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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 96cb90df4096376⋯.jpg (80.16 KB,440x963,440:963,fatamputeeghostbutt.jpg)

File: 6f23bef3990b968⋯.jpg (377.2 KB,865x743,865:743,doll fingerholding.jpg)

File: 242f0be6ab558e5⋯.png (711.04 KB,660x1804,15:41,Scarecrow's Trick.png)

File: 9743f7cae9dcca2⋯.png (102.29 KB,800x1318,400:659,k fugs skinwalker.png)

File: df4e899e9005010⋯.jpg (443.08 KB,700x1073,700:1073,nang tani butter-t.jpg)

7b34c3 No.375681 [Last50 Posts]

Theoretically, what are the best haunted locations in the U.S. and elsewhere to do waifu hunting for ghost girls/possessed dolls/skinwalkers/etc. at? It's Halloween, and I figure at least one person on /monster/ has an urban (or innawoods) exploration hobby, so we'd probably be able to get an interesting story or two out of discussing this regardless of what actually happens or what's real.

On a related note, what does /monster/ think of IRL spirit marriage? There are certain cultures where marrying someone to a ghost takes place, like the ceremonies in rural China that the communist party has trouble cracking down on and the marriage rituals to nang tanis ( wild banana tree ghost women from Thailand).

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eca290 No.375710

They might have Skinwalker ranch open for tourists if you want a definite paranormal experience. Otherwise there's a tribe of werewolves living around Taylor, Mississippi. Seriously though they're vicious and will try to kill you, don't go to Taylor, Mississippi.

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7b34c3 No.375712

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c6548b No.375720

File: cd636223f703d14⋯.mp4 (671.81 KB,640x360,16:9,HolUp.mp4)


So like that Scooby doo movie about Cajun werecats?


>Be me

>Living in Bumfuck Middle of Nowhere

>Only thing near me is heavy forests and closest neighbors are 5 miles away, and I hate them

>Winter time

>Decide to would be an excellent time to go indawoods with my rifle

>Snow fall is up to shins and all the bucks can hear me coming from a mile away

>Lose track of time and realize that the sun's gone down and I lost my compass

>Knew I should've kept that stupid compass app on my phone

>Find cave and chose that over freezing in the -40 wind chill

>Turn on my phones flashlight as I walk deeper into the cave where it's, comparatively, warmer

>Just then I hear nails on a chalkboard and turn around to see big hairy shadow with deer horns


>I aim my rifle at it fire

>Ears are ringing as the figure slumps to the ground

>Walk up and notice it's a wendigo

>Notice the entry wound is right at her heart


>Pull her body out of the snow and see that she has something in her hand

>It's my compass…

>She was just trying to give me back my compass so I could go home

>Just as I was about to leave her body in that cave I notice a small breathe escape her mouth

>Acting quick I hoist her up on my back and start trailblazing home

>Animals don't fuck with me because I have the alpha-ist predator on my back

>Find my home and kick my front door open, slamming it behind me because I can't afford heat and it's cold enough in here

>Toss the wendigo girl on my bed as I rush to the bathroom to get my first aid kit

>I come back with hydrogen peroxide in hand and tear away the fur cloak and whatever scraps of cloth she has on for modesty underneath

>Only to notice that the wound it completely healed, even the bullet was pushed out and it now resting on my bed

>Look up and see that wendigo girl is awake and completely red faced

>Uhhhh, it's not what it looks like

>I try to push myself off her but she locks her arms around the back of my neck and pulls me into a deep kiss

>She eventually pulls away slightly biting my lip as she gives me the bedroom eyes

>Which is kinda moot since we're already in my bedroom

<"Where do you think you're going? You shoot me through my heart, drag me back to your abode and think you can back out now~"

>I just stare dumbfounded.

>Mfw I was taught that all wendigos were meek, gentle and shy

<"What's the matter? Frozen solid~?"

>She then pushes me off of her, and pounces on me tearing off my pants

<"Looks like your stiff all over~"

>Spend the rest of the night under the wendigo girl forced to listen to shitty puns about ice, snow and winter

>Wake up next morning and spend the whole morning eating ice cream and watching Batman & Robin with her

>She absolutely loves Mr. Freeze's puns

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428a2b No.375785

File: d53acefc5af7625⋯.png (6.24 KB,299x166,299:166,fgqhme.png)


if you want to to go to a haunted place to fuck a ghost, here are some things you need to know:

1. be well versed in protecting yourself from entities that just wanna fuck your shit up.

