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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 2b6dc9819043f9d⋯.png (1.22 MB,986x1547,58:91,235253.png)

012888 No.313513

20,000 Haitians Invade & Trash Ohio Town, Begin Eating Peoples' Pets And Wildlife

The city of Springfield, Ohio - population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city - exacerbating a 'significant housing crisis' according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals.

During an Aug. 27 City Commission meeting, one local resident said that Haitians were "in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off, and eating them."

Another local resident posted to a Facebook group that their neighbor had a cat go missing - only to see it "hanging from a branch, like you'd do a deer for butchering, & they [the Haitians] were carving it up to eat."

Springfield is a mid-sized town in Ohio. 4 years ago, they had 60k residents. Under Harris and Biden, 20,000 Haitian immigrants were shipped to the town.

While the cat claim has been refuted by as "racist fear-mongering", others have provided receipts showing that cats are indeed part of Haitian cuisine.

Absolutely HEARTBREAKING moment Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she "can't take it anymore" as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily.

The mayor of Springfield does NOT want people to see this:

— captive dreamer (@captivedreamer7) September 7, 2024


Resident Glenda Bailey told the city "They have become the occupiers. What they've done is they've replaced the population in Springfield."

Tensions came to a boil last year after a illegal immigrant from Haiti caused a school bus crash last August, killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark after the child was thrown out of the emergency exit as the bus rolled off the road. Another 20 students were injured.


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46676b No.313541

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So much love.

Thank you Komrades Obamala and Walz.

We see how you well you’ve served your masters.

We’ve had enough of cackles and cuck!

Socialism is a failure.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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