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Is It Wet Yet?

File: 67f7b55a59a228a⋯.png (2.05 MB,923x1854,923:1854,153246.png)

fd3cf1 No.313395

God Shuts Down Paris Power Grid After Olympics Mock Last Supper With Drag Fags

Looks like the Almighty didn't take kindly to Paris opening it's Olympics with a depiction of Christ's "Last Supper" full of Drag Queens, and even one guy with his ball sack hanging out. The City of Light is now plunged into darkness - literally.

Social Media is reporting the outage widely:

BREAKING: Massive Power Outage in Paris during the Olympics!

— TaraBull (@TaraBull808) July 27, 2024


Even the famed Eifel Tower has only its battery-operated emergency lights.

Many, MANY, people are openly saying this may be punishment for the Blasphemous Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games (in Paris) wherein they mocked God and Christ by portraying the "Last Supper" full of Drag Queens and Sodomites.

Apparently, the blue man was supposed to be God. The fat woman behind him to the left is supposed to be Jesus. The top-right image is the "Last Supper" full of Drag Queens, the Bottom right is a bearded "woman" dancing and below, to the left side of the "Last Supper" are more degenerates, including a man with his ball sack hanging out in public. THIS is what [the French government] thought would be a proper opening for the 2024 Olympic Games.

The so-called 'artist' behind the Satanic anti-Christian ceremony was Thomas Jolly, a 42 year old gay Jew. The level of open, public, SICKNESS, is stupefying! France now has a very sick society. For certain, not ALL of France, but a very significant majority is simply mentally ill and fixated on evil. It is, in fact, disgusting.

For what it's worth, below are comparison videos, one atop the other, showing the Olympic Games in 2014 when they were held in Russia, versus the degenerate, perverted, freak show put on today by France. Me? I'll side with Russia… the West is destroying itself and is already almost completely wrecked.


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098afe No.313412

The blue smurf guy is representing Dionysus, a Greek God of fruitfulness, wine and ecstasy. Where do the olympic games originate from ?

There is zero connection with Christianity here, aside from some people standing behind a large table.

Those are not ball sacks, but a tear in stockings, something easily confirmed when viewing more than just this one screenshot.

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9261de No.313420


Child Molesting Tranny faggot

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ff6752 No.313433

File: 4b4df1aaf467af0⋯.png (1.45 MB,828x1792,207:448,IMG_7393.png)

File: 14b5d6030dc4300⋯.jpeg (165.16 KB,664x820,166:205,IMG_7354.jpeg)

File: 37b3cb2cc32ab72⋯.jpeg (266.16 KB,2048x1266,1024:633,IMG_7316.jpeg)

>>313420 Exhibits A, B, C.

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