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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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11efe9 No.1701 [View All]

Non-specific nepposting here if there isn't a general on /v/

(not a replacement for the /v/ threads, more like a supplement)


>Re;Translation of Re;Birth 2



7z: https://mega.nz/#!2BNWnIgJ!_rabkxMFdhJ6Dy1zhOmvO5Fsm73GVm7hnWEpI9HM8Sw

SFX: https://mega.nz/#!SB0jURRT!_RtkAWDZxG5ij23zvSWQihVJenJzhuecXaRzgvJDjc8

7z MD5: 4023EDB04F27844CF1B4D064FE1E0499

SFX MD5: 6F7137D5693A8F0333C4EC80DEDBAB9D

>Re;Birth mods


>Translated Nep media


Hello New World manga is coming back.

…rips and translations: >>>/nep/1516

Vice has released his Noire civ for Civilization 5: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=555775561

Plutia next. Has dolls that do things and you get stuff by bullying other civilizations with her. Help Vice's dialog out via these Google docs:



412 posts and 187 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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11efe9 No.2155


Weird formatting issues? Looks like a normal thread on my end.

Aren't things supposed to shit up at 650 now or that just on /v/?

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11efe9 No.2156


There was a period of time on my end where the quotes wouldn't appear, though I suppose it could be a moving thing than a thread length thing. Seemed to have fixed itself, but I thought to bring it up anyways in case it's happening to anyone else.

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11efe9 No.2157


That was 8chan fucking up in general, some genius mixed up the beta site's user options with the normal site's.

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11efe9 No.2158

File: 1452190375612.png (Spoiler Image,239.01 KB,515x767,515:767,25e8e3980f03d44265831823ff….png)

What do?

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11efe9 No.2159

File: 1452190998449.jpg (219.55 KB,600x740,30:37,gK6W8Xu.jpg)


"Deploy pudding" is the safest option.

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11efe9 No.2160


Wow, the limited edition looks a heck of a lot better than usually.

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11efe9 No.2162


Nice feelies actually, I agree.

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11efe9 No.2163

Guess someone posted a nepgen…

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11efe9 No.2164

File: 1452209742861.png (Spoiler Image,35.78 KB,943x514,943:514,1452208956835.png)

There's a new blancfag doing it with Underling.

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11efe9 No.2165


Oh no

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11efe9 No.2166


Expect broken promises and shitty pics.

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11efe9 No.2167


I hope he actually delivers.


I wonder if Nepgens will be hosted here now

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11efe9 No.2168


Not sure if I like having most of the activity on the board isolated to one thread…

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11efe9 No.2169


That sounds like a fucking Nigerian scam e-mail. Of course he's a Linda-fag.

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11efe9 No.2170

one of Neptune's jumping lines is "kangaroo no youni" right

because this entire time I thought she was saying "gagarin no youni"

as in yuri gagarin

I'm fucking deaf, leave me alone

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11efe9 No.2171

I'm Alive! And holy crap this week and last week was a mess!


Chika tells Nepgear that I have a somewhat of a big Mind Control fetish. I don't think she would mind if I was diagnosed with… Na, I won't say it.


I kinda want to see what IFI responds with. But, I'm thinking that same thing as >>2166 .

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11efe9 No.2172


Welcome back !

Also, fun news, and as means to compensate for the stolen copy I had, a good friend of mine offered me the Neptunia trilogy for my birthday… On PS3.

Time to relive the suffering of the original game, I guess.

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11efe9 No.2173


Don't. Save yourself the pain and just watch the cutscenes on youtube instead.

It'd be marginally less painful.

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11efe9 No.2174


I already took the pain once. I can surely endure it again.

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11efe9 No.2175

File: 1452273091028.png (246.78 KB,388x456,97:114,1447703739877.png)


More than ten years ago a kid agreed to me and a bunch of kids to blindfold and tie him to a chair for a "very fun game". I was the one who pushed him down the 4-5 stair steps. His parents made him transfer and he may or may not have a trauma or something because of it. None of my mates ever knew or said a word and to this day I don't regret it. Also my favorite is Iris and I'm a masochistic footfag

I risk it because anything that lies in store is better than life.

