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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 8374e72d80d88d6⋯.gif (1.93 MB,337x193,337:193,Yamabiko Girl Encounter.gif)

File: c4f4dd2cba21fa0⋯.png (83.92 KB,915x614,915:614,ClipboardImage.png)

796d1d No.405261

Old one seems to have fallen off the face of the earth: >>292045 (displays "Page:???" and doesn't appear in catalog anymore, having been slowly sinking for months) so without further adieu…

FoBS, short for "Forest of the Blue Skins" is a traditional rape-avoidance platformer by Zell999, notable for having actually good gameplay, and a gallery system that encourages victory over defeat so you can have easier access to the scenes. It's been in active development for years now and continues to this day, the most recent update at the time of this post (B_ver1.02) being from early last month.

>Get it yourself/dev blog:


>A path vs B path, which version to get

Due to engine limitations, the game is split in two, dubbed A and B. If you're new to the game, download A_ver, then once you've done all the content ("captured" all the girls, found all the hidden bonus panels, and fought the special guest boss) go ahead and grab B_ver where the rest of the content is and where future content will be added.



Written and maintained by myself with the help of numerous anons, it tells you about every enemy in the game, how to beat them, and how to capture them if possible. It's currently up to date (as far as I know. I haven't double-checked all of A_ver in a bit since the last few updates to it have mainly been bugfixes. If anything doesn't work please say so in-thread and I will personally investigate) and I plan to keep it that way

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4b09d0 No.405735

File: 2d5b0c3002201a6⋯.png (41.9 KB,604x514,302:257,20190730.png)

New progress update

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796d1d No.405764


not sure how I feel about ghost witch but that demon girl looks really cute

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c502c9 No.405923

File: 1ccc5baff2b3c28⋯.png (30.29 KB,158x241,158:241,komi_fun.png)


>Big Ara Cyclops Witch


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796d1d No.406062

File: 50de744d201cd21⋯.png (11.02 KB,191x208,191:208,ClipboardImage.png)


We already have a big ara cyclops witch. She's from A path's temple

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aeefec No.406203

File: e58f683938e2c36⋯.png (552.82 KB,1726x634,863:317,sidebyside.png)

Work has started on a remake of FoBS, and we would love any help that we can get.

Official thread: https://8ch.net/hgg/res/357071.html

discuck: https://discord.gg/9G2Eg27

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796d1d No.406207


For what purpose?

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38e9a4 No.406743

rape-avoidance platformer

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