>Niggers have been here for almost as long as we have. Whether we like it or not, they're a part of our society and have been for a long time. They're also American citizens.
>Spics are a new and invading force. They refuse to assimilate to our culture, and identify first and foremost as Mexican or Dominican or whatever the fuck brand of shitskin they are, and American second.
>Niggers are shooting and aborting themselves to the point where their population is dropping so rapidly they'll probably be Native-American-tier extinct within four or five generations.
>Spics don't believe in abortion, but they're also degenerate and don't practice abstinence. One Mexican goblin woman can, and will, shit out 5-10 kids by the time she's 35. There's no question that if trends continue as they are, Hispanics will overtake whites as a majority within 30 years.
>Niggers are contained within their ghettos.
>There are no containment zones for spics. Everywhere they touch becomes rife with nigger levels of cartel crime, drug deals, exotic diseases, and Mexican flags waving from every fucking house.
>Niggers are mostly satisfied with their monthly welfare check and the opportunity to whine a little bit. What has BLM successfully accomplished?
>Despite being new and from a foreign county, spics think they're entitled to everything from a perfect life in a country they're illegally inhabiting to the LAND of that country. And the worst part is they have the numbers and cohesion BLM lack - just look at La Raza if you need an example.
>Average IQ of a nigger is 85
>Average IQ of a spic is 89
Spics are the biggest threat the US has faced in its entire existence. Niggers cannot even be compared to them.