Also anyone knows how to make the nep facerig models work? You had to extract them, but no idea where.

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11efe9 No.2176


Oh, and

>least favorite nep

RED, I guess.

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11efe9 No.2177


You and Iris seem like a match in heaven

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11efe9 No.2178


Facerig was IIRC basically you were lucky to even get them given the author pulled them.

Although unless you are streaming something or doing some kind of Skype fuckery, I'm not sure why one would use Facerig. I don't see a lot of utility.

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11efe9 No.2179


Curiosity and too much free time. I've been trying the program with the avatars that come with it, and it's rather accurate. Except if you're wearing glasses, then the eyelids and eyebrows spaz out.

Someone posted them in one of the /v/ threads, but forgot to include a readme.

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11efe9 No.2180


Well, if you get it working I'm sure people will be interested in the procedure. IIRC wasn't just Neptune? Probably would be fun to have all four CPUs and Gear in a chat.

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11efe9 No.2181

File: 1452289375723.png (10.17 KB,455x264,455:264,Untitled.png)


>IIRC wasn't just Neptune?

You tell me

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11efe9 No.2183

File: 1452369932544.png (240.05 KB,1024x1147,1024:1147,CYDQbFGUEAAHvVC.png)

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11efe9 No.2184


What twitter?

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11efe9 No.2185

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11efe9 No.2186



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11efe9 No.2189


Do you guys save images with a man in it?

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11efe9 No.2190


No Blanc and Bert but everything else is there. Huh.


Uh, maybe? I just download whatever I find interesting, otherwise whatever.

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11efe9 No.2191

File: 1452376441597.jpg (221.94 KB,608x892,152:223,1379288195416.jpg)

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11efe9 No.2192


What about ugly men?

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11efe9 No.2193

File: 1452457759123.png (597.91 KB,1024x1130,512:565,1452450377944.png)

If anyone has the source I would greatly appreciate it.

The name on it lead me to nothing ;_;

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11efe9 No.2196


Well shit, that's the guy who kept deleting his twitter and then made himself a blog to post his stuff on, thanks anon

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11efe9 No.2204


Shit, is Vert okay? Without that weight on the front she'll be off balance

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11efe9 No.2209

File: 1452689507367.png (2.64 MB,1907x1386,1907:1386,616526Blanc.png)


It seems Blanc managed to swap her chest with Vert's

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11efe9 No.2210

Damn it got quiet in here.

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11efe9 No.2212


It was all a dream.

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11efe9 No.2217


It's probably due to cross posting on the 8/v/ Nep thread.

Just to keep conversation up, there's a closed beta for Nep U on PC

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11efe9 No.2219

File: 1452798983391.png (71.7 KB,466x600,233:300,1427413039905.png)


Seriously? Got a link?

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11efe9 No.2220

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11efe9 No.2222


Was gonna post something, but >>2220 beat me to it.

I still haven't got accepted in any beta, so here's hoping one anon gets in. We still have the Hyperdevotion beta to look forward to as well.

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11efe9 No.2223

File: 1452807925616.png (35.91 KB,220x216,55:54,Nep 'Em.png)


Your quads basically confirm you're in

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11efe9 No.2224

Wait no more! Megadimension Neptunia VII takes your PS4 to the NEXT level on Februray 2nd (NA) and February 12th (EU)!

Alongside this, we will release a free, same-day Original Japanese Voiceover DLC

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11efe9 No.2225

>Didn't get accepted into the Nep U beta

Fuck, I always wanted to get into it

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11efe9 No.2227

Should we probably start a Nep Bunker 2 soon?

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11efe9 No.2228


Well, since this is autosaging, why not say. I'll organize it.

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11efe9 No.2230

Bunker #2 open for business.


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