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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 0f454d203940ae3⋯.jpg (62.9 KB,650x488,325:244,bewitched.jpg)

File: dcb9c7e2fc74690⋯.jpg (93.81 KB,360x270,4:3,Jeannie.jpg)

File: e002ccc6a892d89⋯.jpg (166.22 KB,456x480,19:20,Lurch best girl.jpg)

File: 568c11349e3da43⋯.jpg (159.77 KB,728x1000,91:125,The Addams family.jpg)

File: 41ea2a82b4f3bab⋯.jpg (87.48 KB,1080x640,27:16,the munsters.jpg)

0025bb No.374843

Tecnicaly these shows are mamono shows, just think about it, a genie/witch comes to the life of a single man to improve it and give him happiness or the story of a happy family with the eccentricities of the mamono in question.

Why have these kind of shows fallen out of favor? I miss them and now a days there is nothing like them anymore that i know off. What other shows were monstergirl shows before that was a thing?

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eec311 No.374876

if you want to count them on a technicality, touched by an angel was one. I also feel like there was some kind of TV show involving a ghost that was done before Casper the Friendly ghost.

inb4 this thread gets deleted for 3dpd.

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d31bbc No.374879

File: fb719ecca4134fc⋯.jpg (199.23 KB,600x800,3:4,worldcup feel.jpg)

tfw no i dream of jeannie sitcom but with an actual deliciously brown genie grille

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eec311 No.374880


watch out anon, you might meme this into existence and your lady's chocolate might be too dark for you to handle.

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886b32 No.374882

Holy crap, I didn't realize there were geriatrics on /monster/. Anyway, OP, you answered your first question before you even asked it.

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bd937f No.374895

File: 9c7bb442f4990ee⋯.jpg (567.87 KB,810x1080,3:4,shantae fumio.jpg)


>reverse isekai Shantae sitcom where she becomes someone's personal (half-)genie

What would it be like?

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8ba5e3 No.374903

I reqlly enjoy IDOJ and the munsters. I love the AF. There should be more wholesome and positive media portraying monster women with Christian white males.

Bewitched was good too.

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d31bbc No.374908

File: 4a04f6ef87505ac⋯.gif (406.72 KB,401x512,401:512,shantae quarter genies.gif)

File: b4eca9181160eca⋯.png (368.95 KB,770x1000,77:100,shantae lewd.png)


Me making 1/4 genie mutts with her

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bd937f No.374929


What events during lovemaking with Shantae would cause laugh tracks to be heard?

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4c5934 No.374934


Accidental hair whips?

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5e2df6 No.375072

File: 59671417534327c⋯.jpeg (6.25 KB,107x108,107:108,B32B7D21-7322-4C06-9381-1….jpeg)

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c677fd No.375085


Produced by netflix. Shantae would be played be a sassy obese nigger named Shaniqua.

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0025bb No.375089

File: c8e009cc01b88f0⋯.gif (471.11 KB,160x120,4:3,i wish.gif)


>implying he is not the best Adam

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bd937f No.375093

File: 7f9aff303c2aff0⋯.jpg (64.95 KB,300x285,20:19,Shantaeniqua.jpg)

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768e6f No.375125


I thought the Adam's Family was a jewish metaphor, what with being rich inhuman bloodsuckers who have 0 relatability with the "normal people"goyim.

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f06eb3 No.375143

File: 0c13b4aecdcddb2⋯.jpg (19.92 KB,234x333,26:37,pro mamono propaganda.jpg)

File: 191a1244d6cfea8⋯.jpg (44.97 KB,320x717,320:717,Anti mamono propaganda.jpg)

File: 84d4ac7f54d32dd⋯.jpg (100.96 KB,645x1280,129:256,sailors and mersharks bewa….jpg)

File: 61566357f54e166⋯.jpg (52.99 KB,475x700,19:28,tips for liches.jpg)


If this was propaganda i ate all of it, but the bloodsuckers were the Munsters. Not everyone can have a castle and a vampire at the same time to make the mach

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420107 No.375144


>second pic

I'd say that's pro-mamono, anti-paladindu.

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f06eb3 No.375145


i meant, man reacts to anti mamono propaanda, but i see my mistake

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d31bbc No.375152

The Addams Family but every female is mamono and the grandma is an uber ara witch.

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348787 No.375213


I can't find anything to suggest Charles Addams was a Jew, so I can't say the whole thing is a psy-ops. The TV show was made by a Canadian Jew though. David H. Levy.

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0025bb No.375265

File: d951dd2886e23d9⋯.png (293.08 KB,617x560,617:560,Grara~ndmara~.png)


>ara~ ara~ you wouldnt go for an old witch like me, right anon?

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65532e No.375267

File: 3fd851e284b8169⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,425x247,425:247,image.jpg)


Delet this.

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