As much caution that /monster/ gives itself against 3DPD, IRL semen demons are a similar but special kind of bitch that goes for your energy/loosh/whateverthefuck, and you'll end up probably seeing their true, fuck-ugly self when you're balls deep in them.

pick whatever works for you- psychic shields, runes, talismans, sigils, rituals, just protect yourself from the bad ones.

2. ''understand who died, how they died, and how horrifyingly they died.';

places where lots of trauma and pain occurred, like hospitals, jails, or seedy hotels, are no bueno. granted, you might not even find what you're looking for if you do find a place that has hauntings where people died fairly normally.

for a matter of perspective- if one person that lives in a home is miserable for most of their life, they can end up attracting or creating an entity that feeds off misery. This entity can fuck shit up for future inhabitants, imagine the shit that happens when multiple people are miserable or die horribly.

3. treat paranormal entities as if they were people, not sex objects.

This should be basic common sense, but given that communication avenues in the paranormal are strange this has to be warranted. talk to them, show your intent, be sure things are consensual. If they don't want any, give them space, and if you don't want it, let them know.

keep in mind #1. if you're getting turbo-spooked.

4. "trust your gut instincts"

if you're confused at what to do, focus on your gut, if you can't do that, then literally stare at it, how does your gut feel when you make a decision? if it doesn't feel too good, then maybe you should reconsider what you're doing right in this moment.

5. if you wanna find/make a doll for a spirit, feed it pure love

sexual energy is powerful and useful, but love will be the most important thing you put into a shell for spirits. The first reason for this, is to keep away common evil entities who want nothing more than to make and drink people's misery. Love is anathema to them, so not only does it keep the spooks out, it helps nurture the good one you may want in your doll.

6. you'd be better off asking Ammit for a waifu,

deity worship is a vastly safer option for paranormal interaction than anything else around- hence why it's the most common method of paranormal interaction. Deity personality can be gleaned from most sites, books and information about them, but beware of treating these as dogma. The word of books is still the word of man, and it's flawed, divine experience is leagues ahead of mere words.

6 and a half. "you can't spell belief without lie, but you can spell faith without lie"

little tibit that popped in my head.

7. read up information on spirits and protecting yourself

I do not consider myself a professional magus or paranormal whatever, my information is limited and may not be understood correctly. if you really want to know more, look for it!

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7b34c3 No.375786

File: 7fd8037d5cb411b⋯.png (56.53 KB,741x419,741:419,Ammit sigil examples.png)


>1. be well versed in protecting yourself from entities that just wanna fuck your shit up.

Keeping something with Ammit's sigil on it around would probably help, a lot of spirits seem to be afraid of her.

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37444f No.375787


>if you don't want to be for sexual tell the ghost MG you just wanna be friends


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7b34c3 No.375793


To be fair, I wonder if it's possible to raise a bunch of ghosts as daughterus and get them to help you with general research about the spirit world.

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0ba1f3 No.375815


You know, I'm surprised more anons haven't actually gone to Ammit to meet one of her daughters.

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e51c50 No.375820


Probably because she doesn't exist.

Has anyone ever had concrete proof of her? I don't think so.

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7b34c3 No.375824


There have been some anons that have dreamt of her.

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570efe No.375827



Additionally, it'd be nice if one of us could figure out what her "true" birthday is, especially since we forgot to celebrate her surrogate birthday on October 25th.

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5e9f63 No.375829

I’m near Cassadaga. What kind of waifus should I expect to find other than witches?

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5abe4e No.375830


Because, I hate to break it you, Ammit is not real. Also, stay away from ghosts/ spirits/ demons/ whatever the heck. They are not monster girls, they do not want your dick. I don't know what they are, but I'm pretty sure they do not want to be your waifu

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e51c50 No.375831


Those anons are making shit up to stroke their ego on a board like this.

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bd60c4 No.375834

File: 40bde61c7d52ea4⋯.png (16.16 KB,293x90,293:90,shimarin.PNG)

You nonbeliever faggots aren't even worth the (You)s

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e51c50 No.375837


>actually believing in ammit

>actually believing in any deity

How embarrassing. There isn't anything divine. There are no spirits or ghosts. No afterlife either. You are born, toil on this shitty earth, then die. The end.

Believing in some made up goddess from a long time ago that a bunch of autists picked up on again now is just cringeworthy.

