock value plummeting precipitously

>Autism rates will now likely plummet, freeing the American people from another deep state-engineered debility, and providing further evidence of mass vaccination-caused autism

God Bless Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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10a51c  No.109166


If this information doesn’t get out into the public it doesn’t do any good though anon. People will still think that they have to get vaccinated…and those who resist will still be murdered for resisting. Laws are only as good as the number of people who know or believe in them. Remember they are a social contract. If no one knows about this then it doesn’t do anyone any good. We are left with putting bullets into whomever tries to vaccinate us against our will.

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039df4  No.109167

Bump for Kennedy.


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11565b  No.109204

File: 2561f2dd3363750⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 3456.jpg)

Bump cause based. Vaxxfags go home.

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5781d6  No.109219

File: b9552fc39199c8c⋯.gif (330.62 KB, 280x193, 280:193, wat_What_Eyes_Glare_Amazed….gif)


Is this real? Big phama… lost?

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fdf2f8  No.109234


It's Australia. Third world countries don't count.

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c011c4  No.109241

File: ac28b6bb3281750⋯.jpg (178.1 KB, 1124x1080, 281:270, STOP.jpg)


>US Gov't Loses Landmark Court Case




You know, it definitely helps to read an article before making nigger-tier posts.

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1e9657  No.109247


From the article:

>Forced vaccinations now can be legally stopped-no quality control for 32 years

>Wide ramifications for Australia

Nobody gives a shit about Australia and this case means nothing in the US. The primary reason vaccinations are forced on people is because public schools require vaccinations in order to attend. The Federal government doesn't control the schools. That's on the individual States, who can continue to require vaccinations. Further, the only actual victory here is proof that there have been no specific studies in a particular field. It really is meaningless. Read the actual case:

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