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/niggwretchedness/ - Nigger Community Wretchedness

Strictly humour to laugh at niggardy

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File: 51a92e922ec8d99⋯.png (257.12 KB,358x354,179:177,chrome_screenshot_7_Nov_20….png)


How will Trump strategically deport 8 million illegal immigrants in America? Who's gonna work all the hard labor jobs when they leave? Aren't Latinos bolstering our economy and helping us?

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File: 59310f6415af8ed⋯.gif (423.14 KB,350x233,350:233,1730998694908239.gif)


>they tend to use the emergency room in catastrophic situations

They use it for everything including when they have a cold. Denying illegals access to free healthcare would likely drop our healthcare costs by 25%. If you want universal healthcare then illegals at hospitals must be deported. If they have a heart attack we might treat for humanitarian reasons if we feel like it. But they're waking up in Mexico

they drive drunk literally every single day

every day they get hammered on their drive home

80%+ of DUIs in california are spics who can't speak english.

>Lol 60% of beaner households are on some form of welfare.

not even close

they almost always think that they'll get deported if they do. I've never known an illegal to use welfare. Most work so they don't even qualify.

>Spics are a net tax drain and bring crime with them everywhere.

that is true

but its because they're 80iq criminals who send all tehir money back home.

>Activate ICE and National Guard to round them all up and drop them off at the southern border

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You lost kikes, stop making me laugh so hard I'm still exhausted from yesterday

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How do poor illiterate peasants working as cleaners bolster any economy?

They suppress wage growth and boost the black economy

Theoretically those jobs should be taken by poor citizens…

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>its like 60%+ non-English speaking spics.

It's the same way everywhere. ER is expensive and it's routinely abused by illegals and homeless because they don't pay.

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Lol 60% of beaner households are on some form of welfare. Spics are a net tax drain and bring crime with them everywhere.

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Who will run porn and hedge funds when we gas all the Jews? Don't know but let's find out.

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I’ve lived in the ghetto and have seen illegals work very hard, one in particular got up at around 5 am 5 days a week to drive from OC to Indio for his honest construction job and who could somewhat understand and speak English

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File: 4d2c798ba2bea17⋯.png (582.57 KB,720x754,360:377,chrome_screenshot_7_Nov_20….png)


OK Rabbi,

How do poor illiterate peasants working as cleaners bolster any economy?

They suppress wage growth and boost the black economy

Theoretically those jobs should be taken by poor citizens…

>taking up the whole street for their cars with their shitty ass Mexican methods like putting up boxes or cones

what the fuck is that all about? My neighbor does that, what's the point of the cone? he jus sticks it on the corner of the car.

fucked that up

And also saw legal ones that can speak English leeching off government aid from their kids and taking up the whole street for their cars with their shitty ass Mexican methods like putting up boxes or cones and generally being a nuisance to the neighborhood.

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Also you just have to severely punish companies for hiring illegals,.

They'll go home.

but VIOLENTLY AGGRESSIVELY deport 100% of criminal aliens, even non-violent misdemeanors.

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I’ve lived in the ghetto and have seen illegals work very hard, one in particular got up at around 5 am 5 days a week to drive from OC to Indio for his honest construction job and who could somewhat understand and speak English.

And also saw legal ones that can speak English leeching off government aid from their kids and taking up the whole street for their cars with their shitty ass Mexican methods like putting up boxes or cones and generally being a nuisance to the neighborhood.

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Do people know you delete threads that offend you like the sensitive spineless woke bitch you are

Stay a pussy faggot so that niggers and other men can always make you their bitch

Just like how I made you my chewtoy and countless others


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You went into hiding yesterday for 2 days,


My guy won

You Lost!!

And those threads of GAY NIGGER SHIT, NIGGER DICKS, NIGGER TRANS COCKS & Your CHILDPORN fantasies turned to threads get 0 replies,

They get deleted by themselves cause they're DogShit you Fuckin Low IQ Inbred!!, that's how image boards work you fuckin retard

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I don't represent those woke spergs

Your red daddy don't know you exist know that

also why lie bitch most of those threads had replies and still went poof your meds won't help you here

Continue to reply to yourself since you have yet to make any friends Imao

try making better funnier content maybe you'll find someone till then get to typing

You got work to do


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Faggot, You only hide in your room afraid to get taken to pound town you pussywhipped white Gringo twink,

I'd rape your mother & you'd definitely be homeless

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