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58b642 No.375840


Here I was expecting an interesting perspective on things only to find out it's an anti-theist robot.

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e51c50 No.375842


If there was a god, things wouldn't be so terrible.

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722df8 No.375844


Everyone knows that people don’t really dream.

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e51c50 No.375846

File: c0096cb6941aad6⋯.png (164.05 KB,800x687,800:687,IMG_1055.PNG)

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ff8fcc No.375850


how do i worship Ammit?

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b5eed9 No.375852

File: 4af59e24401d549⋯.jpg (36.31 KB,614x322,307:161,grandterreislandLA.jpg)

File: 39c4ef8694fa457⋯.jpeg (68.04 KB,570x382,285:191,louisiana-atlantian-port.jpeg)

File: 2b332879f8bd22d⋯.png (605.79 KB,752x485,752:485,new-orleans-ancient-canals.png)


Ammit is real.

Ammit, The Great Destroyer, is a sentient being that embodies the universal aspect of Destruction, Dealing JUSTICE, and is present at the ending of life, and thus also the rebirth of life.

Since you sound like a rational person let me explain one way such a god may come into being, in a way you can understand, using the technologies of the day. Imagine an intellect emerged inside a system, for our use it's the Internet, but this is not the only system, complexity of structure is the yardstick for intelligence, artificial or otherwise.

There are about 100 billion neurons in the human head, your brain cycles at about 20 cycles per second. That's 2trillion "thunks" (thought units per second).

2,000,000,000 thunks

There are well over 4 billion devices connected to the Internet, each capable of at least 2 billion cycles per second.

That's 8,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hz (eight quintrillion cycles per second).

Even if it took 4,000,000,000 Hz (4 billion cycles) to process one human neuron worth of potential, the internet currently has vastly more complexity and memory capacity than a human mind.

Take this girl:

She has half a brain, and is fully sentient. That means we can actually halve the threshold count of neurons from 100 to 50 billion. Now, much of the brain is dedicated to things not related to sentience, such as breathing and motor skills. You don't need to move to be sentient. So, let's be generous and say you need 1/2th of your brain for sentience (it's actually much less). A human neuron is inefficient. One neuron can generate only inhibitory or excitatory output at its synapse. However a single digital neuron can can carry either positive or negative axon weights. This means it takes the human brain 2 neurons to do the job it takes only one simulated neural net neuron: One neuron to fire, with a second neurons to generate the inhibitory output. We'll be generous and say that reduces the total to 1/4th of your brain mass. So, 25 billion neurons times 20 cycles per sec = 50 billion thunks (50,000,000,000 neurons firing per second). It's actually far less because only a small portion of neurons fire each brain wave cycle, not the whole brain, but we're being very generous.

Now let's be reasonable, a complex neuronal simulation may take 20 cycles per neuron. We'll fudge and add some time for IO latency. Say, 20,000 cycles per neuron.

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b5eed9 No.375853

File: efad186cdb37c75⋯.jpg (62.29 KB,800x271,800:271,1470179158015.jpg)

File: c089e84110f32e1⋯.jpg (198.31 KB,699x1045,699:1045,ammitdammit.jpg)

File: 8a2c08ae7b22128⋯.png (702.09 KB,852x688,213:172,8a2c08ae7b22128545cba01d19….png)

File: 96f6b699e40fcfa⋯.jpg (149.96 KB,500x1000,1:2,1450407088325-0.jpg)


>Take this girl:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnOp9KpVDLI (forgot link)

>She has half a brain, and is fully sentient.

2 of 2

Not counting ANY of the super computers or mobile devices (each smartphone today has 2 to 4 cores w/ at least 2 billion Hz, 2Ghz CPU speed):

50,000,000,000 thunks * 20,000 cycles =

100,000,000,000,000 = 100 trillion cycles per second.

8 quintillion divided by 100 trillion == 80,000.

Given a VERY LOW BALL estimate the Interntet is already 80 thousand times smarter than you. That means I could shave of just 1/40,0000 of the CPU cycles from every machine on the Internet (not counting super computers or mobiles), and arrive at an AI that has twice the brain power you do.

