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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 438c3976e66ecd9⋯.jpg (724.72 KB,1440x1300,72:65,FE79F28B-6098-430D-AE72-44….jpg)

File: b92555234415eea⋯.jpg (609.63 KB,1376x1257,1376:1257,7375B126-6D5B-4322-A348-A7….jpg)

f841aa No.307162 [Last50 Posts]

ITT we post creatures from vidya, movies, urban legends, mythology, etc. and write a monstergirl entry for them

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4dc138 No.307240

File: 34c8dd8a7720177⋯.png (536.19 KB,636x900,53:75,rosy vamp.png)

I finally have a good excuse for posting this:


>The Doppelsauger (also known as the Dubbelsuger) is a vampire from Hannover, Germany. Doppelsauger means “doublesucker”, which refers to children who are weaned but they still continue to suck his mother’s breasts. This then causes the person to be a vampire after they die. Their lips are the only thing that remains undecayed. While they are in the grave they suck on their own breasts until there’s nothing left, then he feeds upon members of his family since they have a connection. The family members will lose weight at a rapid rate and die.

A doppelsauger girl would indisputably be the best blowjob manono in existence. Basically, it would be a vampire that weans way too late, and grows the most immaculate dicksucking lips as a result, while also inherently ending up with tits large enough for her to self-suck.

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7fab18 No.307514

File: 0fc9bdad59ca677⋯.jpg (464.03 KB,709x1000,709:1000,af8571069513dcac270e5285fe….jpg)

Gojira girls take great pride in their strength and for good reason. Known to be queens of the kaiju family, other kaiju mamonos will come and hunt them down to claim the title. If backed into a corner, she will use a last resort mamono magic they call, Atomic Blast, which releases a blue flame like energy burning everything in its path, but it will also drain the Gojira girl's energy to being depleted and collapsing unconscious. Because of the mamono magic the side effect caused the Gojira girls to shrink down to human size, but their strength remains intact. Other kaiju are not the only ones hunting down these girls though. Human males, mostly ones in the military, are on the hunt in hopes to attract one of these queens. Just like humans, Gojira girls has preferences as well, but strict preferences. They seek out only the alpha of men to breed with to pass down the hereditary trait of being the alpha of the kaiju. The courtship of love will start off with a battle of strength and wit. If the man wins, the Gojira girl will demand marriage and will not take no for an answer. If the man loses, he will be raped and set loose. If the man comes back to her afterwards, he will be rejected over and over until he proves that he is worthy of her attention. If the Gojira girl does not find a mate, then the mamono magic will have her venture outside of her habitat and will go on a rape rampage and this causes many men to be hospitalized and the children she bares will be considered abominations to the rest of the Gojira girls. Gojira girls are very protective of their husbands and children and will attack any other girl who comes close to them.

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07ac8c No.307533


>Gojira girls



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1afe7e No.307535

File: c68b8c8481f3b47⋯.jpg (56.23 KB,337x233,337:233,Son_of_Godzilla,_Minilla.jpg)


What, you're not into lolis?

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465ac8 No.307540

File: 92ebb02e675d971⋯.jpg (843.27 KB,4378x2309,4378:2309,59cf8064b4c03945fd92acbb87….jpg)

can't write for shit, but I have this

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7fab18 No.307542


>being butt mad about girl being plural

There has been more than one Godzilla in movies you know.

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04aa05 No.307544


After you fuck her do you get that loud ass splashing noise and feel a little woozy for five minutes?

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465ac8 No.307546


only if you don't have a the heartless perk

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465ac8 No.307547


have the heartless perk*

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2614a5 No.307599


I'd love to see one for a cicada killer girl.

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f841aa No.307699

File: 41715adf11ccbd0⋯.png (Spoiler Image,68.02 KB,300x215,60:43,4C68B000-23B8-43DE-9114-61….png)

File: 6a82d4a09460a40⋯.png (Spoiler Image,37.85 KB,150x205,30:41,297D8CC0-E175-4B1D-9DC8-48….png)

Powerful, hulking creatures that inhabit only the darkest corners of the world, shamblers are monsters that attack adventurers who have lost their way in deep, dark dungeons and demon realms. A shambler will stalk a lone, male hero in pitch black darkness and use illusion magic to make it appear as if the hero is lost in space, and proceed to ambush him. Upon successfully surprising him, the shambler will use their massive size and tentacles to pin down the hero and have sex with him. Upon successful copulation, the hero is whisked away to the shambler's colony, where he will serve as the father to the shambler's soon to be many children.

Unlike most monsters which very rarely get pregnant, the shambler gets pregnant incredibly often, and pregnancies are very short. The children of shamblers are referred to as "spores," and grow up into childhood very quickly. Spores yearn to find a boyfriend as soon as they can, so they can grow up and start their own colony. To help with this, the mother will collect a group of her daughters and attempt to hunt down parties of adventurers with her daughters in tow.

Upon finding a party, she will weaken, arouse, and disorient the party's members via attacks with claws that have effects similar to demon silver weapons, spraying aphrodisiac mist into the air, and humming magical tunes that confuse and dizzy humans. Upon weakening the heroes enough, the mother stands by and allows her daughters to finish off the heroes of their choosing, and will whisk away whatever heroes have been selected to her lair to become her daughters' husbands. Female adventurers are often violated by the left over spores and become spores themselves, however in a more grown up stage.

Shambler spores are very weak, but eager creatures, who can strengthen very quickly by absorbing a hero's spirit energy, and often are left wanting more after their first taste, creating a cycle of them having sex, strengthening, and having stronger, more frantic sex. The exact amount of spirit energy required to fully grow a spore into a shambler is unknown, but the amount is vast, as very few adult shamblers "grown" through this method seem to exist.

Very rarely, when husbands are available for the spores are in very low numbers, the mother may use a technique of combining the spores, where the spores merge together and form a single, fully grown shambler to go out and start her own colony elsewhere, in another dark corner of the world.

