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34d3d5 No.313459

Putin Follows Ronald Reagan, Allowing Refuge To Victims Under Western Communism

Like America once did during the Cold War with the Soviet Union under President Ronald Reagan, Russia is now offering safe haven to any foreigners who want to escape their “neoliberal” communist-hijacked countries.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that Moscow would assist any foreign nationals wanting to apply for temporary residence in Russia “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history, and basic laws,” Russian state media reported Monday.

Yahoo News reports: Yes, Moscow is encouraging people from around the world to seek refuge in Russia via new three-month visas which may be available as early as in September, according to state news agency TASS.

In Russia, “traditional values reign supreme”, the report claimed – the Kremlin is known to oppose transgender-forced child abuse, promotion of homosexuality and illegal immigration.

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree this week which would allow foreign nationals into the country “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws”.

Applicants may apply via a simplified, expedited system and can request residency if they reject their home countries’ “destructive neoliberal ideals”.

Those ideals “run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values”, and end up “imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens”.

This new decree is especially surprising as Putin told the Financial Times in 2019 that it was a “cardinal mistake” for Germany to adopt a liberal approach to immigration from the Middle East.

“The liberal idea presupposes that nothing needs to be done. The migrants can kill, plunder and rape with impunity because their rights as migrants must be protected. What rights are these? Every crime must have its punishment,” he said.

He described the West as “satanic” in 2022, saying the area had rejected “moral norms” and “traditional values”.


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6a62cf No.313474

If I were born in Europe I would flee to Russia in a heartbeat today.

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077cc5 No.313576

Модные заметки по выбору превосходных образов на каждый день.

Обзоры экспертов, события, все дропы и мероприятия.


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