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9b8635  No.300401

By: Ben Whedon


Bill Cosby and NBCUniversal are facing yet another legal battle over "The Cosby Show" star's alleged sexual misconduct, with multiple plaintiffs filing a sexual assault and battery suit in New York on Tuesday.

>>"Each plaintiff was sexually assaulted and battered by defendant Bill Cosby in the same or similar manner when he used his power, fame, and prestige… to misuse his enormous power in such a nefarious, horrific way," the filing reads.

Plaintiffs further allege that the studio actively "enabled and aided" Cosby in these alleged sexual assaults to preserve their financial stake in his celebrity.

>>"Over the course of several decades, Bill Cosby engaged in the serial sexual assault of dozens of women for his sexual gratification while the co-defendants enabled and aided these sexual assaults to benefit financially by their association with Bill Cosby," the suit alleges.

The suit lists "sexual assault, sexual battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and false imprisonment," among many of the alleged torts Cosby committed. They further assert that NBCUniversal Media and the other co-defendant firms did not investigate Cosby's actions or attempt to intervene.

While the alleged incidents occurred beyond the statute of limitations, plaintiffs are able to bring the suit by virtue of the New York Adult Survivors Act, which has created a one-year window suspending those limits to allow victims to come forward, Deadline reported.


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