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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: f972bab4ed9ba6a⋯.jpg (285.65 KB, 1517x1080, 1517:1080, 2mb9vk.jpg)

c9338d  No.103128

Remember that thread about Colorado and Michigan arrests? Apparently, yes it's going down this morning.

The current Larimer County Sheriff… his name is Justin Smith. There was a contender for a Constitutional Sheriff named Carl Bruning in Larimer County back in 2010, but the vote was either stolen, or the residents rejected being represented by a constitutional Sheriff.


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ffb057  No.103143

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ffb057  No.103149

OP, use the key!

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c9338d  No.103152


pgp newb. am working on it

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c9338d  No.103165


got it. tryin ta figure out how to send you a msg back

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c9338d  No.103173

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c9338d  No.103185


thanks a million. We tried to elect a Constitutional Sheriff, but the vote in the primary came back the next morning while all the others reported at the due time. I swear to god I think they stole that election for Justin.

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fb6c8c  No.103187

File: 07f9ea2445110f7⋯.png (233.66 KB, 447x352, 447:352, 1492365249819.png)



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c9338d  No.103193


Ordo Solis Atri

So what's up with that? I guess you're all about the black sun and lilith, and I'm slightly intrigued but ultimately I follow god and the true god of light and love.

I guess I couldn't send you much by the way of a pgp message without doxxing myself. anyone else with skills would have been able to read it anyways.

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7ce5ed  No.103198


I am fucking stupid ignorant of PGP just because I don't like computers - I don't like relying on something that isn't real. Can you please instruct me on this?

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c9338d  No.103199


it was already just posted earlier without pgp.. here's the message that was originally encrypted.


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7ce5ed  No.103201


Right on. Thank you.

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b05d14  No.103202

So much for the constitutiion.


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fb6c8c  No.103205


It is just a piece of paper after all.

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a81602  No.103207


Yeah in America 2.0 we're going to have to seriously upgrade our Constitution enforcement protocols. I'm thinking all governor rank politicians and above get a no-confidence bomb collar that detonates when 60% of taxpayers vote on a secure government website using their SSNs as logins

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93a3ec  No.103213


Do you all have any idea what sort of nuclear cringe larping this is? Take some time to familiarize yourself with the mouth breathers that are involved here.



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b05d14  No.103221


You cringe everytime someone behaves in a way that's not portrayed in one of your jewish brainwashing programs.

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f0fbd7  No.103224


Dude… watch the last 5 minutes of that YouTube video. This is the most humiliating cringe I've seen in a year.

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c9338d  No.103302


Mcnab… yep, how fucking embarrassing when women have an opinion and the right to vote. They've obviously ruined the west and the USA. That's obviously a Scottish name, she's an embarrassment.

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ac2bd6  No.103830

is the guy getting raided (or the guy who was raided) the organizer for this event?

Big Brother is watching you


And he will come to get you in the night

put a black hood over your head

and put you in a little box

and then ask you questions

until you contradict yourself

and then they will get you for perjury

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96cf8d  No.104411


perjury is only a crime if you are under oath when you lie, and even then only if it can be proven.

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a2feb2  No.107844

Did we ever find out what happened to these goys? Did they decide to make an example out of them, or release them, or what?

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0f2177  No.107854


"Majority Rules" is un-Constitutional. Your collar just went off.

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4daeee  No.107927


You're missing the point buddy. Tell me, what good are laws if the highest power of the land is unaccountable? They can redefine said laws and choose to ignore them, what is anyone going to do about it?

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c9338d  No.112152


nope. Wonder where ffb057 went, he would know.

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