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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 29e6a7379aeab3b⋯.jpg (228.86 KB, 1132x883, 1132:883, 1571951658999.jpg)

File: bb8aa11550364ec⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 1572119937337.jpg)

File: c0b207900bc708e⋯.mp4 (11.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Joan_Rivers_Tranny.mp4)

File: 58a6cb185d09570⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1022x9019, 1022:9019, Michelle_Obama_for_VP.png)

File: 794438cbee036e1⋯.png (296.84 KB, 682x2131, 682:2131, RIP_Joan_Rivers_No_One_Wil….png)

0fe1f0  No.104402

Man pretending to be a woman who is married to former president Obama intends to become Biden VP.

>A newly-launched committee called “Draft Michelle Obama” is pushing for Joe Biden, the apparent Democrat presidential nominee, to select the former first lady as his running mate.

>“Joe Biden has said he would choose Michelle Obama as his running mate ‘in a heartbeat.’ The aim of this campaign is to build on the substantial grassroots support for a potential Michelle Obama candidacy and help garner media attention for a vice-presidential nominee who has the power to beat Donald Trump,” the group said in a statement released Monday.

>The statement adds: “The Committee to Draft Michelle Obama firmly believes that Ms. Obama will not only benefit the Democratic ticket this November but also help lead this country to be more just and caring. However strongly we support Ms. Obama as Vice President Biden’s running mate, we will transfer our resolve to whoever joins the ticket to defeat the most dangerous incumbent in the history of our nation.”

>The group, which filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in late April, is supported by Democratic fundraisers Nadine Hack and Mack Wilbourn, spokesperson Drew Zuckerman told The Hill.

Are you ready for your country to be invaded, your jobs to be shipped overseas, your country to be looted, heavy austerity measures to be put in place, guns to be banned, straws to be banned, drugs to be legalized, police to be vilified, courts to be corrupted, non-prosecution DAs to be hired, a whole host of illegal executive orders to be filed, and the fag agenda to be forced onto your kids at school?


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9982e0  No.104403


Last time you SWORE it would be Hillary. Make up your fucking minds.

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1da8fb  No.104415


They have thoroughly propagandized this ugly tranny into god like status among leftist MSM indoctrinated morons. They know they are sunk without the black vote. They expect women to vote for Michelle because "she" is a "woman."

Michelle Obama ticks all of the boxes the psychological warfare campaign has built up as being good. By installing him in the white house his gay husband will be assumed to be in charge, subverting the two term limit.

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3b7746  No.105145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Barack Obama was a Child Prostitute and his mother was his pimp

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158c7d  No.105188

File: fa626b0cec9759e⋯.jpg (15.65 KB, 256x145, 256:145, michaellavaughnrobinsonbas….jpg)

Until the Arkansas College Basketball team pictures come out for Michael Lavaughn Robinson, so few lefty inclined voters will believe it. I do not have the cash to fork over to get the yearbooks of Arkansas College at this time, and they they're pretty hard to find. But Michael Lavaughn Robinson is not a missing or dead person, so if you could just locate him, you could disprove it, but it's just not happening. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. If I just had this pic FULL size…

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0fe1f0  No.105474

File: c5d8c20a63e613c⋯.jpg (159.57 KB, 1440x1764, 40:49, 01.jpg)

File: ec0bb4a10775d52⋯.jpg (186.2 KB, 1600x1565, 320:313, 02.jpg)

File: a87422874d30181⋯.jpg (132.47 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 03.jpg)

File: f001c46c794bfdb⋯.jpg (33.55 KB, 564x423, 4:3, 04.jpg)

File: 2c290b3a1af9212⋯.mp4 (670.71 KB, 480x268, 120:67, 05.mp4)

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6f89ad  No.105568


I could roll with the story about a women with muscular arms, even if it was extremely unlikely, especially at this age, even with a serious sporting past, but women dont have trapezeus muscles like that. It simply doesnt happen. Its a muscle that is strongly linked to testosterone. Even in some men they dont develop to such extent. They have little to do with resistance training and everything to do with genetics and test levels. If you have high levels, you will get them, if not you will have an extremely hard time developing it even a little.

