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6a917c No.313455

Lawrence a Meeks did nothing wrong.

He had $900 in his pocket. He had no reason to steal anything. He did not steal anything nor did he threaten anybody. The box of burgers that was stolen was never covered in the real suspect remains at large

Lawrence Meeks was also almost killed by the police when he was slammed down the ground they literally were stomping on his back squeezing all the air out of his lungs and he literally could not breathe he even said he couldn't breathe and they were literally asphyxiating Lawrence meeks and Lawrence Meeks has asthma and cannot breathe very well and so when they slammed him on the ground it made it very hard for him to breathe almost killing him.

Florence Meeks has no prior convictions and has never committed a crime before and is a good person who works as a boilermaker full-time and is also spent his entire adult life working in the factory industry working jobs like farming and industry jobs like battleship manufacturing fire extinguisher manufacturing floorboard manufacturing napkin manufacturing and many other trades Lawrence meeks is as an innocent hard-working man that was falsely accused of armed robbery

They even Force Lawrence Meeks to bond out for $5,000



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b1127c No.313462


Shit dude your AI prog was influenced by an illiterate nigger.

Niggers are by their nature criminals.

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