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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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792a2b No.1589

It's true we've gotten a fair amount of stuff out by ourselves, but we aren't the only source of ENGed Nep material.

So if you need moar Neps, look here…

Pudding Heart


Pretty much one of the best outlets for manga Nep out there. Output is in spurts but it's always rather excellent quality.

JPN Audio Translations

https://youtu.be/Xd1SNJWBJk4 = Victory Neptune Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/lGmNd0YTdSo = Victory Noire Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/EwEbUX38nmQ = Victory Vert Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/qlAyBKtKenU = Victory Blanc Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/-oK6v125AFM = Producing Perfection Neptune Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/FIhvHtnx3IA = Producing Perfection Noire Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/lzFMB9hKIHg = Producing Perfection Vert Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/2UbZwcxbedI = Producing Perfection Blanc Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/-nHkF3W1keQ = RB1 Neptune Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/rsNUn5VrHxM = RB1 Noire Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/EU4ceoQYSZM = RB1 Vert Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/F5WW-DHOCvM = RB1 Blanc Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/7jeD5kpfl3Q = RB2 Nepgear Preorder CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/DljKPMwKtwII = RB2 Ram Preorder CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/HjTnzMEN_lE = RB2 Nepgear Futon CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/vTtdfKxV2X0 = RB2 Uni Futon CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/9aNb0ZuwTaw = RB2 Ram Futon CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/Om5IGtNdR3I = RB2 Rom Futon CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/6SCWtHN5_o4 = Hyperdevotion Noire Neptune Love Confession Audio CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/dgbDJ4QWd3M = Neptunia U Vert/Uni as Sisters CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/qFcCDa_NlW4 = Neptunia U Candidates CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/RRpCMIVLwEc = RB3 Neptune Bonus CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/4NpGFojFY94I = RB3 Neptune Marriage Event [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/F0aBmZ6aatA = V-II Spend a Day With Neptune CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/d4F7iy5h6R0 = V-II Spend a Day With Noire CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/4VrYTPzJdYY = V-II Spend a Day With Vert CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/XVgsic5MavQ = V-II Spend a Day With Blanc CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/U0U-zl9nduE = V-II Spend a Day With Uzume CD [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/8jAEiyIoX0o = V-II Bonus Voices Neptune [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/KoDwqmbilQE = V-II Bonus Voices Blanc [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/DLo_dZwJNxE = V-II Bonus Voices Nepgear [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/PEqHM8mbclg = V-II Bonus Voices Rom [ENG Sub]

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792a2b No.1590

>Pudding Heart

Thank you so much! I had friends this week looking for Nep translastions/scans!

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792a2b No.1595


No problem. Also keep in mind many of the translated manga sites tend to have Nep material as well.

UPDATES: 21-NOV-2015

https://youtu.be/B9M90lFEaVI = V-II Bonus Voices IF [ENG Sub]

>>1594 = Neptunia U Blanc/Nepgear as Sisters CD [ENG Sub]

(although this last one is largely an 8chan creation, it's based off of audio and translation notes from elsewhere so it sort of counts here too)

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792a2b No.2336

Time flies when you are playing Neptunia. Hope everyone had a blast with Rebirth 3 on PC.

UPDATES: 25-JAN-2016

https://youtu.be/Xzx5Cj857_o = RB2 Rom Preorder CD (?) [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/WYVC5o7wMqc = Hyperdevotion Noire Neptune vs Noire CD, Part 1 [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/zHA-KPXNMcA = Hyperdevotion Noire Neptune vs Noire CD, Part 2 [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/S4X6XAE8qTM = Hyperdevotion Noire Neptune vs Noire CD, Part 3 [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/89mfQXTh_mo = Hyperdevotion Noire Neptune vs Noire CD, Part 4 [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/RktOSqwz5tY = Hyperdevotion Noire Neptune vs Noire CD, Part 5 [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/096BTHo6mn0 = V-II Bonus Voices Uni [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/lHAr9gPOrqQ = V-II Collaboration Character: Nitroplus [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/Jep-ZIuw1tY = V-II Collaboration Character: God Eater [ENG Sub]

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792a2b No.2751


https://youtu.be/4yu5rdo2qNw = Hyperdevotion Noire Neptune vs Noire CD, Part 6 [ENG Sub]

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792a2b No.3591

UPDATES: 18-OCT-2016

https://youtu.be/O027A6-B74U = V-II Bonus Voices Uzume [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/dJadjv2B61U = V-II Bonus Voices God Eater [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/rmS1pQgGOSo = V-II Bonus Voices Nitroplus [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/pANvXB4XSC8 = Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls After Game Event [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/nahDEmYtlII = Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls Drama CD 1 [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/UJoDBG-KWqA = Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls Drama CD 2 [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/lm7N9_mzQQw = Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls Drama CD 3 [ENG Sub]

https://youtu.be/MoYUGtTngjo = Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls Drama CD 4 [ENG Sub]

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