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fd67ff  No.105584


Maybe she is a genetic aberration… or, if she was into sports, she may have taken testosterone supplements in order to boost her performance. There are a whole range of explanations.

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6f89ad  No.105587


Coupled with the vids where her penis was seen i guess the explanation is pretty clear.

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3e67fd  No.105603


Proofs needed for such obnoxious claim

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bd6613  No.105607


>yearbooks of Arkansas College at this time

How much $$$ would that cost?

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bd6613  No.105609


There's a few vids floating around on the surface web where you can see a questionable package dangling around in Mike's pants.

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90ca3b  No.105642

File: c288a63dae7015d⋯.gif (13.7 MB, 500x281, 500:281, michelle_obama_swinging_el….gif)

File: 82a0930601d60a7⋯.gif (936.36 KB, 320x180, 16:9, michelle_obama_swinging_in….gif)

File: 49e98b0c021d468⋯.jpg (49.72 KB, 500x434, 250:217, michelle_obama_cl.jpg)

File: e06afa5576ee98f⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 387x692, 387:692, moochs_back_trapezius_musc….jpg)

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33306b  No.105663

File: cab88c3b5bdf79f⋯.jpeg (31.15 KB, 474x642, 79:107, 2.jpeg)

File: a2002d47a69070b⋯.jpg (64.68 KB, 600x412, 150:103, Bush_Michelle_Obama_Bliss.jpg)

File: 67efd2cae5e2fc0⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 600x386, 300:193, Bush_Michelle_Obama_Hands.jpg)

File: d5e7b69c963e3ed⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2048x1358, 1024:679, gettyimages_466822186_2048….jpg)

File: 5f93c4124ea963a⋯.jpg (96.23 KB, 440x1023, 40:93, Michelle_Obama_Feet_659205.jpg)


That and the size of the hands and feet.

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33306b  No.105664

File: 2f9574aab642b2e⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1181x1354, 1181:1354, Michelle_Obama_Feet_728481.jpg)

File: 7ef50565bb9c0e7⋯.jpg (956.7 KB, 1392x1080, 58:45, Michelle_Obama_Feet_728484.jpg)

File: f7d85fd189eb7fa⋯.jpg (537.04 KB, 800x1080, 20:27, Michelle_Obama_Feet_728492.jpg)

File: be22ac159d09afb⋯.jpg (358.34 KB, 1060x1842, 530:921, Michelle_Obama_Feet_736766.jpg)

File: 2a7e147fc74f9d9⋯.jpg (255.36 KB, 901x1539, 901:1539, Michelle_Obama_Feet_784678.jpg)

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210f77  No.105718

File: 0b4d43ee87ccbc0⋯.jpg (129.69 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, 13ab2fd3b4569173d75d749ce2….jpg)

File: cba8d69bb34da4e⋯.jpg (228.89 KB, 549x500, 549:500, img_7ae65523d2fdf702f0ce27….jpg)

File: 03b825d39f5bc0e⋯.jpg (59.42 KB, 959x619, 959:619, 3db37e4144d6445f1d25a0233e….jpg)

File: 87988210063db31⋯.jpg (119.4 KB, 960x1440, 2:3, d048c2ab3adba462d954a3bccd….jpg)

File: 9842dc6c1ea01b5⋯.jpg (45.92 KB, 960x480, 2:1, e654c4b32dd85aab4640f985ca….jpg)

Yeah, thumbs up buddy.

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210f77  No.105719

File: ec6fc268f4e73ee⋯.jpg (261.65 KB, 1548x1036, 387:259, Michelle_Obama_Feet_112564….jpg)

File: b15748feca740ab⋯.jpg (375.68 KB, 800x1244, 200:311, Michelle_Obama_Feet_236187….jpg)

File: 09c97d12008160b⋯.jpg (58.84 KB, 594x396, 3:2, Michelle_Obama_Pearl_Neckl….jpg)

File: ba89b0871521053⋯.jpg (86.08 KB, 788x900, 197:225, Michelle_Obama_TNS_788x900.jpg)

File: ec7085f97c10131⋯.jpeg (17.09 KB, 474x266, 237:133, No_wig.jpeg)

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3e67fd  No.105754

Dingle dongle Obama is a normal human person , lol best prezy EVER, not only first gentlemen color POTUS, but also LGBTniggerQ woke AF, and Michele Banana is the next Mis Universe 2021 and prob the winner of the Olysses

I hate this world.

