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5f0a3e No.313243

White House Builds Wall To Protect Themselves Against Anti-fascists Protesting Israeli Genocide

Thousands of demonstrators surrounded the White House on Saturday to protest President Joe Biden's response to Israel's military strikes on Gaza.

Chants of "Free Palestine!", "Genocide is our red line", and "Israel bombs, your taxes pay" could be heard from protesters - many of whom were bussed in from over two dozen cities. Footage posted on X shows protesters getting rowdy as police attempted to make an arrest. As a crowd chants, "Let her go!" officers deployed pepper spray (at 17 seconds).

VIDEO THREAD: Police attempted to make an arrest this afternoon outside the White House in the middle of the pro-Palestine rally kicking off now. A crowd surrounded them chanting "let her go!" and struggled with officers, who deployed mace against protesters and press. — Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) June 8, 2024


The woman was not arrested, and the cops were chased away, with one protester saying "get out of here motherfuckers."

Protesters surrounding and resisting the police cheered as a relatively rare moment occurred: The arrestee (whose hands had been cuffed behind their back) was able to leave, unarrested. It's not clear to me if they were uncuffed and/or later rearrested. — Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) June 8, 2024


The demonstration featured a coalition of groups, including the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Code Pink, which featured protesters dressed as Biden, Antony Blinken, Netanyahu, and Israel's Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant. "Abandon Biden!" chants as 'Code Pink' protesters dressed as jailed President Biden, Blinken, Gallant and Netanyahu, have children come up to state why they are guilty.

Massive group is gathered in the Ellipse in Washington DC and holding a "peoples court." — Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) June 8, 2024


Smoke Bomb flares were set off outside of the White House as police rush in as thousands gather to protest for Palestine, planning to surround the White House."


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872a30 No.313246

When does it become a riot tho?

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75f578 No.313545

Стильные заметки по выбору необычных видов на любой день.

Статьи экспертов, события, все новые коллекции и мероприятия.


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