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ee1629 No.356864 [View All]

ITT Discuss methods of how to bully various monstergirls

>put gum in kejourou hair

>salt a slug girl’s path and make her do a maze

>give an umi-osho your lunch money

>mix megabloks and all the sorted lego in an anubis’ lego bins

>give a bee girl a rafflesia

>tell a doppelganger something looks off about her

>take a single moving piece from the interior of a gremlin’s machine when no one’s looking

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bd08be No.359795


>Monstergirls appear through portal

>Monsters start integrating into human society

>Monster daughterus get bullied by human girls

>Monstergirls snatch up all the boys the moment they hit puberty

>3DPD grow up into purple haired landwhales while monstergirls are happily married

>World realizes monsters can only give birth to monstergirls or human boys

>3DPD write whiny opinion pieces and try to get government to do something

>Most people don't care enough to do anything

>Savy women change their behavior to get men, but most 3DPD die alone and childless

>Human girls start to become a rarity

>Monstergirl daugherus bulli human girls

Are there any proper writefags with bullying monstergirls? I think I might have some half finished thing that might fit the bill, but I'm not sure. Guy get cornered by jinko, but gets her so embarrassed and flustered that he can slip away with little effort

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83ad82 No.359802

File: fa74f1c41f77a69⋯.jpg (48.35 KB,640x360,16:9,bully girl.jpg)


Do you want a more serious tone like in >>359392

or something a little easier going like some kind of afterschool special?


is it wrong to want to be bullied by girls?

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c57b1b No.359807

File: b4b9b0090eae013⋯.png (67.65 KB,213x237,71:79,smug_66.png)


>not wanting to bully the girl

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eee1a5 No.359811


This. Cute girls are for bully. I bet few of you want to be a manly man who bullies girls into proper ladies.

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83ad82 No.359813

File: 4b268e02df3cc12⋯.jpg (382.28 KB,1600x1300,16:13,waifu bullying.jpg)


I enjoy both. When it comes to girls though I look for next level high impact bullying. I figure it's probably healthier to act out sociopath fantasies on 2dqts rather than engaging in real life crimes.

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bd08be No.359815


I would prefer something something a little lighter, more cute and bashful monsters getting teased rather than the rough 'I'm going to a hold a grudge for more than decade' bully.

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83ad82 No.359818


If your green text was any indication that sounds like a long running multi-generational saga. With that in mind, I like the idea of a redemption story where you look at the repercussions of bullying after the fact and how the characters deal with it from both sides of the bullying.

What you're describing in this post >>359815

sounds like some typical slice of life fare. Both are fine in my book but I prefer the former in terms of evoking feels.

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f1896c No.360787

Deny Remina

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928572 No.360788

The danukicaust never happened

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8a50a1 No.362851

File: 75ffd750a440a2d⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB,540x276,45:23,snek_bulli.gif)

File: 409763539602a77⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,2.67 MB,540x304,135:76,JashinchanDropkick-Episode….gif)

File: 0c666919391f76d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.42 KB,1440x810,16:9,JashinchanDropkick-Episode….jpg)

File: a41978975ea241d⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,6.22 MB,600x333,200:111,JashinchanDropkick-Episode….gif)

File: cf22a5849c7f4ee⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,164.14 KB,681x730,681:730,cf22a5849c7f4ee1fb7a8bd0c6….jpg)

Zashin-chan dropkick has the bully of the season, possibly bully of the year too.

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78b089 No.362852


Would probably be worth it to make a thread for it.

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78b089 No.362853


Also, that 4th pic, holy shit. Not even fairies get their bellies that distended.

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eebf73 No.367435


I don't get the umi-osho one.

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dab3cd No.367474


They love getting bullied, so treating them like they're the bully is the best way to bully them. For some girls, the best bullying is a lack thereof.

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4a9ad3 No.367704

File: 1c21e8a93087a4e⋯.jpeg (110.47 KB,611x606,611:606,21654789456.jpeg)

File: 72def94fef3fbb7⋯.jpg (108.67 KB,1092x603,364:201,p-303-poppy-seed-whole.jpg)

File: 466c7056134bc55⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,800x1180,40:59,654213651789.jpeg)

File: 44ac45eb26fb36c⋯.jpeg (92.62 KB,960x639,320:213,231654789465.jpeg)

File: a7f8af2ba53cad8⋯.png (208.68 KB,650x897,50:69,654789654312.png)

>mfw when you can bully that smug loli vamp

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cb59fc No.367796


Easy to do so really. Slut blood you convinced her to believe it came from a virgin that you "regretfully" inform her of as a big mistake you made as she drinks it from a glass you so lovingly offered her. Eating anything garlic heavy before you let her suck your blood (e.g. grind the garlic into a burger patty or eat a salad with garlic vinaigrette dressing if you're a filthy vegan/vegetarian).

Vamps are easy to bully. The only problem is that bullied vamps have easy options in regards to making you pay for that. Turning you and inflicting upon you what you just did to them being only the most obvious. Vampire Vaccinations, get one now before that loli vamp makes you regret ever thinking of bullying her.