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d3dd63  No.105902

File: 292ba115b30d981⋯.jpg (81.29 KB, 960x960, 1:1, fb_img_1500037557416.jpg)

File: 2bf81165ddb1299⋯.jpg (113.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, fb_img_1500037493679.jpg)

File: 292ba115b30d981⋯.jpg (81.29 KB, 960x960, 1:1, fb_img_1500037557416_1_.jpg)

Might as well add these for your collection

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d3dd63  No.105905

File: 3db75cef2d6b334⋯.jpg (616.51 KB, 3014x2777, 3014:2777, obamas.jpg)


>missing the best one

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5505da  No.105918


>god like status among leftist MSM indoctrinated morons.

Where do you get this?

My media exposure leads me to assume she's better than Trump, but that's not saying much - an empty chair would be better.

I don't think she's a good choice for VP - she's got no direct legislative or executive record to draw on, so she can't be meaningfully judged. (Of course, given how hard the Dems are trying to lose 2020, that may mean Biden picks her - but I think he's more likely to go with someone even further right than he is to try to win the coveted 'right-wing, but hates spray tans' demographic.).

If she's trans, that would be a plus, but I'd rather have someone with a strong political record even if they don't tick enough diversity boxes. Liz Warren or Maxine Waters would be good. Bernie would be the best choice if he wants to win the election, even though he's not a good fit in the long term: while Bernie's a lot sharper than Biden or Trump, he's very old and not as sharp as Liz. (AOC's out because I think she's still too young to be President.)

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68f97f  No.106713

File: 014d6b9cba7e381⋯.gif (83.73 KB, 140x110, 14:11, mem432303.gif)

File: 13191dcdffe8db3⋯.gif (236.13 KB, 80x80, 1:1, mem655614.gif)

File: e1b77f0ce9a128f⋯.gif (533.64 KB, 80x80, 1:1, mem674743.gif)

File: c62ff2cae1b4694⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 408x228, 34:19, SvtIp.gif)

File: ac0a3418f665a5e⋯.jpg (154.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, the_chan_clan.jpg)

A lot of monkeyshines in this thread!

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5505da  No.106756


>Bolshevik described as smart

Where? There's only one paleosoviet candidate mentioned; his intelligence is only described in relative terms; and he's described as unambiguously less intelligent than at least two of the three non-Soviets. I don't give a relative ranking of Biden and Trump, so I suppose you COULD pretend to believe that I said he was smarter than Biden *and* that 'smarter than Biden' means 'smart in absolute terms', but you'd just be making a fool of yourself.

>waaa I'm triggered that you aren't mean to trannies

That's why electing a tranny is a plus. If you don't want people electing trannies just to piss you off, stop being so degenerate about it.

>thinks diversity is a good thing

I literally stated that diversity is LESS important than skill. I suggest leveling up your reading skill.

>studies prove plunges societies into chaos

[citation needed], and it better be real science rather than RaceRealist1488's Bitchute channel.

>muh indoctrination

Anon, what do you call it when someone thinks economic theory is a better source of public health policy than *actual fucking scientists*?

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557c0b  No.106776

File: c877e99579eda47⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 300x400, 3:4, lou_hoover.jpg)

File: d644d3c79cba24a⋯.jpg (23.44 KB, 420x316, 105:79, betty_ford.jpg)

File: 1452fb0e7e9199a⋯.jpg (245.79 KB, 1191x1678, 1191:1678, mamie_eisenhower.jpg)

File: c05289a2fa8ac15⋯.jpg (119.24 KB, 800x990, 80:99, eleanor_roosevelt.jpg)

Oh, so we're going to pretend that it's just Obama?