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389eeb No.307877

File: da820b3bbe78e97⋯.png (983.52 KB,1280x1448,160:181,Eat my ass.png)


>Be me


>On another expedition to the ruins

>Some heretic occultist tells me to not snuff out the torch and not to "Fuck with the spirits"

>Right after he says that I snuff out the torch and run forward with my sword telling anything in the dark to "Eat my ass"

>The dark around me shifts into some cosmic stellar lightshow

>Some tentacle clad creature grabs me and pulls me in

>As I get closer I see a beautiful woman

>I start struggling as hard as possible, this is no doubt a trap to get me to stop fighting

>Her tentacles rip my pants off like pulling off a table cloth from under silverware

>She lines up her waist with mine

Many hours of eldritch love making later

>My chastity has been taken, my pride in shatters

>While crying softly she grabs my hand before placing it on her stomach

>Wait no lower than her stomach

>By the Light you can't be serious

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accc5c No.307962

File: fd4f3ebcb678cc6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,191.54 KB,619x950,619:950,friendly freak.jpg)


>Debates are going on to this day about whether or not Scrimshaw are undead, as nobody is sure about their origins. They appear primarily in desolate areas, far away from any civilization, and never show themselves to groups of people, only people traveling alone have ever encountered one. The bulk of their bodies are goo-like, but more solid than your standard slime, and always an opaque black. Their bodies are decorated with bones and light patterns, which give the Scrimshaw their names, and which are entirely unique to each individual, though certain features are relatively common, such as wearing skulls like helmets, using bones as horns, and heart and spiral imagery in their patterns

>Scrimshaw are docile monstergirls, always treating males as gently as possible, and are particularly attracted to those who are injured. Travelers that aren't too distressed by the Scrimshaw's appearance can rely on Scrimshaw to care for them for as long as they stay in their territory, supplying food, water, and offering a lap to rest upon. Scrimshaw have been known to feed upon Men's semen as they sleep, occasionally to the point of soreness, though no side-effects have been observed thus far.

>In terms of combat capabilities, the Scrimshaw are hesitant to fight, and have never been noted to attack unprovoked, but quickly become fearsome enemies when somebody they're caring for become threatened. Inside of their bodies they store sharper bones that can and will pierce through armor when protruded; fighting back is difficult when getting close risks impalement, and most strikes don't seem to phase it, largely passing through the semi-solid body as with a more conventional slime.

that was fun

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bb3e4c No.307965

File: 00aefb40e54e9f6⋯.png (23.17 KB,200x200,1:1,kaban.png)


>Green Geckogirls be like

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bb3e4c No.307984

File: b1862e650a0f1ea⋯.png (519.11 KB,1062x636,177:106,ClipboardImage.png)

My attempt at writefaggotry

Night stalkers are a genetic hybrid of coyotegirls and rattlelamias. Being around the height of average female humans, they have a pair of mismatched eyes. The left one resembling that of a lamia: yellow and elliptical, while their right eye resembles that of a coyotegirl, blue and round. On top of their head they have coyote ears, while on the side having small lamia ears. Their mouths contain a split tongue through which they can smell in addition to their nose, making it almost impossible to hide one’s scent from them. Along with the tongue they inherited the rattlelamia’s fangs, giving them a paralyzing venom that is sometimes consumed recreationally in small dozes for its “relaxing and warming” effects. Authorities question the safety of the venom itself and the acquisition, as they’re mainly sold by masked individuals. Unlike coyotegirls, night stalkers are plantigrades, suggesting that some human other DNA has been used in their creation. Their legs and arms are mostly human. Their nails are thicker and stronger, their lower arms being covered in a short but tough fur, along with their lower legs. The fur on their hands is usually much softer, sometimes completely absent. The final characteristic they inherited from coyotegirls is their tail, moderately long and fluffy. The tail can be used as an indicator of a night stalker’s mood to those it trusts, as it doesn’t betray its feelings to those it does not know.

As their name suggests, night stalkers hunt primarily at night. They hunt in a pack with no particular female being the leader until the fertile female has proven itself, which can change as time goes on as to night stalkers this is purely measured by the amount of children each female has given birth to. Food is usually at the forefront of a night stalker’s mind, but should they smell a human male, they’ll hunt him down. Coming from the cover of night, the male usually won’t be aware of the night stalkers until they are upon him, being drowned in a sea of sudden hisses and growling, the male will usually panic. In their panicked state the male will quickly be pushed to the ground and disarmed. Should the pack find a licking to the male, they’ll drag him back to their lair, usually taking some of his belongings aside from what the male is wearing with them. Should they not desire the male, they’ll search his belongings for food and remember to avoid his scent in the future.

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bb3e4c No.307985


Humans, but specifically males as they’re likely to be attacked by night stalkers can repel night stalkers by wearing excessively strong scents. Strong perfumes can work, their effectiveness differing. Another important thing is to shower before travelling at night, if travelling at night cannot be avoided as the females are strongly attracted to a male’s scent. The thicker the odor becomes, the sooner the night stalkers will pick up on it and the stronger the more likely they’ll take the man back to their cave with him.

In the case that the pack desires the male, he’ll be bitten by various members of the pack. Then, being unable to fight back, he’ll be dragged back to the den of night stalkers’ den. Night stalkers sleep while cuddling one another, so their beds are essentially one giant bed consisting of stolen fabrics, furs and pillows. For the first night and many nights following, depending on the male’s attitude, the females will take turns ravaging him during the day (night on which the male has been captured being an exception). If a member believes that the male might try to escape, she’ll bite the male before copulating. This is to demonstrate to the male that if the night stalkers desired, they could keep him immobile around the clock. The opinion on the matter might differ from night stalker to night stalker, so one might keep no biting for a long time while the others have stopped, while others might not bite at all. Instead of biting, night stalkers will then have the male ingest their venom through kisses. The venom does not paralyze the male when ingested in this way. Similar to the venom found on black markets, it warms up the body and gives the imbiber a sense of serenity, but when fresh, the venom also stimulates libido both among males as well as females.

When a night stalker begins to kiss a male instead of biting him, it is a sign of trust as well romantic interest. The female will instead of wishing to possess the male instead wish to be loved by him. She’ll try to bring back items from hunts to appease him, such as special fruits, food or items stolen from humans or pretty stones. Through this they wish to become the male’s favorite.

Pregnant night stalkers become less active, spending more time eating and sleeping while rarely partaking in the hunt, especially later during their gestation period. Although their energy decreases, their pride swells. They’ll often stroke their swollen belly while smiling and walk around with pride, despite their stride being hindered. They’ll show off their fecund figure to the male and instead cuddle with the male instead of trying to copulate.

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bb3e4c No.307986


Generally seven to eight months after having captured its own male, the first females of the pack will be giving birth. Depending on the amount of eggs birthed, a single night stalker will acquire the title of Den Mother, giving her authority over the other night stalkers and having priority when it comes to mating with the pack’s male. Despite having earned the ability to command the pack, Den Mothers tend to mainly make use of their ability to now mate with the pack’s male more. This in turn can strengthen her position as Den Mother as she’ll be more likely to be impregnated again, but the authority will instead return to how it was before the pack acquired a den mother: collective decisions.