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bda118 No.367895

File: 0c0ec951e2517de⋯.jpg (129.43 KB,758x1053,758:1053,lamia_winter_by_gamera1985….jpg)

>its summer vacation

>have qt lamia gf

>buy bus tickets

>go to the mountain

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329dea No.367946

The worst bully I could think of is shaving a manticores mane.

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ee1629 No.367972


>stuff icecubes into lamia’s tail sock

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83ad82 No.369979


redemption arc

>Decide that you can't be afraid of apologizing.

>Doubleback and get her attention.

>Out a breath when you catch up because her trot is a brisk walk for you by comparison.


>Nervousness and shortness of breath cause you to spill your spaghetti.

>"In middle school when you were… when you were wearing those special shoes…"

>She's confused with where you're going with this, eyebrow thoroughly cocked.

>"Sorry for giving you hard time."

>She nods "It's alright, that was a long time ago. Thanks though."

>Her look is somewhat melancholy as it's a little too late for the apology to have the desired effect.

>The memory of past transgressions having long since been buried in her childhood were brought to the surface with the poorly paced apology.

>wanting to avert further damage and resolve the misgiving you spout a platitude in desperation, the quickest goto for closing a conversation "H-have a nice day."

>She manages a forced "You too." not wanting to sound short with you.

>She goes on her way and the self-loathing washes over you.

>While that was technically the right thing to do it was done so poorly you feel you shouldn't even have bothered.

>feel bad about it for the rest of the day.

And that's why you never apologize for being a shitbird of a kid.

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2eb463 No.369984


>And that's why you never apologize for being a shitbird of a kid.

I'd say it was completely worth it personally. Both parties get some self reflection out of the encounter and will have better character for it. The awkward and painful encounter will pay off in the long run.

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83ad82 No.369985

File: 762d516f401e1c2⋯.jpg (334.62 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Kaz-Miller.jpg)


So awkward though. I don't think I'd have it in me to hunt down people I bullied and give them an apology over facebook or some such.

>"Sorry for ruining your childhood. If I catch ya around, beers on me."

If I wanted to do it I should have done that a decade ago. If I were to do it now I doubt the parties involved would even remember or care.

I failed my redemption arc window. It's not like a video game where you can reload segments of your life and do it over for a better score. I'm already a demon.

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91c308 No.370126


[color=red]Too little, too late[/color]

Nice though.

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307944 No.370130



>being this new

>not even reading the faq

In the words of Marcus Aurelius, 'Lurk More, Newfag.'

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77a3ba No.370131



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63be04 No.370151

File: 36612de8c3cd3b8⋯.jpg (1.7 MB,2000x2000,1:1,notallowed.jpg)

>bullying cute monster girls

Delete this thread.

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7e5bd3 No.374431

File: 9f06d02e1333e68⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.45 KB,462x582,77:97,9f06d02e1333e68e81902c32bf….jpg)

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a1f599 No.374432



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eee1a5 No.374447

Here's what you do.

>Drug a hellhound. Use a heavy dosage.

>Tie her to a chair.


>Stick some of those egg/bead vibrators up her cunt.

>Put on a ski mask.

>Wait until she wakes up.

>Take off your pants.

>Work up a boner.

>Rub some barebecued skirt steak on your dick.

>Slather your rod up with barebecue sauce too.

>Walk over to the hellhound and make sure she gets a nice good whiff.

>Smells good, doesn't it?

>Make sure to keep your dick out of reach of her mouth.

>Turn on the vibrators and start swinging your dick in front of her, just out of reach.

>Occaisionally bring it in close.

>Poke her with your dick or rub it against her head at spots she can't reach.

>Vary the power of the vibrators while you tease her. Watch her carefully to make sure she doesn't orgasm.

>Keep this up for a while.

>Then, just stop.

>Wash off your dick with a water bottle.

>Pull up your pants.

>Take out the vibrators.

>Stuff the skirt steak in her mouth so she has something to eat.

>And just leave.

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c86275 No.374453

>buy a dozen cans of cheap deodorant

>wait for danuki to take a shower

>barricade the door

>puncture cans and throw them in through the window

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2eb833 No.374454

File: 380d8eeec4f2a53⋯.mp4 (902.19 KB,480x360,4:3,Now You Have Fucked Up-3-a….mp4)


>ski mask to hide your face

>implying she can't track your scent

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eee1a5 No.374455


Good point. Slather yourself in meat and sauce to mask your scent.

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8e7413 No.374483


t. jew that needs to neck himself

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93a5c5 No.374526


Is Nazi play really the best way to go with Danuki?

> Danuki GF

> really, really hates the (((Danuki))) meme

> mostly because she really hates the Jews but whatever

> makes you promise to not imply she's a kike

> OK

> next time she comes home you surprise her in a Shinsengumi uniform

> whip out your dick

> "Merchant! Prepare to face the Shogunate's Rod of JUSTICE!"

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733067 No.374539


How do you follow that up?

