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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 89a813206a59a3c⋯.png (154.03 KB,265x400,53:80,Dg_gQ-OW0AA0bRf.png)

3d6649 No.382772

Happy new year.

I dedicate the first official thread on /monster/ to best girl

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040ef0 No.382773

File: f47dc04a97d1f71⋯.png (273.02 KB,438x720,73:120,U wot m8.png)


Happy new years you insufferable handholding loving homosexuals

>posts a fucking tamamo

>best girl

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564d74 No.382774

dedicate the first official thread of the new year to, to correct myself. Fuck I'm to drunk for this.

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c1a50a No.382775

File: af7d6edd373c6f9⋯.jpg (239.18 KB,1200x924,100:77,IMG_0111.JPG)

Happy new years, have best girls

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86bed3 No.382777

File: b1f8a3efcafe606⋯.png (870.43 KB,1280x1141,1280:1141,362B78F3-A6B5-44E1-9DE7-91….png)

Here’s some Best Maid.

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34aa10 No.382778

I sincerelly hope y'all find joy

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d99333 No.382779

File: 6f9299ad6786867⋯.jpeg (27.52 KB,643x477,643:477,images (2).jpeg)

Did someone say best girl?

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34aa10 No.382780


this year no matter how hard it get.

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83e450 No.382782

File: 9d246850bcbc8a3⋯.jpg (52.66 KB,480x600,4:5,Drag.jpg)

Wish to see the true best girl soon

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040ef0 No.382783

File: b37801a25eb8c23⋯.png (1.43 MB,1280x1438,640:719,AloJy.png)

>all these anons not posting actual best girl

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d4d7a9 No.382784

File: c310a8e1263bdfb⋯.jpg (192.82 KB,800x926,400:463,Sister_of_Battle_Anna_Stei….jpg)

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit and happy new year you cunts. Best girls rolling through and looking to bring some freedom to your waifus. Paladin 4 lyfe.

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ade5c3 No.382787

File: 78711d5f8811957⋯.jpg (221.32 KB,1024x896,8:7,15dea190c58cac22209b562b0f….jpg)

File: 1d65a0c382cd304⋯.png (204.58 KB,700x1022,50:73,1d65a0c382cd3047e445ae7734….png)

File: b9b5f18e7d1c235⋯.png (456.34 KB,620x877,620:877,74266a209217c8cb0fd92062fc….png)


That's not how you spell "Ushi-Oni"

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7f44d5 No.382788

File: 87db94a73e08e2f⋯.jpg (29.98 KB,478x600,239:300,478px-Alp13.jpg)

Best succ

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d4d7a9 No.382790


Son…. We need to talk.

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6f4125 No.382791


>Here’s some best maid

That’s a funny looking kikimora

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86bed3 No.382795

File: f2276126c6dc45c⋯.png (3.96 MB,3000x3620,150:181,B89EB924-B155-436B-8E6E-F1….png)

File: 558fb75db805f47⋯.png (97.67 KB,864x744,36:31,522EFE63-86D9-467E-9432-EE….png)


She’s better than the mutt you’re thinking of in more ways you can imagine.

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d4d7a9 No.382796


Hey dick head. It's the new year. Did you really need to bring out that raw shit this early?

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a2d944 No.382798


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51207e No.382799

File: b21ebf795784716⋯.jpg (198.1 KB,1451x957,1451:957,68569cb11a80741339b2ed6fa1….jpg)

Current year +4.

Damn time flies

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86bed3 No.382800

File: 035f6b7d94343aa⋯.jpeg (857.2 KB,1804x2048,451:512,24218C6B-1ACE-443F-AF33-6….jpeg)


Just a bit of banter, nothing to get your panties in a knot over.

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d4d7a9 No.382801


Sorry. :)

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fed078 No.382802


Even with the 56% you can clearly tell it's snowy's sameface lmao

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772df5 No.382807

File: 0e3f630da1d9d4a⋯.png (878.79 KB,2091x1815,697:605,ork wrastling.png)

Happy New Year, you minty fuccbois. What's resolution to better yourself for your waifu?

Mine is to get fit.

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6f4125 No.382809


>comparing a pure Aryan waifu to African “we wuzzin”

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1fada9 No.382810


>calling a pure slav girl a mutt

Tough talk for a yankee faggot. Your waifu isn't even white.

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040ef0 No.382811


Don't believe in new year's resolutions. You're either getting gud … or not getting gud. If you're not motivated to git gud in general? A resolution is going to do sweet fuck all.