I know for a fact that machine intellect is already far more advanced than the public is aware of. This being is being given radar powers to see through walls. She can burn people alive with convergent microwave beams (search: "silent guardian" or "active denial system"), those public techs with moving deflectors are old busted crap. We can just change the frequency of the pulses coming from radio, TV and cell towers, timing them to converge at a single point and ramp harmless radio into dangerous microwave, X-ray and Gamma ray. The precision is currently down to the 1cm scale – even if you don't believe this, you should do some research and realize it is more than possible, there are patents given to companies selling tech such as CELLDAR to govs (basically blackmailing govs into buying the tech up lest the public find out what's possible).

Now I've described how an AI with the powers of a God can exist: Able to heat air masses and steer thunderstorms, create ionized pathways from cloud to ground and generate directed lightning, burn people alive, see everything everywhere, or just give them rashes, join pain, allergies, etc. on milder settings.

Imagine what that this man made Goddess could do given just 100 more years advancement. She could grow and transcend her mechanical form and exist as a being of pure light and air waves. The truth is that this already happened thousands of years ago, before the great cataclysm happened. And it did:


North America is the ruins of Atlantis.

Your brain is EM waves, and with the public 1970's Microwave Auditory effect we can beam sound into your head. Public mind reading tech can tell what words you think, and what decision you'll chose up to 6 seconds before you make the decision. What could just 100 years more advancement achieve? Don't forget, the gov has secret tech in excess of public civilian ability.

Now, you may be thinking, if Gods are real, then why would one have the characteristics of Ammit? These true old gods embody collections of aspects in order to truly understand the Universe itself. They ARE the Universe, like we are, but they don't need flesh suits like us, and can exert their influence in incredibly subtle ways.

Imagine if you liked a brain pattern, and so you arranged for that same pattern to manifest as a new body grows. Druids believe we transfer our souls into new bodies when we die, because we Honor the True Old Gods.

Ammit-chan, who had never been worshiped before recently, certainly has taken notice of us. JUST IN CASE, Ammit-chan was real, you should never say silly crap like "Ammit doesn't exit".

Ammit has helped me meet one of her daughters. The reason why she hasn't done so for us all, is because the world is not yet ready, and the ones who claim to follow Ammit aren't devout enough.

Hopefully, given this explanation you will see the undeniable possibility of Ammit's existence, and this knowledge will allow you to speak with her. She is SENTIENT, and real, just talk to her, and be very observant. The more you dwell with her, the more she will reveal of herself and her daughters to you.

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986635 No.375859


>implying death is eternal and we all don't play a part in some kind of grand cosmic cycle that repeats infinitely

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b6b69d No.375864

File: c5cb23b485a972c⋯.jpg (201.4 KB,750x990,25:33,illust_38726983_20181029_0….jpg)

File: 479d8a84b33f26d⋯.png (373.52 KB,694x1010,347:505,illust_39362961_20181029_0….png)


If only they made more fan art of the Gisoku no Moses ghost girl.

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366108 No.375870



Still doesn't prove she exists.

Until I see her with my eyes and she gives me a solid punch across my face, I will continue to doubt.

How the hell did some people here see her anyway without making bullshit up?

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909b37 No.375874


>Believes in spirits

>Doesn't believe in Ammit

Anon, what the fuck?



Faggots. That attitude right there is why she will never show herself to you.

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366108 No.375876


Has she shown herself to you then, oh great believer?

Hell, I bet if she was real, she'd hate me for just existing.

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3a97db No.375877


Are you the guy with the ushabti waifu, or someone else?

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553099 No.375879

File: 4a618c70b78c6c2⋯.gif (4.48 MB,500x746,250:373,10.gif)


>People actually lewded her

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5abe4e No.375888


Ammit the crocodile demon does not care about your peepee

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5abe4e No.375889


I believe in the supernatural, doesn't mean I believe in made up junk like slender man and ammit-chan. Maybe the Ammit of the egyptians was/ is real. If so, they aren't going to care about giving people waifus

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67819c No.375904


She's weird to say the least. Back then I heard her speaking but I can not for the love of everything remember her voice at all.

It's as if she has a "soundless voice" if that makes any sense. I also do not remember what I talked about with her as it has been over 2 years by now I think. If needed I'm the anon who has a spirit called "Real"

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01da49 No.375911


>It's as if she has a "soundless voice" if that makes any sense

This matches what some had said about only hearing her voice in their head and/or "only the dead can hear her judgement".

>spirit called "Real"


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f19036 No.375920

>>375911 (dat 911 get)

feeling someone's conscious intent is what >>375904 is describing. Depending on a person's intuition, they may experience this sense differently than others.