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5505da  No.106794


Have you lot never actually seen an old woman?

A lot of 'female' traits are hormone-mediated; postmenopausal women look more masculine. I'd bet real money Lou is postmenopausal in that picture.

Also, mainstream culture encourages women to put on makeup until they look 15, while men aren't given the same encouragement, so women old enough that they can no longer hide their wrinkles ALSO look more masculine. That explains why you think Betty looks trans.

I know several ciswomen who look about as feminine as Mamie and Eleanor.

Now, sure, they COULD all be trans… but the fact that you're acting like these pictures are PROOF shows that you're not really familiar with human biology.

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a8424c  No.106831

File: 3875d3891b65fee⋯.jpg (636.6 KB, 1750x1491, 250:213, Henry_and_Nancy_Kissinger.jpg)

File: 43e75fe104eee61⋯.jpg (512.07 KB, 4256x2832, 266:177, Henry_and_Nancy_Kissinger2.jpg)

File: 2c1183947d1e871⋯.jpg (630.86 KB, 2048x3072, 2:3, Henry_Kissinger_at_Met_Ope….jpg)


How about the wife of club of Rome member and British Intelligence officer who covertly served as the president of the American shadow government for decades?

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fd67ff  No.106850

File: 2254d148b53daf0⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>you're not really familiar with human biology.

Consider the kinds of people who post here. The kind that migrated from a dying 4chan and who once felt at home in the masturbatory misery of /r9k/.

Me? I'm just here for shits and giggles.

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6d859b  No.106861


She's not a tranny…

That's just how black women look

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e86dfa  No.106871


>Are you ready for your country to be invaded, your jobs to be shipped overseas, your country to be looted, heavy austerity measures to be put in place, guns to be banned, straws to be banned, drugs to be legalized, police to be vilified, courts to be corrupted, non-prosecution DAs to be hired, a whole host of illegal executive orders to be filed, and the fag agenda to be forced onto your kids at school?

All those things already happened though, and they were pushed by Donald Trump.

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e86dfa  No.106873

File: d33ca37fe39eb79⋯.jpg (98.69 KB, 600x900, 2:3, coolkid.jpg)


>Me? I'm just here for shits and giggles.

Wow. You're really cool, aren't you.

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5505da  No.107038


I'm not asking them to tell me what pussy tastes like, or to have friends - I'm asking them to have SEEN old people a few times in their lives!


Wow, Kissinger's a manlet.

Her 70s scifi nemesis outfit is impressive… though if you consider who she's with, it's not really SURPRISING that she feels the urge to dress the part.

I could believe her being trans, but with that look she's much more likely to be a cis dominatrix.

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e86dfa  No.108586

File: ee4e534947b9988⋯.jpg (24.24 KB, 460x276, 5:3, 0daf15b6d7fa1dea8691dd7488….jpg)

File: ba1495bda000bfb⋯.jpg (985.7 KB, 2167x3000, 2167:3000, 1bcff3343ac0d0027631d81f50….jpg)

File: f6bc9268510b5e4⋯.jpg (225.65 KB, 1600x1585, 320:317, 1ca51f8c66b767f18d7ad4b14b….jpg)

File: 8ef402d2228f572⋯.jpg (114.16 KB, 1440x880, 18:11, 2abe12d8247d65c3d32cfb7fd4….jpg)

File: 6644323b371bddf⋯.jpg (164.48 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 2d1c34a2ce3f101cf307ed59a5….jpg)

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e86dfa  No.108588

File: d78f383ce689867⋯.jpg (79.93 KB, 394x594, 197:297, 3a4e0ee678cd3dca839b2affb6….jpg)

File: ac1d84faca5a4b8⋯.jpg (331.18 KB, 2000x1050, 40:21, 3c4dcd2ea1df55e29f9e244057….jpg)

File: 1e6d04a1581d355⋯.jpg (102.59 KB, 801x1024, 801:1024, 3cb6ec379d7bad4c707acd119a….jpg)

File: 73fe0f89320310a⋯.jpg (330.83 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, 3f81578f525d394760f45c67e8….jpg)