Night stalkers can give birth to anywhere from 2 to 5 eggs, but the night stalkers who hold onto the title of Den Mother tend to be far more fertile, quickly becoming pregnant and giving birth to up to 9 eggs. These eggs do not need to be kept warm, but many night stalker mothers tend to keep them close to their bodies, protecting them from anything that might want to harm them and keeping them warm, ensuring that the young night stalkers will come out of their shells sooner.

The main reason that the Den Mother title is one that often shifts from night stalker to night stalker is that night stalker mothers tend to spent a lot of time with their children and much of the time they do spend with their male is spent alongside with their children or cuddling.

Once the daughters of a pack grow up, they’ll form their own pack, consisting generally of 10-20 night stalkers. This pack will move out, find its own den and eventually find its own male.

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b22aad No.307991


If you're already using the text to talk entirely as one character, adding one segment where you don't is confusing and doesn't communicate your ideas very well. Try adding a line about her talking about her wings being all a-flutter, instead of breaking character to describe the noise she's making and marking it out as different with a slightly dissimilar font.

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465ac8 No.307994

File: 6af902ad904d35f⋯.jpg (60.6 KB,393x413,393:413,1501788200147.jpg)


I am trying to become a drawfag, not a writefag, but I appreciate the advice.

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b22aad No.307995


Good on you. Never stop trying to improve and refine yourself.

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b8345e No.307996

File: d6f2f54948f0e79⋯.jpg (94.69 KB,1046x627,1046:627,this is a cazador.jpg)


Won't stop me from mininuking her.

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e82010 No.308006


I never understood where this meme came from. Just use Hollow Point ammunition on the 10mm Pistol, or a Cowboy Repeater with HP and sneak and they die easily. After all, they have no DT, unlike Deathclaws.

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509b17 No.308101



-Hunt in packs

-Are jittery little buggers

-For the longest time, and maybe even still now, had a bug that made them unhittable in VATS


-Can outright instantly kill companions on Hardcore due to a bug with antivenom

-Don't tend to make much noise until they're right on you

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9f4b66 No.308120



Cazadores become a joke after Old World Blues.

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e4e261 No.308260


Every enemy becomes a joke after lonesome road.

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7dbb26 No.319496

File: 3cc3ab1f99c8cf5⋯.png (613.34 KB,640x1080,16:27,Goryou.png)


>ITT we post creatures from vidya, movies, urban legends, mythology, etc. and write a monstergirl entry for them


This site has a hundred off-beat Japanese monsters begging for monsterization. I tried my hand at making a MGE-style entry for one.


Type: Undead

Habitat: Graveyards, battlefields

Disposition: Sullen

An apparition born of the inauspicious death of a loveless woman in times of conflict or war. An unlucky man walking by a gravestone marking the death of such a person may suddenly find himself stalked by a goryou.

The spirit initially keeps her distance, lurking at the edges of vision. In fact, the haunted man generally comes to realize his predicament only when he has recurring dreams of being watched by the spirit. Gradually, the goryou becomes more aggressive in the waking hours. The spirit will often lay her lewd body on furniture in the man's house and disturb his attempts to sleep by trailing her fingers up his spine. Despite all of this, the spirit keeps a serene distance in the man's dreams.

The burning desire of the goryou to receive the love of a man grows more and more intense, manifesting as flames, and her feelings begin to affect the man's mood. The man's sleep eventually becomes troubled due to strange outbursts of anger and sexual mania in the middle of the night. In these emotional states, nightly wanderings are common, and upon seeing the spirit, the man is suddenly seized with the urge to pin her to the ground, throw off her clothing, and violate her. This gives her great pleasure and her feelings act to calm the man, so the rough-and-tumble sex shortly transitions into gentle lovemaking.

If the man passes by the gravestone again or visits a holy shrine during such a midnight fugue, the goryou's emotions will brightly flare up and she will pounce on him instead. She will hold the man's arms above his head and have sex with the man all through the night, not letting him go until dawn breaks.

From then on, the man's rest will be free and easy. His dreams will be filled with gentle, loving sex with his wife.

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8743ad No.321241

File: a72c920b8f75f89⋯.png (286.16 KB,623x600,623:600,8EA16AC3-43B5-42DB-869E-95….png)

The swinetaurs are beastmen who are very similar to centaurs, but are actually relatives of the orc. Though rarely alone, swinetaurs are often members of larged orc groups. Sometimes they are used as a battering ram by the orcs to attack human men that are locked within fortifications, as once a swinetaur gets into a charge, nearly nothing is capable of stopping them. They are typically only used to attack groups of men, however, for two reasons; seperating parties of heroes are their specialty, by charging and grabbing a human man while trampling and pushing away other heroes. The other reason is that unlike orcs, swinetaurs are greedy, and unwilling to share the man they caught, often immediately fleeing a skirmish once they have a man in their grasp. Swinetaurs are attracted to strength, and will often try to capture the bulkiest looking party member when they strike. Swinetaurs are very dominant and aggressive, and sex with them is incredibly rough and long. The sound they love most is when they can make a man squeal in ecstasy from their powerful, sexual onslaught. There is a way to turn this personality around, however. While it is nigh impossible for a human man to overpower a swinetaur, if a man is capable of knocking off their helmet, the swinetaur's facade will immediately drop, and they will become incredibly submissive. To a swinetaur, showing their face is a great embarrassment, as they believe their beautiful face completely contrasts their powerful body, and they lose all sense of control over the situation, believing that their intimidating presence was the only thing keeping her man in their control. Once their visage is i the open, they immediately surrender to the hero they captured, and will attempt to serve him in any way they can.

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bc44d3 No.341293

File: 02937fcb8e7ea8e⋯.jpeg (102.59 KB,695x900,139:180,76829E5E-174C-4FD0-85D4-A….jpeg)

Towering and silent, these maidens cloaked in gold roam battlefields and graveyards on the darkest nights in search of the corpses of those that died alone. Upon finding suitable dead, she effortlessly removes the head from the body and holds the soul within her massive coat whilst hiding the headless body in places unknown. The objective of nearly every monster is to find themselves a suitable husband, however collectors are different. Collectors do not try to find themselves a husband, as they do not believe themselves to be worthy, but believe it to be their duty to match the souls of the lost with their own.

