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The holocaust never happened

File: 55e2b9ff81ffdfa⋯.png (58.49 KB, 300x300, 1:1, uEGbS.png)

53da2b  No.104704

Anyone noticed how clown world was different back in the 2000s than it was in the 2010s? In the 00s, pretty much everybody hated Muslims. But fast forward to the 2010s and replace Muslims with white people and that's become the new threat. But now fast forward again to the 2020s and sinophobia has become the next big thing.

It's like with every decade that passes, there's a new racist trend. In the 2000s you had 9/11, the underwear bomber, the shoe bomber, etc. And that lead to anti-Muslim sentiment. If you remember, there were tons of hate crimes against Muslims following 9/11 (in 2000 there were only two dozen or so, but in 2001 that jumped to over a thousand), then you had the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib and Mahmudiyah, and then the assassination threats, plots and attempts against Barack Obama, who was accused by many conservatives at the time of being a Socialist and a Kenyan Muslim which he had to deny, but 8 years later you've now got people like Bernie Sanders who are OPEN SOCIALISTS running for president without any problem. According to Harvard researcher Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, on Obama’s 2008 election night, he found that one in every hundred Google searches that included the word ‘Obama’ also included ‘KKK' or the n-word. Searches for racist websites like Stormfront also spiked. Obama also didn't do well even in Democrat strongholds due to the glaring racism of the time. But after Obama, you don't see this as much hardly, especially after he flooded what's left of white America with Somalis and other scum with his HUD desegregation laws as well as his open door immigration policies. The conservatives of 2008 were much different than the conservatives we have now. In 2008, you had the Prop 8 supporters in California who rejected degeneracy, but now you've got people like Gavin McInnes shoving dildos up his ass on his own show and Alex Jones inviting trannies to speak on his program as well as being caught looking at tranny porn on his phone. They're two completely different things.

It's strange to see all this shit unfold before our very eyes. In 2008, conservatives were racist, politically incorrect, traditionalist and anti-degeneracy, but now it's the opposite. In fact, according to a 2010 ABC News poll, only 37% of Americans viewed Islam positively. But I'm pretty sure that number has gone up since due to clown world.

But with the 2020s, it seems like things are starting to change yet again from white people to the Chinese with this Coronavirus and murder hornet shit. We might be going to war with China next. The 21st century has been one hell of a ride, that's for sure. But then again, that's just from my own observations.

What does /pnd/ think about this? What are your personal observations?

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01669b  No.104708

File: 82d000c6c9175e6⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 5000x3333, 5000:3333, 1587268656621.jpg)

>racist websites like stornfront

>hate crimes against Muslims

>reddit spacing


>team sport mentality of politics

>sinophobia (had to look this up)

>ABC News poll

>le clown world xdddddd

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15f92b  No.104724


>the world changes

My god … you're a fucking genius! How did you figure out this hidden knowledge?

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eafaa7  No.104879


>What does /pnd/ think about this? What are your personal observations?

9/11 was a false flag operation that justified the criminal invasion and attack of several nations on the Wolfowitz memo >>37900

Then the Tavistock psychiatrists who control all of the channels of mass communication hyped Muslims as being responsible for 9/11, even though Mossad Jews were caught driving a van filled with explosives and were arrested. But Mossad agent Micheal Chertoff saw to it that they were released. So, it's no surprise that people didin't like Muslims, it moralized them to sign up to die stealing oil for high finance Jews who hate white people and to go and die killing off an enemy of Israel.

Obama is a fag, married to a man pretending to be a woman. It would not surprise me if he was born in another country. There was a woman who intended to release some of his records and her plane went down. Everyone on board was fine after the crash but she didn't come out of the hospital alive. He was a terrible president. >>104402

Bernie Sanders is a communist Jew. Democratic socialism is communism.

Conservatives are cowards because they are terrified that some Marxist idiot will call them racist. However, that word is wearing off rapidly. The other gimmick words aren't taking traction either.

All news polls are fictional and intended to sway public opinion, which is evidenced by Rothschild puppet Hillary Clinton losing horribly after receiving 99 to 1 odds.

White people have and always will be the enemy of the left, yet they all want to move in with us to loot and destroy the civilization we have created. When we are gone, they will all starve to death, just like what happened in Africa when farm land was removed from whites. But *spoiler* that's the point. Low IQ people are easier to starve and lie to.

The Crown controlled Jewish press is in love with China and their Crown intelligence operatives over at the ADL have been defending the Chinese communists because they love communism and want to bring it here. The UK is a communist country where acknowledging race is essentially illegal. The sale of forks and spoons is controlled. Even that clown that supposedly was stabbed in the London bridge PSYOP was forced to undergo de-radicalization therapy by Tavistock psychological warfare psychiatrist for the crime of not liking the Muslim that stabbed him. That's right, the Crown will send someone to brainwash you into loving Muslims after you are stabbed by one. That's perfectly normal… The UK is the Orwellian future British intelligence agent George Orwell predicted.

People want to live with their own kind. This is a perfectly natural sentiment to have. Forcing people to live in a soup of competing cultures is unnatural. There is nothing racist about saying that. Move some people from the third world into your house and finance them yourself if you think its so great.

I think your post is low effort and sucks and that I shouldn't have responded to you.

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