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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 1ef04d5c6ddae63⋯.png (1.53 MB,4800x2000,12:5,allgirls3.png)

5825a7 No.346490


Monstergirl character designs are done (pic related). The characters now have names. The prologue script is done, it's at https://gitgud.io/monster/VN/blob/master/Writing/prologuescript.txt

I've edited the prologue for spelling and grammar and trimmed a number of things down so that things get to the point quicker---don't want the player to get motivated to skip after a few minutes of gameplay.


I've decided not to lead (or work on) this thing anymore. BluX, as you have produced a game before, you should lead instead. If not, then I nominate Lali as he is the main writefag. If neither of you want to do it, well I got nothing.

The mattermost chat is no longer used because of the login issues people were having. If you have posted WIP shit in the chat and nowhere else, repost it in this thread.

Hope things go well for the rest of you.

Old thread >>324645

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648a0f No.346492

I hope you guys are still working on it.

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1cc82d No.346493

File: b36c27fbf5e5db4⋯.jpg (286.01 KB,1440x900,8:5,dom5.jpg)

File: 06f8a8156fd3b45⋯.png (160.72 KB,603x606,201:202,dom5war.png)


I'm honestly surprised no mods have been made for dominions 5 yet

it's a game about playing a fake god looking to become a real one, and you get stuff like giant armies and crap.

It even has warhammer mods, and it looks pretty easy to mod.

I'm not a modder, but seeing the demon lord faction, the sabbath, the radicals, and other stuff in game would be pretty rad.

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62dac4 No.346830


Technically I can produce prologue demo from what we have. For now I just need to know if writefags are still, well, writing. If people are working on routes we can keep pushing the cart, if not it's best to pack up now. At worst I can reuse some of the assets and make some light RPG out of them.

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9a3c35 No.347062

So just to make sure this is completely dead, right? I figured it was when I couldn't log into the git for a few weeks and the last thread was all but abandoned.

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648a0f No.347088


I don't think it's dead. It's that the git site is fucking up, so it's become a setback.

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043de9 No.347116


All projects are doomed the moment you refuse to dedicate yourself.

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093164 No.347984

File: fe04ea41fa695a8⋯.jpg (58.03 KB,521x500,521:500,4809a5a9dd6b004e8d622b5961….jpg)

Man I didn't even know you guys made a new thread fuck. I'm still working on the vampire route but I still don't know when it'll be finished. If the guys working on the other routes quit we need people to replace them. Also Happy Easter.

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4a53fe No.348111


You and the others need to more reliably communicate if the project is going to be completed.

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093164 No.348227

File: b9b8e04c4d8c48b⋯.png (732.35 KB,1000x1250,4:5,Apophis69.png)


We need to make sure everyone working on the project is here. Dondomfag, Danial, undeadpaladin, you guys hearing this? Nice trips by the way.

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4a53fe No.348396


Best for everyone on the team to keep the thread bumped with whatever content they can bring so that the others see until they're back in.

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7ffd68 No.351761


Who knew that the gitgud chat dead/not working could fuck over a project? If dead, at least there's a lot to salvage for whenever someone wants to start again.

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4938e6 No.352031


I'm not writing it off yet since at least one writefag is working on his route. I can make working game out of that somehow. Chat was sorta dead anyway, it was obvious we would lose steam and parts of team.

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9a3c35 No.352059

It's like watching a zombie shambling around. It's dead, but kinda alive and fills some with hope that maybe, just maybe, it can be saved. If you fags are still working on this I'm still willing to be the drawfag for it if you want me to.

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87d701 No.352106


Now that you are awake I need to know exactly:

1) are you working on your route

2) how long aprox it will take you to have finished concept

3) can you get it finished by july

Depending on answers we'll either push the cart forward or we're scraping the project.

If we scrape it I'll revive the vehicular RPG project instead.

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26b6f6 No.352430

File: d919ba6b5c20eba⋯.jpg (13.87 KB,396x236,99:59,Violent neck ejaculation.jpg)


>Who knew that the gitgud chat dead/not working could fuck over a project?

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4a53fe No.352432


>vehicular RPG project

What was that?

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cdcd8e No.352513


Just a pet project I had on back burner. Think Vangers.

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5cb803 No.363269

Sad that this died. I hope you guys salvaged what you made and repurpose them in future projects.

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fa5b30 No.367905

i dont think this is the right thread to post this in but someone opened a thread on /v/ (which was deleted) asking for suggestions on what features a monster girl rts should have and i wanted to tell them to draw some inspiration from warlords battlecry 3's world map. something a little open ended instead of just going mission to mission along a storyline.

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c07913 No.379533


Hopefully the ideas and designs will get reused if someone here decides to pick it up again.

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fd5c76 No.393696

File: 0c59a94cfade298⋯.png (153.67 KB,800x600,4:3,2019-04-20-211053_800x600_….png)

Alright, time to rise from the dead.