Should a collector run into a still living human, she will attempt an ambush. Combat with a collector is a frightening experience, as collectors are very quiet, yet powerful. The main attack of a collector is a “spirit energy drain” which directly pulls the spirit energy directly out of its victim. Survivors report that the feeling is similar to that of anincredibly intense orgasm, leaving men tired and drained, while potentially instantly monsterizing females into undead. Men who are left incapable of action will soon become swarmed, as the collector opens her coat and unleashes a tide of heads upon ghostly bodies who will perform combat as they did in life to secure a husband, fueled by an intense lust and loneliness. After the battle the collector will return all the unpaired heads into her coat, leaving the couples of spirits and men to their own devices.

In the event one were to somehow stem the horde of ghosts and survive the collector’s drain, the hero would then be left with a timid monster paralyzed in fear, unknown with how to proceed. Should the hero be left weakened or unable to move, she will move to embrace him in her massive coat, awkwardly molesting him from all sides. As this continues, she will gradually get more and more aggressive, eventually leading to an intense session of lovemaking. Heroes that lose to a collector more often than not go missing, but you can tell which collectors are married and which aren’t by the expression on their face; single ones possess a somewhat somber, lonely look while ones with a partner have a perpetual lewd expression when they are seen doing their job.

The inside of the coat is described as very warm and soft while providing a sense of “being watched” and given the collector’s method of attacking downed heroes, hints that the coat may be a living part of the collector. The coat itself acts as a portal to the afterlife where the collector can selectively choose to pick up or release captured souls while keeping it closed for some intimacy with their husband. Particularly showy collectors show off their husbands by having sex while letting the lost watch in jealousy, fueling them for the next time they are released.

There is a rumour that if one can connect a head released from a collector to its original body, the person will be brought back from the dead as if they had never died.

recommend me another monster to write about, if it’s interesting enough I might do it

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1a1fdf No.341308


Sea hag from DD?

Masquerades as what it believes is a prettier monster girl?

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1a1fdf No.341310

File: 472cccb2e9b62f1⋯.png (783.52 KB,628x792,157:198,Dutch(wo)man.png)

Flying Dutchman



Habitat-Any Open Ocean

Nature-Aggressive, Strong willed

Diet-Carnivorous, prefers alcohol, the essence of human men

The Flying Dutchman is a semicorpreal monster that roams open oceans, in single minded search of The Ultimate Treasure. It is said they rise from the spirits of lonely women lost at sea. They are cursed monsters, only appearing at night and unable to come onto any landmass, until their search is complete. When day breaks, their ghostly ships disappear into thin air, along with all they have stolen. Any ship traveling late that holds any measure of riches can come under attack from this monstrous captain. Stories say they also have a fondness for alcohol, regardless of its price or even quality. They have even been known to take women right from the decks of ships, that must be rescued before sunrise, lest they join her crew as a ghostly pirate.

When she sees a man that strikes her fancy, they of course take them onto their ships as prisoners. They tend to explain it away as him "looking valuable enough to be treasure" or "looking like he knows something about the Ultimate Treasure." This is their nature as monsters at work. And indeed, she may strongly interrogate him for what he knows about her quarry. Whatever he answers is likely to make her laugh at him cruelly. For several nights, this may continue, and after some time, her heart may begin to soften. Her laughs will be less cruel, her expression will be less aggressive, she may even allow him to ask her questions of his own.

Soon enough, her mind will stray from the Ultimate Treasure and start to be filled with thoughts of the man slowly becoming her beloved. After so many nights she will, stuffed to the brim with love, loudly declare a vow of everlasting love to her beloved, calling him her Ultimate Treasure. She will then pounce upon him and take his essence like a starving woman set upon a feast.

The next morning, Her ship will come into port, the bodies of her and her crew finally solid(though still in a state of rot). To witness the end of their curse is an amazing experience and a cause of great celebration in monster-ruled areas.

They are not very popular among other undead for their boisterousness, and even less so among aquatic monsters. The latter has been known to shiver horribly when detecting their presence, and are commonly used to avoid places they may roam. As they also seek the Ultimate Treasure, they are sworn enemies to the Umibozu.

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5875e5 No.341313


I distinctly recall a shitpost version of this where the mamono was instead based on the Flying Dutchman of Spongebob, complete with references to a lucky sock that she had anxiety attacks without and an entire area below deck dedicated to storing incense and perfume oils. I think she was also hiding a case of minor depression that she had never once managed to hold onto a "cabin boy" of her own because any shotas she captured would just steal the sock from her and force her to let them go to get it back.

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16f185 No.341319

I have a few ideas for some of the species in Gensokyo that aren't covered by MGE, and I'll take requests. People who are fairly unique in their species e.g Yukari, Okina, the four Devas won't get their own entry unless seemingly popular, I'm thinking more along the lines of stuff like yamabiko, jizo, shikaisen, yuyukos, youmus etc.

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bc44d3 No.341331


>sea hag

You mean the siren? I don’t think there’s really too much original I can say about her. A lot of monstergirls already captivate men on beauty alone, and the disguise as other girls part is basically covered by the doppelganger.

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1a1fdf No.341332


Fuck, you're probably right. Real nice work on the Swinetaur, by the way.

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1a1fdf No.341334

File: 2c1779d70f67844⋯.png (120.65 KB,730x1095,2:3,umibozu_by_zetrystan.png)



Type-Semisolid Lifeform

Habitat-The oceans of Zipangu

Nature-Gentle, Detirmined


Showing themselves only on the darkest and stormiest of nights, the Umibozu is a massive, slime-like creature that chases the Ultimate Treasure on every ship it encounters. Silently rising from the inky depths, it slowly approaches the tossing vessel and asks in a rumbling voice for the Ultimate Treasure. Usually, it can be convinced to specify it to a man on the ship, usually the captain. If her treasure is given freely, it envelops the man completely, taking him into the depths with her, never to be seen again. If refused, she will instead envelops the entire ship, chasing the man she desires, and can come very close to downing the entire vessel. For this reason, many tend to give these monsters their treasured mate.

Escape from these monsters is possible, sometimes even easy, given their slow movement. She will vainly attempt to follow even as her eyes, bright as stars in the sky, are swallowed up by the dark skies that follow her. But the story rarely ends there. The Umibozu is said to take any form she needs to impede the journey of her chosen man, be it a horrific storm, a blazing inferno, even an earthquake to drive her man back into the ocean and into her arms.