File: 8850773fd4a8eb0⋯.jpg (354.89 KB, 3000x2000, 3:2, 4f73533dd48319df257fcc9d4e….jpg)

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e86dfa  No.108589

File: 9a58dbfd15517b5⋯.jpg (154.67 KB, 773x1024, 773:1024, 5b42ebe9be55cf40e45fc8a1b5….jpg)

File: cdc665c7c47c3fb⋯.jpg (35.38 KB, 474x559, 474:559, 5d84a401629868a029d214273d….jpg)

File: b28137cc90eb9f3⋯.jpg (165.09 KB, 782x1024, 391:512, 6e7a523cdf6b9b2f35246f73af….jpg)

File: 142d2ce33f2104d⋯.jpg (156.7 KB, 1024x691, 1024:691, 6f2bd08657c63ec322b24454ac….jpg)

File: fb54660a2784f7b⋯.jpg (270.46 KB, 2048x1440, 64:45, 59bf2d9e4fe371a242ad3edded….jpg)

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e86dfa  No.108591

File: ceb78404f302134⋯.jpg (282.28 KB, 600x750, 4:5, 60ab2024f33a0635091801f3f7….jpg)

File: 9d87882e2e30617⋯.jpg (131.37 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 72ea8e8b7dd9def787414c3578….jpg)

File: 01231e1131a2e91⋯.jpg (49.91 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 79c199cf3182e63b6200b845f7….jpg)

File: 9effdccac3f76e0⋯.jpg (906.62 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 86ae3ef31dcab7227eb3d742ff….jpg)

File: 1a73d14e2a50602⋯.jpg (222.82 KB, 1212x1843, 1212:1843, 94c76bfd07d383a3cfa085af31….jpg)

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e86dfa  No.108592

File: 8765ea99aec07f0⋯.jpg (184.85 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 106a4ad9429c668dfacae40b46….jpg)

File: c22fc87d1b7a1fa⋯.jpg (149.67 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, 2944c22ea5a47338cdf731cc50….jpg)

File: 4063fafda29d8c4⋯.jpg (156.15 KB, 864x1296, 2:3, 7283b098efef06180b48c8d58c….jpg)

File: 4e1ad35098e67bd⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8102cf8ecd60d76161d7af586e….jpg)

File: 30876745215d16e⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 1127x1600, 1127:1600, 65823e3442e223ea0b67ff9751….jpg)

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e86dfa  No.108593

File: acb03add68ec4ed⋯.jpg (193.69 KB, 400x600, 2:3, 91679e9cab3cc3b226786d29ec….jpg)

File: 5edd44d43381b75⋯.jpg (151.96 KB, 464x570, 232:285, 220741898e83f39d8017708d56….jpg)

File: 60520223314391e⋯.jpg (273.73 KB, 1200x629, 1200:629, 838744481771b5cc93675d359a….jpg)

File: 7cbc0da94fc4a76⋯.jpg (84.93 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, a02d6a9a614059953e229f2e99….jpg)

File: 2c8bc93ef3e6d67⋯.jpg (88.94 KB, 875x583, 875:583, a4b2d7c70d4abe4574f74869eb….jpg)

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e86dfa  No.108594

File: 7fc0cad04bf8158⋯.jpg (149.36 KB, 784x1024, 49:64, a15ce23842fa48f850262c9d88….jpg)

File: a48bfbbc86b1de3⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, b2bd1fa0840baf497bbf25f5ec….jpg)

File: 9cd6bd41cee67d0⋯.jpg (185.53 KB, 1600x1565, 320:313, b9b9b95528d18bc3cdea8d48b6….jpg)

File: 34153681d1731d1⋯.jpg (89.22 KB, 594x427, 594:427, b9c74470fa40aaa620d3522133….jpg)

File: f491ea2ed25870f⋯.jpg (621.96 KB, 1108x1936, 277:484, ca1de51f8946ac13bf37ce109d….jpg)

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e86dfa  No.108595

File: 0aeda14f5c02928⋯.jpg (672.34 KB, 3000x1395, 200:93, d7be8aeedc9b467a15968f340b….jpg)