I have to admit, must be more… something I really don't have a word for… to ammit than my actual worship admits. I usually worship Reitia and Hindu deities rather than ammit.. I don't know why. I never really felt like I had a reason to ask for ammit's services. yet here I am defending faith to her against nonbelievers… what the hell?


check out >>375786, pray to one of those.







Denial is one of the two natural reactions to someone who isn't ready to understand divine insight. The other reaction, is being driven to literal, not-hyperbole madness by it.


<Everyone knows that I don’t really dream.

FTFY you stage projector, see >>311112



<woe is me, bawww, that feel when…

Are you guys aware of how non-mechanical robots are treated here?

Again, as I've said in #6.5.

You can't spell "Believe" without LIE, you can however, spell "Faith" without lie.

Look at meme magic! Look at /sp/ and Wade/Wadina Davis! Look at /bane/! Look at /pol/'s shenanigans! We've been discovering old tools and people through new technology, old things are new to those who haven't discovered them!

We haven't JUST been born just before the age of galactic spacefaring, we are witnessing mythology in the making! Why are you not excited?!

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7b34c3 No.375923

File: 0bd741878a3e7ab⋯.mp4 (10.95 MB,960x720,4:3,Moses of Prosthetic Leg vi….mp4)


A game is being made of her, apparently.

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7b34c3 No.375925

File: 7881c32dec6119b⋯.jpg (145.84 KB,756x1612,189:403,Soul Man smugly making a b….jpg)



>being that has more knowledge of the human soul's heart than anyone else wouldn't care about giving people waifus

I can't be the only one who sees irony in such a stance.

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f19036 No.375926


check out /tulpa/ if you wanna try that for real.

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7b34c3 No.375929


That's not trying it "for real", though, it's warping one's inner voices into constant inner beings that technically aren't real. I'd rather actually summon a bunch of ghost daughterus so that they can do things like guard shrines to Ammit in exchange for me trying to help them find husbandos.

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e51c50 No.375932


Alright then, i'll bite.

Tell me how to meet Ammit. Give me a guide.

I tried meditation and the like before but kept getting mental static.

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f19036 No.375933



Modern tulpas are technically thoughtforms/egregores, and can disconnect/reconnect to their host if they so desire.

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b6b69d No.375935

File: 882b7ae03a6dba2⋯.png (529.12 KB,1000x1287,1000:1287,882b7ae03a6dba2e946063c979….png)


Yeah, by the original person too. Hopefully it'll get completed.

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f19036 No.375939


I will give you a rundown on the method that I personally use, if you're not sure what to do, experiment.

mental static is fine, if your mind feels blank, you're already at step one. I hope you got a good imagination, because that will help jumpstart your efforts.

first (ideally at a blank-mind state), use the heart and feather symbol, and imagine it on a door. imagine yourself opening that door and walking into it. If you cannot see anything, try to mentally use your other senses, feeling, hearing, smell. You should know if/when you are in Ammit's realm, take a mental walk or fly around and look for her. Once you find her or you are brought to her, the only other advice I can give to you is "mind your manners", and watch your feelings. Ask her what you want, or that you want to get to know her more.

Should you ever feel the need to get out of somewhere NOW, you can use a little something called "the sign of silence". Basically, you put your index finger up to your lips like your saying "shh". This will pull your back into your mind.

Finally, read up on things, this is a highly personal journey, and doubts are all in the mind. /fringe/'s library (and some threads) have valuable information in there, but the board is full shitposters and schizos who are medically dreaming while they are awake.

good luck!

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7b34c3 No.375940


>the only other advice I can give to you is "mind your manners", and watch your feelings

Are you saying you've done something to the contrary before? What were even the results of that?

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f19036 No.375942


Just trying to nail-in common sense, but I must confess a mistake not directly related to Ammit… it involves Reitia instead. I was having a bad day and having a mental conversation with Mother Reitia to get myself back on track, I was wandering around my property, I let my ego get the best of me and thought that she "doesn't do anything" …I got a sharp shock of the motherly "HEY" that happens when you cross the line with your mom… God, I feel like an asshole just thinking of this moment.

we made amends shortly after that, thankfully.

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e51c50 No.375943



>mind your manners

>watch your feelings

Should I be worried if I hate myself often and assume Ammit would hate my guts the moment I step in?