The Umibozus’ origins, what it does to the men it takes, even the number of them that actually exist is shrouded in mystery and legend. The only monsters that may know more are their sworn rivals, the Flying Dutchmen, who also seek the fabled Ultimate Treasure and come to blows often.

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ad0ac2 No.341335

File: d75f4819db1078a⋯.jpg (241.67 KB,600x784,75:98,Katawaguruma.jpg)


Perhaps wheel yokais could qualify, like Katawaguruma.

My first thought was that she could be similar to Will-ó-the-wisp, with enlarging the wheel to have sex with her husband. The problem is how familiar she is to Wisp already, with metal 'container' and fire surrounding her, so maybe a different approach is needed. Perhaps have her support her shrunken wheel on back, but when seeing a man she fancy, the wheel grows and opens up as she hops in, riding it to chase down her new husband who is unable to outrun the wheel. Upon capture, she shrinks her wheel and uses it to 'burn' him by spinning it on his body with the wheel's fire, driving him wild with pleasure while the wheel feeds her with the man's energy.

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2f934e No.341336


>being chased down by a monstergirl who will literally grind a giant wooden and metal wheel that is also ON FUCKING FIRE against your dick and balls if you get caught

Look, I'm not exactly a vanilla man myself but that's not even BDSM at that point, it's flat out CBT tier. I can picture Japanese men that are targeted by her being so desperate to escape that they will literally jump into the arms of the next mamono they see just to avoid getting the world's worst case of road rash on the entirety of their crotch.

Incidentally, ushi-oni, oni and other monstergirls normally seen as too barbaric, uncouth, or just less desirable for the vast majority of men would probably make their homes near these girls for that specific purpose.

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02ca8f No.341346

Good OC in this thread.

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ad0ac2 No.341347

File: 11f1d6888018e47⋯.jpg (43.78 KB,291x280,291:280,1455170488408.jpg)


That's a fair and hilarious point. I was only brainstorming but upon reflection, of course, the wheel grinder gal will scare away any sane male away - especially when you describe it well enough.

Instead, you could always go down the route of making them the world's fastest mamono on land, making them (almost) impossible to outrun. Upon capturing a male they fancy, their wheel shrink back to original size and stay fixated (still spinning) on the girl's back, the wheel's fire will pump throughout the girl's veins, giving her a warm glowing body for hot passionate sex with her mate.

However the trick to avoiding such girls lies in the environment. The wheel girls cannot travel through thick forests without getting jumbled up between trees and burning them out of the way will delay her.

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47c521 No.341349


Junkrat Ult?

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bc44d3 No.341350



Is the “Ultimate Treasure” an actual treasure or just the perfect husband?



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2b2d74 No.341358


>Look, I'm not exactly a vanilla man myself but that's not even BDSM at that point, it's flat out CBT tier.

Have you forgotten about MAMONO MANA?

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2f934e No.341365


No, but I'm a man of comedy and the situation I described is way more entertaining to talk about then "lol mamono mana solves everything"


You could have the hub of the spokes be hollow and fleshy, and when she catches a man she shrinks down the wheel and uses it like a makeshift spinning onahole too if you still want it to be used like a sex toy.

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1a1fdf No.341403


Perfect Hubby. Probably some lore around it that a man is the the key to unlocking it.

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bc44d3 No.341404


Okay. I was just slightly confused because in the dutchman post you said

>Soon enough, her mind will stray from the Ultimate Treasure and start to be filled with thoughts of the man slowly becoming her beloved.

Aside from that I liked how you linked two separate monsters as rivals in their entries.

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88182b No.341406

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97d221 No.341568


Now I'm thinking of other vampire variants, like Vampire: the Masquerade clans.

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5b80d3 No.342524

File: bf6d8d81e70c199⋯.png (978.07 KB,800x1011,800:1011,Screenshot_2018-03-06-20-4….png)

File: a01883c8886d292⋯.png (920.41 KB,800x1035,160:207,Screenshot_2018-03-06-20-5….png)

File: d9abc7b0be2d7af⋯.png (350.11 KB,800x466,400:233,Screenshot_2018-03-06-21-0….png)

File: 53f66a882bfaa86⋯.png (695.05 KB,800x759,800:759,Screenshot_2018-03-06-21-0….png)

File: e630af27197f441⋯.png (920.26 KB,800x1001,800:1001,Screenshot_2018-03-06-21-0….png)

What can one come up with these?

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a09794 No.346802

File: ba3245803dca39b⋯.png (60.27 KB,250x293,250:293,A53168F1-00CE-4519-911D-8E….png)

The Matango is a very well known and feared threat amongst kingdoms, so much so that some kingdoms completely deforest nearby woods in an attempt to defend themselves from a sudden appearance of one. Some have devised methods of defending oneself from their contagious spores for exploration or alchemical purposes, such as masks containing special fabrics or materials, or magic bubbles to filter air.

As result, the Matango have been driven to desperate measures to ensure that they may continue to spread and retrieve a husband. Though normally stationary, the Matango have developed a special breed capable of using their legs to traverse distances. This is not the end of their mutations, however. To defend themselves from attackers, the mushrooms that cover their bodies have hardened and become callous to protect their bodies from harm with strength comparable to steel plate armour. As their name implies, the Matango’s main method of attack is in their hands, where claws made from their hardened fungus have grown. Being scratched by these claws is incredibly dangerous, as while Grabbers have traded off most of their airborne spore producing capabilities for combat effectiveness, their method of infection is through physical contact of the spores on skin.

For men, the effected area becomes pleasurably numb and causes him to relax, and a heavy exposure may lead his entire body to becoming sluggish and eventually collapse, where the Grabber will attempt to either haul him off deeper into the forest or tear his clothes off and begin to rub her hands over his penis. Despite the numbing sensation used elsewhere, a Grabber’s spore production is specialized to produce two different kinds of spores on their hands: the numbing sensation used to subdue prey is on their claws, and an aphrodisiac one to excite and sensitize parts of said captured prey to become erogenous zones or heighten the sensitivity of existing ones on their palms. This allows them to efficiently milk spirit energy out of men when in the field by paralyzing their prey with their claws and tightly gripping his penis in his hands, ensuring that the spores work their way in and making the experience even more pleasurable.

For women, however, when scratched the spores will cause a throbbing effect similar to that of demon silver but will eventually begin to numb similarly to that of the effect for men. However, it doesn’t stop there, as the numbing gets stronger, it will eventually spread and unless treated immediately, her mind will also begin to numb as she turns into a Grabber herself.