Vehicular RPG project now with more sand and spaghetti code

After several scraped prototypes I now finally started working on the next /monster/ game proper. It's turn-based post-apocalyptic action RPG akin to Exile or Fallout-lite. For now with nothing but programmer art and random sprites from OGA.

Basic mechanics are as follows: the hero drives (or walks) around the wasteland, scavenging for resources and interacting with monstergrill NPCs/event locations. Driving consumes oil, walking on foot during day consumes water, the standard fare. Random encounters happen every now and then, when on foot battle will be typical overhead combat like in SSI games, when in car an action top down driving/shooting sequence will happen. Player and car stats are purely equipment based. Still debating if there should be dungeons, if yes they would reuse parts of Lizardry code as well. For now base game routine is done, combat is work in progress and dialogue/equipment system is next. UI, menus that don't give you AIDS and music/sound are dead last on list of things to give shit about.

Now I need some willing anons to help with few things. First and foremost obviously artist - I can handle tilesets somehow but characters/detailed objects will need to be done by someone who knows how to draw. Dialogue system is modeled loosely around Fallout so portraits might be needed as well.

Another thing needed will be someone to write additional dialogues and side quests, main quest is covered by me already.

Just leave message here if you're willing to help, have a shit screenshot of the prototype.

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8e0f38 No.393697


Oh hey Blux. Might've been better to make a separate thread for this instead of reviving this thread.

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fd5c76 No.393698


I'll make separate thread once the base game is more complete, just poking around to see if there are anons willing to commit likely unhealthy amount of time into another episode of autism.

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a8d3c5 No.393709


>a color palette consisting of brown and more brown

Typical modern game.

>SSI games

Am I retarded for not knowing what that stands for?

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fd5c76 No.393718


>he didn't play some of the best CRPGs ever made


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f76e8e No.393734

File: 57b3338bbb67081⋯.png (18.37 KB,633x541,633:541,howdy.PNG)


Hey anon, I'm willing to do spots of guerilla coding when my schedule allows for it. I'm pretty bad at art though. Have an image of a thing I've been working on recently.

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fd5c76 No.393743


I have coding covered but if you want to write not-shit menu and dialogue system in Lua/LOVE you're welcome.

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fd5c76 No.393750

File: 375746df582ffc3⋯.png (23.89 KB,800x600,4:3,2019-04-21-152829_800x600_….png)

One more teaser - the Exciting Vehicular Action Combat Sequence (TM) or EVACS for short. With adrenaline pumping night encounter the hero's pimped Lada 2107 armed with fried chicken launcher trying to evade the ever-present watermelon bandits. Preorder now to receive watermelon armour DLC for free!

Vehicle combat mechanics are done, finishing on foot combat now.

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fd5c76 No.393794

Time for /monster/ to make decision. On foot combat system should be:

a) turn-based overhead CRPG

b) classic turn-based JRPG shit

c) action time turn-based shooter

d) top-down shooter

e) arkanoid

f) minesweeper

Make your choice, I have somewhat working prototypes for all of above.

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096613 No.393802



I couldn't only imagine this working when traveling through the desert and having to avoid sandworms

>turn-based overhead CRPG

Yeah basically what I imagined it. Just Fire Emblem combat with monster girls instead

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1bf3ec No.393803


What fits the rest of the game stylistically?

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7dba67 No.393811


Anything really, overworld is gridlocked turnbased, car chases are top down action.


Sandworms are very much a possibility. Normal CRPG combat is pretty much easiest to do mechanics wise but making interesting maps/scenarios will take a while.

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f692e9 No.393815


i vote for top down shooter then, but only because I find turn based combat boring unless its pokemon

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600f99 No.393818

File: 423ff1a65ebaab9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.89 MB,2500x3000,5:6,Mischievous Demon.jpg)



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7dba67 No.393820



That's doable, sure.

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8e0f38 No.393822


Ammit and Ebola-chan as a JRPG resembling Superstar Saga, with Ammit having a wide range of monster girl transformation powers that can combine with Ebola-chan's wide range of plague powers in various ways, and with a bunch of class changes for the two that provide different powers and outfits.

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7dba67 No.393823


They can make cameo but settings and MC/support are already settled anon.

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a8d3c5 No.393854


Looks like a low budget Spyhunter.

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ff17d2 No.393862

File: e52e29861584a1d⋯.jpg (88.43 KB,700x495,140:99,63c76ea002f543a88e39c31572….jpg)


Git gud.

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ff17d2 No.393863


Be funny that the ending of easy mode makes fun of the player for being on easy mode.

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a8d3c5 No.393864


Call easy "game journos" mode, have it constantly make fun of the player's manhood and impossible to get any waifus.

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7dba67 No.393872


It is because Spyhunter was good game.


Easy mode will make you win game instantly and give 10/10 review.

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