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File: 296abdd603c1392⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 477x464, 477:464, take_your_meds_schizo_jidf….gif)

File: 67a66aca31b7287⋯.jpg (163.31 KB, 1212x1141, 1212:1141, Q_may_have_bad_intentions.jpg)

1ebb0d  No.104469


(Qfaggots go home)
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1ebb0d  No.104474

File: a6b3d9606cf4e59⋯.jpg (159.53 KB, 1221x1171, 1221:1171, Q_may_have_bad_intentions.jpg)


Updated version. Getting even worse…

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0a5eb9  No.104475


I would just say it's Q's overall "trust the plan"/"Patriots in control" schtick. This has accomplished nothing but redirected people into a stupor, who might otherwise have taken action on various matters (or at least, they had a larger chance of taking action than now). Whether it's the pedogate stuff down to now, with the coronavirus lockdowns. It only ever quells rebellion, hypnotizes people to calm down, and to "fight for freedom" on the internet in some meaningless abstract fashion, while giving hope porn that Trump and "special forces" are carrying out ops in the real world.

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1ebb0d  No.104477

File: c68ff670c89f5d0⋯.jpg (188.07 KB, 1195x1337, 1195:1337, Q_may_have_bad_intentions.jpg)

Updated again. Still getting worse…

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fdc4bb  No.104514

He might be wrong about the Voat thing, but it's honestly alarming how there are posts outright stating that they aren't afraid of being rounded up. Expecting it during the Obama era was a no brainer, but wasn't the Trump era supposed to be the era that the ACTUAL criminals would get rounded up? Why expect getting rounded up when Trump, the guy that Q tells you to trust, is in charge?

Regardless, I had a neutral opinion about Q until sometime in 2019 when it became apparent that there wasn't gonna be any sort of arrests for the deep state criminals or anything. I didn't deeply research Q to see if what he said were true, but as time went by, I had suspicions that this all might be bullshit since nothing was happening. It seems like it's there to placate the people into believing that Trump is on their side and is working to round up the deep state criminals and dump them in Gitmo. In 2020, during this Corona hysteria, it's fully apparent to me that Q is a satanic entity, because during the early happenings, Q had essentially insinuated that Corona was a cover to finally get the celebs and deep state fuckers, but obviously no celebs are arrested, no deep state officials have been caught, it's looking like once and for all that Q is a sham.

Hope none of you were dumb enough to post about Q in social media while buying the hype…

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1ebb0d  No.104691

File: f5afb2bdd08f76b⋯.jpg (45.18 KB, 1173x267, 391:89, Q_may_have_bad_intentions_….jpg)

I reposted it last night and it got 7 downvotes very quickly. Screenshot attached.

Very suspicious.

Posted it a 3rd time today and it's already down to -2. I figured more of the attackers would be asleep by now but I guess not.

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3bbf2b  No.104695

why the FUCK would this thread get an anchor?

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9482f4  No.104697

File: b1b5f685afcb587⋯.png (40.76 KB, 177x130, 177:130, 2Q.png)


Because reddit is back the way you came.

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ae32d7  No.104806


>sometime in 2019 when it became apparent that there wasn't gonna be any sort of arrests for the deep state criminals or anything

Nigger, that should have been been clear long before 2019.

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16ba50  No.104810


It should have been deleted completely. You're right.

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