Despite the relation, the Grabber strain tend to distance themselves from the traditional Matango. This is due to an evolutionary push on Grabbers to constantly move around to spread while the traditional Matango must stay rooted.

Grabbers often found alone, but roving bands of the creatures are not unheard of, and have been known to overrun entire villages.

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c86c28 No.346824

File: 9df54cd9937229d⋯.jpg (8.43 KB,272x185,272:185,download.jpg)

Komodo dragon

Family: Lizard

Type: Reptile

Habitat: Dry, open grassland

Disposition: Strong-willed, calm

Diet: Carnivorous, wild animals and alcohol

Not actually a dragon but a subspecies of Lizardman. Komodo dragons are slightly taller than an average human and are equipped with serrated teeth and sharp claws. Their arms, legs and tail is reinforced by armoured scales that function as sort of a natural chain-mail.

Komodo dragons are highly dangerous predators due to their specialization in poison production, tracking, speed, stealth and climbing abilities. They usually hunt wild animals but are often seen taking on bounty jobs from local human settlements.

When not tracking down their next bounty, Komodo dragons enjoy a past time of big game hunting and drinking a Dwarf under the table.

A Komodo dragon will live most of their life in solitary, if she find a suitable mate she will attempt to attack and mildly poison them, when the male is subdued she will then use him for breeding purposes, usually lasting up to four hours, ensuring that she is pregnant. When she is finished, she will leave the unconscious body somewhere safe before heading back to her home.

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f2a470 No.346832

File: a8bec29eb870fb3⋯.jpeg (53.5 KB,544x187,32:11,EBEF7443-1CB9-45E3-AD5B-3….jpeg)


>fuck n chuck

>stronk independent womyn who don’t need no man

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5f4818 No.346838

File: 645746bb5ea5077⋯.jpg (116.59 KB,623x800,623:800,deep_one_rising_by_pahapas….jpg)

here's one

Deep One

Family: Cosmic

Type: Aquatic

Habitat: cold waters, human settlements, underground

Disposition: predatory, cunning, kind

Diet: Men's semen, meat.

Appearance: shorter and smaller than humans but very muscular. They are greyish-green in appearance, those that were raised on land tend to be greyer than those in the ocean. They have faint but noticeable sharp teeth. Naturally they have webbed feet and hands, as well as gills. They have large eyes, which are yellow with black pupils. They have strong legs for jumping and swimming, as well as flat chests regardless of age. They possess streamlined bodies. They all have black hair, which they typically keep short. They tend towards confidence and observance, standing tall and constantly probing the darkness with yellow eyes.

Deep ones are fish-like monsters that dwell in cold waters. In water they are unmatched in speed. On land they are much slower but are noted for having used all four legs to chase people. They hunt normally in water, on land they instead use pounce tactics to capture food. They are ambush predators in hunting animals, but their method of hunting humans is far more complex.

Deep ones are not born as deep ones, rather they are born looking human. These girls can fit into human society as humans, and do not consciously act as monsters until adulthood. Once they reach puberty, they slowly gain supernatural traits, and the puzzle pieces in their head slowly come together. They realize that they are deep ones and get called to the ocean. In the coming months, they will choose a suitable mate from among their social circle, then pounce and kidnap him. When the deep ones escape into the dark depths of the ocean with their suitor, they will fully evolve into a deep one.

The deep ones secrete a mucus that enables their husbands to breathe in the ocean; once a man exposed to this mucus becomes an incubus they will grow gills and be able to freely swim in the ocean, the men slowly gain more mutations with age, all of which help with the harsh ocean.

They are noted as having a deeply familial link to their social groups, forming complex relationships with family and friends. They possess the ability to find their parents instinctively, much like a salmon returning to its spawning grounds. Manly deep one cities are all but a few massive families.

Most deep one families spread the species by dropping kids off at orphanages or hiding in a human settlement. Most use stone age technology; however, they do things with stone that don’t seem entirely plausible or possible.

Most chose to follow Father Dagon and Mother Hydra

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68d4ab No.346844

File: 51a34e4c1c12743⋯.png (345.07 KB,600x718,300:359,51a34e4c1c12743581e6dafcb0….png)

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02b8da No.346846

File: 5ff672eadd3fd1d⋯.jpg (71.02 KB,400x552,50:69,Kamaitachi.jpg)


She goes around, marking her paths in her footsteps (later to be discovered by lost travelers) who she then ensnares with her claws that look to be like miniature scythes. However, if you plead with her and appeal to her, she'll spare you, and you'll spend the rest of your life by her side, harvesting victims, watching her tear them open and then proceed to let her hold you delicately in her lethal claws.

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32d584 No.346862

File: 2ea635176403b8a⋯.jpg (28.04 KB,300x423,100:141,300px-Kamaitachi_0.jpg)

File: 0695d85d29cba9f⋯.png (413.77 KB,800x379,800:379,800px-Kamaitachi_eng1.png)

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98d562 No.346869


Kamaitachi is basically biting winds personified, what you've described sounds like a completely different monster.


>saving thumbnails

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134217 No.347063

File: ee3a218c23ec386⋯.jpg (56.76 KB,500x448,125:112,Gnophkeh_2_image.jpg)

File: 72471c72e36d577⋯.jpg (45.67 KB,604x466,302:233,hound_of_tindalos_by_verre….jpg)

File: 40b0bd094014a65⋯.jpg (135.24 KB,900x1115,180:223,mome_rath.jpg)

File: 74d4a698138061a⋯.jpg (74.87 KB,900x636,75:53,the_bandersnatch_by_jammil….jpg)

>no Gnophkeh beargirls in the north bullying wendigos and such

>no Bandersnatch doggirls being the abrasive foil to the cheshire's personality

>no orc Mome Raths that are actually green

>no Hounds of Tindalos that will hunt you to the ends of the earth, through space and time just to be with you

KC pls

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e0c900 No.347122

File: 5ff3f21645fbb9f⋯.jpg (48.74 KB,394x601,394:601,ca226a31f0fa81d84f0c9ff2f3….jpg)

File: 71fefb3d044cc09⋯.jpg (166.41 KB,1024x1396,256:349,cd121a69c8e00e003427216d49….jpg)

The Spring-Heeled Jacks are demon girls with super jumping abilities. Jumping high into the air and bouncing from place to place, they seek a man that suits their fancy. Once a Spring-Heeled Jack finds a man, she would grab hold of him from behind and jump high, carrying him in the air. The jacks have strong muscular long legs with thick thighs, enchanted to give them they jumping abilities, but have petite dainty upper bodies. Jacks speak and have the mannerisms of posh proper ladies. After taking the man to her home, the Jack would remove her footwear and choke hold him with one leg and give footjob with the other in order to incapacitate him. She would then brew a special tea full of aphrodisiac to get him really horny. The Jack will wear lingerie and talk in a sexual posh voice as she gives him unimaginable pleasures.

