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File: 2f2629c97cd07b2⋯.png (6,2 KB, 300x168, 25:14, based.png)

a42496  No.102986

what has been the most based event of the 21st century? for me its the New Zealand shooting, his whole demeanor throughout the event and the fact that he live streamed it just made it so undeniably based

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47e198  No.102990


We're putting men on the moon in 2024 and you think some random asshole going pew-pew in a mosque is the most based? You are retarded.

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83ab72  No.103033


>you think some random asshole going pew-pew in a mosque is the most based?


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4d9a80  No.103038


>muh spaceforce!

trumpniggers are maximum cringe


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a42496  No.103045


from the writings on the weapons, to his pre game antics, to his escape music, to him chadding it up in court theres no way a couple of morons that will inevitably die on the moon will be more based

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fa2a3f  No.103078

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cd4984  No.103086

The jews have won.

They control the world at this point.

They control the media, they control the internet, the control the economy, the politics, the common opinion and basically reality at this point.

We have lost and the jews have won, it is over.

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13c70c  No.103206


>when doomerism is the only motivation left

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3498d0  No.103208

File: f5317c3f3e10923⋯.jpg (279,76 KB, 958x1278, 479:639, 189955039382.jpg)


>Brenton Tarrant is a historical figure

feels good man

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a7be85  No.103708



Get the fuck out.

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