File: 44674f096a9471a⋯.jpg (256.71 KB, 1536x1019, 1536:1019, d016b4810caa6a2bb58916013b….jpg)

File: d7bae2718d4702f⋯.jpg (320.13 KB, 1200x805, 240:161, dea0a932c25b68c80843b793ee….jpg)

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File: b6f964be42efb2f⋯.jpg (25.17 KB, 630x407, 630:407, e0caffc27cad998c999226a0c6….jpg)

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e86dfa  No.108596

File: e80ccace5a4f52a⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1600x1921, 1600:1921, f5c28f6b83cff79a8abe56b5b0….jpg)

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fac915  No.108605

File: 5e412f23f0145bb⋯.jpg (697.05 KB, 800x1023, 800:1023, 0eaffade3dd92d4c6003d96d2f….jpg)

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File: cb489e2244866ff⋯.jpg (234.9 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 3ab1b8b1a700eaab68409b2f98….jpg)

File: 255ef30808c2d2e⋯.jpg (520.89 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 3c9d27e79a953d0bc1d2d4c10b….jpg)

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fac915  No.108606

File: 6acb647fdd9617d⋯.jpg (260.07 KB, 800x527, 800:527, 4f061fa79bdeeea3ff4445734f….jpg)

File: 5176c86bad80b14⋯.jpg (460.94 KB, 1096x745, 1096:745, 5a0b357e9ac7d45586fdb16d4f….jpg)

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fac915  No.108607

File: f2f74a31445a569⋯.jpg (323.46 KB, 962x886, 481:443, 30e92e26475709803153c4a55f….jpg)

File: eb9e1f15bec6327⋯.jpg (132.1 KB, 375x560, 75:112, 31c6cd4015d630e90a31d17b1e….jpg)

File: 05b686b09d80479⋯.jpg (231.9 KB, 470x813, 470:813, 97b02255d781ef095cf29e7922….jpg)

File: 259bd43336f9549⋯.jpg (188.18 KB, 464x570, 232:285, 379cc5d8e1b4aa9ed8b4b2d642….jpg)

File: f71f2cccce9e994⋯.jpg (302.12 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 568b54e3ed113e615159299069….jpg)

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fac915  No.108608

File: c2590e0f6bdcf84⋯.jpg (429.2 KB, 962x642, 481:321, 79504d05991ca9542da85cb277….jpg)

File: d882f4013973ebe⋯.jpg (244.51 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 785760d04d704813c8ecdbd9c8….jpg)

File: d7a9fac28409d18⋯.jpg (397.8 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 2545639c3a7746462e7fa33922….jpg)

File: 6601e841a095a90⋯.jpg (625.62 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 54313842af78f7136c63b0ef52….jpg)

File: 01ddd314fadd4bd⋯.jpg (581.36 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, bb290aa793bac1d52cd03ed6bf….jpg)

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fac915  No.108609

File: 85e7fbed72b6d76⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, c126b51e90314edf56b8a061f2….jpg)

File: 611bd45465c043f⋯.jpg (129.86 KB, 425x457, 425:457, d9ac2b4e6ce716b97ce9a94ec6….jpg)

File: f1cbbe2b4ceee3f⋯.jpg (121.94 KB, 500x345, 100:69, d9b7d636b4c2d64f4a9c4ed7c5….jpg)

File: deb888608cc6750⋯.jpg (135.17 KB, 599x315, 599:315, de697a1f3738b5462b10d56696….jpg)

File: e7edc5faa959fbe⋯.jpg (524.73 KB, 800x944, 50:59, e6d12cc62888eeed1c45b3fff2….jpg)

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fac915  No.108610

File: c3cadbb652d5359⋯.jpg (373.4 KB, 688x1033, 688:1033, f0013a2ed5bf50b163ac33eb28….jpg)

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fac915  No.108611

look at the traps on this guy pretending to be a woman

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0e56da  No.108626

File: 1a58801aa328179⋯.gif (7.44 MB, 600x675, 8:9, king_nigger_wookie.gif)


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fb352f  No.108826

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