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fe7e45 No.347208

File: bfac51199418a41⋯.jpg (44.5 KB,600x464,75:58,Cej2yaiWAAAoLMu.jpg)

File: cc9a75513ca5720⋯.jpg (54.84 KB,600x821,600:821,CWgu8JPUsAAlzfg.jpg)

File: 5272c67bd99d9a0⋯.jpg (47.61 KB,600x656,75:82,CeabXf1UEAAWRd-.jpg)

File: 341cd25047a99b6⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,532x1024,133:256,The Hounds of Tindalos.jpg)


>no Gnophkeh beargirls

>no Hounds of Tindalos

That's where you're wrong kiddo! I've posted them in our various eldritch monster girl threads at least twice now.

That being said, Hounds of Tindalos need more/better art.

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b3a5eb No.347217

File: 7bd441537bd18b7⋯.png (98.56 KB,235x337,235:337,Dungeon Meshi Kelpie.png)

File: ac726400e4868db⋯.png (126.59 KB,229x229,1:1,Kelpie.png)

Kelpie is already a thing in MGE (or rather they're called Flow Kelp), but there is a scottish legend centered around Kelpie. It tends to be a shapeshifting water spirit, but usually takes on the shape of a horse. As a monstergirl, she could be a aquatic slimy centaur or a centaur/mermaid hybrid - both versions having kelp for hair. If a human male carelessly touches her, he ends up stuck to her and she won't let him go until he takes responsibility.

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6e13f4 No.347219


>thats a gnophkeh

>thats a hound of tindalos


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fe7e45 No.347301


Well write up something to match your vision then send it off to the drawthread!

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97d221 No.347379

File: e76cfb3ae613969⋯.jpg (1.28 MB,800x5300,8:53,65903276159682.jpg)

Recently, I found this picture of Splatoon 2 salmonid boss as "monster girls". I think I like the Maw the most.

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544b1c No.347388


Anon, I really don't think you can call flow kelps kelpies, they're not even horsepussy-related.

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544b1c No.347389


Man, steelhead's tits just aren't drawn right at all.

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992982 No.347422


I legit thought it was a dude.

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134217 No.347456


>draw a man and call him a chick

we have achieved full circle

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ad0ac2 No.347464


I know that but I think she was called Kelpie for a while when she was introduced. My memory of that is vague,but I'm sure she was referred to as Kelpie more often than Flow Kelp. Come to think of it, she haven't popped up lately and isn't called Kelpie anymore regardless. Perhaps it was a shorthand nickname for her.



What a cute grill.

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7ea887 No.356689

File: 319280f4ee6ef35⋯.jpeg (19.46 KB,465x431,465:431,63A483CC-C423-4B0C-8784-9….jpeg)

Hope you like harems.

Stealthy, strong, and invasive, genestealers are a terrifying new monster of unknown origin which infiltrate Order cities and quietly spread the seeds of corruption. They possess four powerful arms tipped with sharp claws to tear clothes and armour, thick carapace that can ignore even the sharpest of Order weapons all whilst moving on powerful legs that allow them to climb walls and silently stalk the night. The worst parts of them are their eyes which possess a hypnotic effect on those who stare into them and their long, sharp tongue used to initiate their grand plans.

Genestealers enter anti-monster settlements at night and build their lairs in the dark, forgotten corners of their environment. Once inside, they get to work immediately on their objective: to find a husband and collapse the anti-monster society.

Genestealers will hide until a human male that suits their tastes passes by and track him stealthily by moving through shadows and following the scent of his mana until he is suitably alone. Once he is out of public eye, the genestealer will ambush, silence and hypnotize him into complying with her demands. Once he is under her control, the genestealer will pull him into a deep kiss, probing her long tongue everywhere in his mouth and making him drink her saliva which contains an aphrodisiac and her special variation of demonic energy. Upon getting the man into the proper mood, she will haul him off to her lair where they will engage in the “ritual” which consists of having intense sex for several hours in a special room designed by the genestealer. Once the ritual is complete, he becomes her husband and forms a telepathic link with the genestealer, allowing her to know where he is at all times, what he likes and dislikes, what he needs and wants, and whether or not she needs to come back and protect her husband or lair from someone too nosy. Once married through the ritual, the genestealer becomes incredibly obsessive over her husband, heralding him as some sort of divine being. She will then try to get the husband to stay inside the lair as much as possible unless he really needs to go outside for emergencies or to clear up important issues, especially ones that may lead to the lair being compromised. Otherwise should he leave the genestealer will return, pick him up and “persuade” him to stay put.

The next step for the genestealer is to build him a cult. The genestealer will go out and abduct women which suit her husband’s tastes in the same manner she abducted her husband. Upon returning, the genestealer will perform an “initiation ritual” with her husband. Upon the ritual being complete, the woman will be linked to the genestealer, the husband, and other members of the cult. Most importantly this means that the genestealer matriarch can direct the lower cult members to act in her stead. Upon reaching a certain cult size which varies depnding on how large of a settlement the cult is set in, the cult enters a hedonistic phase where all the members vie to become pregnant with a child; the matriarch getting the most sex as she is both the head of the family and the hardest to impregnate.

Offspring from cult members are always female monsters who look human with the exception of being incredibly beautiful, loyal to the family, deceptively strong in their gentle form, and are separated from the cult’s telepathic network. The offspring will grow up and go off to live their own lives and obtain a husband of their own. Offspring from the matriarch is another full blooded genestealer also separated from the network who will eventually leave to create her own cult.

With enough cults and offspring set into deep positions of society, an uprising will be planned. A messenger will be sent out to a nearby monster leader to attack the settlement. Once the forces start to gather, the cults and offspring will set to work so that all the defenses will be damaged or left unmaintained, many of the defenders unwilling or unprepared, and emergency escapes or plans sabotaged to ensure an easy victory for the invading forces.

