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c046ac No.313061

Expect Higher Aluminum, Copper and Nickel Prices Due To US Sanctions

In another lame attempt at punishing Russia for trying to neutralize the globalist threat in Ukraine, the United States and Great Britain are limiting the trade of certain key metals from Russia, including aluminum, copper and nickel. From now on, no more of these Russian-origin metals will be imported into either the US or the UK, nor will any more of these Russian-origin metals appear on global exchanges.

Starting on April 13, 2024, the leading commodity exchanges – the London Metal Exchange (LME) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) – banned trade in Russian-origin metals, effectively cutting off the Western supply of these metals.

In a statement, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen stated that the prohibitions "continue to target the revenue Russia can earn" to fund its special military operation in Ukraine. In response to the move, Moscow's ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov called it an "unjustified and politicized step" that will, in time, backfire on the West, just like the earlier sanctions that ended up fortifying Russia's position of strength rather than damaging it.

Of-course the neo-con bureaucrats in Washington DC are denying prices will rise and everything is just fine, don't worry, don't be aware or be prepared for anything, just go back to watching Fox news or CNN goyim, nothing to see here. We all know, the same propaganda as usual. As with earlier US sanctions against Russia, Moscow is already working towards sidestepping the ban while diversifying its foreign trade, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a recent visit to China. Lavrov spoke of the "economic gaps" that will result from the "illegal policy of unilateral sanctions" during his visit. He also discussed with Wang Yi, his Chinese counterpart, plans for tackling them within the framework of BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

"Let the US sanction itself into complete isolation and oblivion," one commenter wrote about this truly stupid move by Yellen and her gang.

"Russia never should have traded with the US in the first place until all American bases were removed from Europe," added another. Someone else wrote that Russia really needs to start playing hard ball at this point by working more closely with China, which sounds as if it is currently in the works, to "strangle the US and the UK." "NO more essential goods to the US," this person wrote. "Sell all bonds. Take the US down. Slowly, slowly." "This is price fixing by US corporations via government sanctions," this commenter added. "Very typical economic fascism." "See what happens when you let old geezers run a country: they create chaos and large-scale issues," said another. "They don't care as they will not be around for long to deal with the fallout. US politicians are idiots at best. Not even useful idiots."


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32482d No.313092

> Great Britain

That's an oxymoron. Britain hasn't been great since post WWII.

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