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f4ef7f  No.261415

By Peter Mitchell


The US House Committee on Natural Resources is investigating the law enforcement crackdown against peaceful protesters at Lafayette Square prior to the arrival of US President Donald Trump for a photo opportunity outside St John's Episcopal Church holding a bible.

"A park police officer who was passing us stopped, turned towards Tim and rammed him in the chest and stomach with the edge of his riot shield, causing Tim to keel over and drop down," Brace told the committee in Washington DC on Monday.

"The officer then took a step back, paused, then punched his hand directly into the front of Tim's camera, grabbing the lens.

"As this happened, Tim and I were repeatedly shouting the word 'media'.


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72dc75  No.261417


maybe the park officer was raised by dingos?

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4cd067  No.261424

File: abcfb4f3eea9368⋯.jpg (252.33 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, hehehehe.jpg)

>Tim and I were repeatedly shouting the word 'media'

I'd probably start beating those faggots even harder at that point. Fuck the 'media'.

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7e8cbf  No.261587


<Tim and I were repeatedly shouting the word 'media'

>I'd probably start beating those faggots even harder at that point. Fuck the 'media'.


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