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f0a816 No.313502

American Universities To Ban Anti-Israel Protests, Gut Free Speech Rights

No wonder universities have been losing students every year since 2020. Following the lead of New York University (NYU), American colleges and universities are imposing new rules to ban all criticism of Israel as "hate speech" and "antisemitism."

At least 17 schools, including NYU, have already altered their policies to punish students and faculty for disagreeing with Israel's war on Gaza. Some are prohibiting all Israel-related protests while others are going so far as to ban entire student organizations on campus.

In more extreme cases, schools are prohibiting students and faculty from protesting even online while others are expanding their conduct codes to basically keep quiet about Zionism or else face a school tribunal, of sorts, for punishment.

Today in the USSA, it is more lucrative NOT to go into student loan debt and take their worthless degrees supporting this brainwashing industrial complex. It would be wise for the youth to protest these indoctrination slave centers by NOT attending school at all, and going to a trade school instead.

If you are young today, give yourself the biggest voice you can give, DROP OUT and refuse to go into student load debt! Watch this evil system deservedly implode!!

If you do plan to go to school and speak your mind, here is a list of schools you should REJECT:


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