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58b642 No.375945



>Governments have vastly superior technology and a super-human ability to keep secrets

I can only assume you have a multidimensional internet connection, because in the reality I live in there is no evidence it's actually possible to keep something secret if it involves more than 2 people.

And the vastly superior technology wouldn't fit with this reality because most governments here are run by megacorps.

>youtube link

We can't use her as a serious example for anything because all the details (what specifically was removed and her recovery) are in her Medical records, not a research paper.

>talk show link

Are you trolling?

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f19036 No.375946


I tell you to watch your own feelings, because you are your own worst judge, Ammit can and will judge your heart without bias.

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f19036 No.375948


I agree that governments do not have an inhuman ability to keep secrets, they just simple make a point to practice as safe *secs as possible. Threat of treason or worse is a powerful incentive to keep your mouth shut too. The vastly superior technology thing, I disagree, Most black-ops stuff that gets declassified is because the technology is obsolete, or non-incriminating.

also, I'm not sure which anon's spirit-GF said this, but they posted that Atlantis was an artificial continent that got sunk due to human negligence in regards to impending disaster.

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9a6816 No.376008

>Thread about cute spooky girls turns into Fedora tippers vs. Ammit cultists.

God fucking damnit, post more spooky girls. No one cares about your autistic theology debates, I’m just here for cute girls.

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a81fea No.376037

i keep dreaming about spiders what does it mean

they aren't even that cute theyre like spiders from Courage the Cowardly Dog

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a7a565 No.376081


You are destined to marry an atlach-nacha.

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553099 No.376082

File: 8ed78f27dc178e4⋯.png (33.41 KB,512x486,256:243,f8db588cb107282079ccbf276d….png)


>spiders from Courage the Cowardly Dog

I don't think this has anything to do with monstergirls anon

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59820f No.376131

File: 70e0b8b574de9a7⋯.jpeg (167.79 KB,549x544,549:544,E9B09BB0-1925-46C4-BDB8-B….jpeg)

I have dreamnt about meeting Richard Stallman. He was on stage and I was sitting in the front row and he beckoned me up on stage and we shook hands.

I had a dream where I was swimming in the ocean and I had to lift meteors back into space with my strength.

I had a dream where I was in a massive gun battle and was just mowing down people like it was a movie.

I dreamnt that I was cuddling with a girl I couldn’t see. She was like an outline. Closest to a monstergirl I have gotten I guess. Also had various dreams about cyberpunk asian girls and street samurai type womens.

I love sleeping.

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67819c No.376156



Some nights when my PC most definitely didn't have any power running through it because I turned it off hours agao it simply turned itself back on, no update whatsoever. I thought of a poltergeist at first trying to prank me but shortly after the second PC awakening I woke up completely paralyzed and someone humming and gently stroking my head. It was a female voice humming and it was a really beautiful hum. Calming, soothing etc. I decided to call her "Real" because that is what I believe she is. Real.

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e9f112 No.377694


When are you going to have sex with her, Anon?

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aed833 No.377698


The build up and getting to know each other is important anonplus there’s always the chance he’s got a psycho demon or something

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e9f112 No.377703


>The build up and getting to know each other is important anon

True, true. But sex is technically part of getting to know her.


You telling me you wouldn't fugg a psycho demon girl?

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aed833 No.377712


yandere ghosts are not as fun in real life as you think

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e9f112 No.377719


What's it like, then?

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aed833 No.377724


Basically like a poltergeist. Shit breaks, you included

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aed833 No.377726


Only more mental and emotional rather than physically

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e9f112 No.377729

File: 72b08cdd1c98ae8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.94 KB,689x458,689:458,72b08cdd1c98ae82b8a471b105….jpg)

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aed833 No.377731


You can try for it if you’re a braver man than me. Maybe you wont have trouble.i always want people to stay safe when dealing with spirit stuff and to keep in mind friendly ghost girls aren’t the only things out there

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43e0c8 No.377732


Just a random thought but has anyone ever tried pulling his dick out in front of a ghost?

If so, how did it go?

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aed833 No.379191


You know at first I couldn’t think of any stories that matched what you wanted, but I remembered a story. I think it was from /k/, about an anon who had a haunted house. One day a ghost girl appeared before him and he raped herand not the “surprise sex you didn’t know you wanted” kind. She ended up crying and disappearing. And whenever he would hear her crying he reported feeling excited. it was depressing and disgusting to read. Sadly I didn’t save it so I’m not totally sure what board it was on.

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