>launch yourself across the room into her while screaming "SHIN! SEN! GUMI! DA!" with each thrust


>throw her on the bed and empty an entire jar of Japanese-style mayonaise on her nipples and crotch before going to town

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5eb0c0 No.374721

File: 481b1a4da38abad⋯.jpg (83 KB,400x400,1:1,481b1a4da38abadce681aa6086….jpg)

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2eb833 No.374722

>danuki gf

>comes home one day, I'm waiting on the bedroom with a huge cloak

>tell her we're doing something a bit more exciting today, ask her to lay on the bed

>I get up on the bed on top of her, caressing her fluffy calves

>my hands slowly go up on her body until they reach her arms and


>she looks up to her cuffed hands

>looks confused

>jump out of bed

>take my cloak off, revealing the complete nazi uniform underneath

>"I see jew has fallen for mein trap"


>"Now tell me, vere is ze jew gold?"

>"Come on anon, stop, this joke isn't funny!"

>hit the bed really hard with my hand

>"Nein! Zis is not a joke! Vere is ze jew gold?"

>She sighs

>"I see jew are not villing to say anything, I guess ve'll have you satisfy a few man, maybe after zat you'll be villing to speak."

>leave the room as the curses at me

>come back with a false mustache on

>"Gutten tag, is zis ze jew brothel?"

>waifu is half confused, half pissed off

>fuck her until she starts to enjoy it

>end up losing track of time and leave the cuffs on for way too long

>next day she has to explain to her colleagues what are those marks on her wrists

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6dcdb5 No.374742

File: 33760aaeff57a2d⋯.jpg (32.8 KB,512x512,1:1,1501484314475.jpg)

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859b02 No.392661

>It's the happiest day of your life

>After nine months your thunderbird waifu has given birth

>That she would go through a pregnancy rather than lay an egg can only mean one thing

>You have a son

>As you enter the operating room however, you see her cradling two swaddling newborns


>Elated, you reach out to hold your infant sons

>Your waifu watches with quiet, exhausted joy written on her face

>Until she sees the shit-eating grin on yours

>As you hold a son in each arm, you begin the chant that she cannot hope to stop




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0f56d4 No.392668


Damn, that threw me all the way back to gradeschool dodgeball


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ea8e02 No.392672


I want a follow-up to this where the centaur HOOF’D.com’s Anon out of revenge

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ea8e02 No.392673


Fucking kek

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334871 No.392728

File: fa9dea1993b7c86⋯.png (40.92 KB,608x366,304:183,Only if you acknowledge ce….png)



This meme sounds familiar but I'm not placing it. What exactly do you want?

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684e44 No.392729


We used to do a lot of BLACKED memes with hellhounds

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334871 No.392734


Bully rape revenge? That wouldn't be a satisfying turnabout for me.

I'd rather a more flushed out story like a silent voice where you have a proper redemption arc for those involved. Off the cuff, I can't think of a better way to do what a silent voice did without simply rehashing it with monstergirls. I'd have to think on it. That and I already have another story about bullying a centaur on the backburner but the setting is completely different from the contemporary one here >>359392 .

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c86275 No.393428

Tell an oomukade you want to watch a romantic movie and then take her to see The Human Centipede.

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b69179 No.393430


>He doesn't like rape revenge

Did you forget where we are?

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334871 No.393440

File: 258400cf650e350⋯.webm (Spoiler Image,3.01 MB,558x552,93:92,9734aac682805838eef93f3ec….webm)


If you're just looking to get your jollies, then yea, I'm all about about some aggressive horse pussy being slammed down on my wiener. I'm just saying narrative wise that wouldn't do much for me if its something along the lines of

>"You ruined my childhood!"

>"Now I'm gonna rape ya!"

Perhaps your idea was a little more elegant than you put on and if so I'd very much like to see your (or someone else's) take on bully rape revenge being a satisfying turnabout. Maybe it can be done and I'm not giving enough credit to that scenario.

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ea8e02 No.393448


It doesn’t necessarily have to be direct revenge. If we frame the plot as the centaur already having a crush on anon as a kid, then the eventual rape has another subtext to it besides base revenge.

I’m thinking two main paths here:

The hatefucking path

>centaur has crush on anon, but is still pissed about him ruining her childhood

>is raping him both to satisfy the crush, achieve revenge, and to vent her frustrations

Or the Yandere path

>the bullying broke her mentally, she started obsessing over the one responsible

>raping him because she’s a fucking yandere

I’m both cases, I think it would work better for either tendency to be outwardly hidden. Have the centaur be really forgiving and genial to anon, invite him over for dinner or to get some coffee and catch up. Then either the coffee is spiked, with predictable results, or the centaur starts hinting at her true plans in a subtle manner, gradually driving anon mad with anxiety and paranoia.

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334871 No.393451


>Two main paths

I'm sure you could weave some interesting tales from those premises but I'd want it to be a surprise for sure. They sound pretty par for the course as far as /monster/ goes but we're just spitballing here so I wouldn't want to poo poo either concept.

I'd still be more interested in a redemption arc of some sort where the characters confront their past and maybe fall in love by accident in the process. It'd be less titillating but more believable for me. Regardless of which premise; yandere, hatefuck, or redemption I'd want a bigger cast of characters. Not for harem purposes but to give some alternate perspectives on the bullying. That and bullying is rarely a 1v1 affair.

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