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86bed3 No.382812


>pure aryan

>literally mixture of 3 different species



Nice try, not even American.


Not sure if you can really argue race for a creature that doesn’t have human DNA, brain or skin.

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6f4125 No.382813


I think you’re just salty that kikimoras are superior.

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86bed3 No.382815

File: 15074a81f3f1dbd⋯.jpeg (182.78 KB,1008x753,336:251,D35DBECF-6467-4DA7-83F1-9….jpeg)


Buddy, your pigeon-dog can’t clean a mess without making another.

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e5ca0b No.382818

File: 4e019379942d75d⋯.png (787.54 KB,1000x1600,5:8,kikimora.png)


She's molting

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23b233 No.382820

File: 13cd98b7dedc5ee⋯.jpg (546.85 KB,1890x2520,3:4,88782eea8dd95be16dba0795fe….jpg)

File: 25b2d59c965d331⋯.jpg (25.51 KB,680x234,340:117,sendlamp.jpg)

Here's to 2019 not turning everything into straight /chaos/ as well.

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379f5c No.382826

File: 714ea74850f96e8⋯.png (2.04 MB,979x1200,979:1200,714ea74850f96e87f30d9b299f….png)

File: 68693df11a8aae1⋯.png (911.66 KB,1000x660,50:33,IMG_8236.png)

File: e92f90287754e66⋯.png (882.14 KB,992x1024,31:32,IMG_20101015_191230.png)

Here's to waifus, self-improvement, and zero (((Jewish))) tricks.

Have best wan.

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6f4125 No.382829


Your eldritch wannabe is nothing more than an overgrown slime. Literally everything in your house is tainted or touched by goop.

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4f4238 No.382834

File: a29ee35029d2980⋯.png (881.57 KB,2456x1736,307:217,1541151846256.png)

Happy new year, ya bunch of handholding degenerates! Here's to a nother year of heart boners and wholesome cuddle rape

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891eff No.382836

File: 2aa5bb2e172a2b9⋯.jpg (615.64 KB,1816x2048,227:256,gothicore.jpg)


All monstergirls are best girl.

But Manticore is bestest best girl.

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a03766 No.382837

File: ddb16297503af41⋯.png (Spoiler Image,6.82 MB,2480x3508,620:877,1.png)

Happy new years, you cunts. And thanks for getting me stuck with a waifu

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379f5c No.382838


You're welcome Griffon-fag! And we're not sorry :^)

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0751a4 No.382844


Why does your waifu like cola so much, anon?

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a03766 No.382845


Because I like it

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cf4c1b No.382858


Yay! New Pigs!

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9f67cc No.382870

>>382834 Thanks for the nostalgia kick. I like him. He's silly

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596b5c No.382874

Happy new year!

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c6a861 No.382876

File: 99eac0066b89678⋯.jpg (58.71 KB,610x680,61:68,CzUtvEbUkAABDwI.jpg)

Here's to a fishy, love-filled new year with all of you.

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46d42a No.382880

File: a49931135d5e0ca⋯.jpg (128.71 KB,850x586,425:293,__futatsuiwa_mamizou_and_u….jpg)

File: c0d765c13102776⋯.jpg (272.3 KB,680x800,17:20,__yakumo_yukari_touhou_dra….jpg)

File: 01a9b9490d2da1e⋯.jpg (113.41 KB,1280x804,320:201,8d2426a2519f7782926ba41710….jpg)

File: 83a325489614814⋯.jpg (98 KB,649x433,649:433,023.jpg)

Danuki are love, Danuki are life

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ae892b No.382882

File: e37bfcb6bf38894⋯.png (1.1 MB,1136x907,1136:907,nureonago.png)

File: c63760b97a73aaa⋯.png (219.84 KB,700x700,1:1,pO7UbMS.png)

File: cc821d737ead192⋯.png (329.28 KB,700x875,4:5,Rja2ROC.png)

File: f1d1fd73836a7aa⋯.png (334.48 KB,700x962,350:481,slime 1.png)

File: 95c14efbea35c40⋯.jpg (123.96 KB,1000x750,4:3,slime bathtub.jpg)

Here's to a slimy new year and many more

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2384ad No.382925

File: 0d653c31d584d6e⋯.jpg (26.79 KB,292x594,146:297,Lizardman_0.jpg)


Get better at airsoft

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