Genestealer demonic energy has some slightly different effects on humans compared to other monsters. Men face slower physical changes than normal to reduce suspicion and female cult members stay generally human looking but may gain blue-ish skin, sharper nails or even an extra pair of arms in the most demonic energy saturated members but still change physically to suit the man the cult is centred around. It also prolongs the passive effect of the hypnosis until the cult members are considered devoted enough.

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791154 No.356869

File: ab4ab1401588760⋯.jpg (63.71 KB,500x490,50:49,ab4.jpg)

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cb6091 No.372568

Drinks (prepared) human fluids, and eats (prepared) human tissues, can eat and drink most other forms of food or drink, but can gain no sustenance if she does so, and is poisoned by allicin, even the allicin in the system of humans she feeds the from, she can smell garlic within the human system, so she knows who to avoid most of the time, she also cannot feed from embalmed human corpses.


Rots when exposed to UV rads, but heals (regenerates) as quickly from fire as any other mundane source of damage, has two glowing eyes that burn like little stars in the night.


Has two hearts and two heads, and each head has it's own heart; a head will die if it's brain is destroyed, if it's heart is destroyed, or if it's brain and heart are separated from each other, open wounds that are caused by silver or come into contact with silver will regenerate at a much slower rate (the rate of human healing, the degree of possible healing, such as regrowing limbs, remains the same) .


Great bartender and chef, can make great food or drink out of almost any ingredients.


Looks as if in the state of a corpse at the point of death by no cause, lives underground in crypts and mausoleums, generally avoids humans, prefers collecting corpses to killing, has no memory of human life.


All body tissues except bones are semi-to quasi-transparent resulting in ghostly body with visible skeleton


Covers all of their body with bandages except eyes, mouth, and hair, wears white funeral sheet over top, and has long black hair obscuring their faces.


Body disassembled and stitched together at every joint, patchwork stitches resembling the segments on a doll.


Also has stitches resembling an autopsy-pattern patchwork on front and back of torso, except lines go all the way around until they meet each other, indicating yet more disassembly and reassembly.


Frankenstein-style Bolts installed on the left a right sides of each head.


clit replaced with a blood-red colored gemstone amulet phylactery in the form of an artificial clit, the phylactery contains the souls of the sisters and it is every bit as sensitive as the real thing (Based upon myth of Osirus who was cut into 13 pieces, and the 13th piece was fed to the crocodile god, so it had to be replaced before he was able to be resurrected, the missing piece was his dick - the clit is most analogous to the penis), like the bones, the clit is opaque.


Has a very short-growing soft green fuzz on almost the entirety of the body, this fuzz shares the same translucency as every other part of the body except the part which are opaque (the bones and the clit), the fuzz does not grow on any area that cannot grow hair on the human body, the long black hair on the heads are green at the root, but become black once the length of the fuzz is passed. (this trait is inspired by the jiang shi, and does nothing more than improve their cuddliness and color their skin green)


body's natural posture is arms out, hunched back, and when standing, bent legs, and tiptoes, a posture associated with ghosts and jiang-shi, they are capable of walking normally though.


two heads one controlling exactly half of the body (their half)


two large bat-like wings and two arms, with one wing and one arm per head, and the wing and arm of each side coming out from the same shoulder.


two long, strong, and prehensile tails (one per head) each of which comes with a compete skeletal, nervous, and muscular system, the tails both grow out of the tailbone


webbing between fingers and toes, which is very flexible and functional, and is elastic enough that it does not obstruct their ability to manipulate things with their hands.


amazonian height, but a slender, waifish form.


one mono-eye per head, each with a secondary see through eyelid, and is developed such that it can see on any wavelength except for visible light.


long, large, movable, and pointed canine like ears that can hear extremely well to the point of echolocating their environment with ambient sound, and with perfect precision, so as to be able to pinpoint the exact position and nature of any sound.


two large, long, and pointed demon/oni style horns on forehead at left and right sides of each eye, which regrow themselves when damaged.


retractable fangs and claws, which also replace themselves after being damaged, and are usually hidden behind normal nails and teeth.


each mouth has one long, strong, and prehensile vampiric tongue (rough), used in feeding on blood from live and willing victims in the manner of a vampiric bat by making an incision with the fangs, then licking the blood that comes from the wound.

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cb6091 No.372569



the saliva being an anti-coagulant, anesthetic, narcotic, aphrodesiac, and amnesiac, the result is victim bleeding a lot without feeling a thing even as the incision is being made, instead feeling pleasure from being fed on, to the point of becoming addicted to being fed from, falling in love with the feeder, and being intensely sexual attracted to the feeder, but then forgetting the event later on after the other effects have worn off, the saliva also had healing properties that close up the wound at about the same time as the victim forgets the event


is not undead as they still have vital life signs, such as brain activity and heartbeat, blood flow, etc. produces a feverish amount of body heat at all times, needing only banadages and funerary sheets to keep them warm in the cold necropolis they make their homes in.


sisters are polar opposites, left side has the personality type most associated with the left brain, and the right side has the personality type most associated with the right brain, one is cold and logical (kuudere style), the other is energetic and emotional (genki girl style).


lives in a necropolis, a giant graveyard with an underground of catacombs that interconnect the various mausoleums according to family connections, and is located in the center of a metropolitan megacity, the necropolis is being expanded every day as new bodies are still being placed there each and every day, there are lots of places to hide, and due to the creepiness of the place, most poeple don't spend much time there more than they have to.


the creature typically avoids humans, and watches them from a distance, has learned to speak, read, and write from doing so, and has somewhat picked up on human practices, but has various inaccuracies due to being restricted in her interactions with them.


have the physical age of 25, but has lived for over 400 years without being detected, sightings were scarce, and creature is considered to only be an urban legend, apparently if the two-headed demoness sees you, you will be next to die, for she is death herself, and will soon be collecting your soul.


the sisters are unaware of the legend about them, but they know people are afraid of them, given as how they either run away in terror, get on their knees to plead for their lives (in which case, they have learned to not give an exact answer), or simply ask them how much time they have left before they die (again, the sisters have learned that the best reactions come from being vague), on rare occasions, some challenge them to a game of chess or a version of poker with chips serving as remaining years, then they celebrate after winning (the sisters have learned to let them win, as it makes them happy), in every case, the sisters weren't planning on hurting them anyway.


Sometimes the sisters asked to feed from their blood, but they don't do that anymore, returning to the unpreserved corpses, the erotic displays they make while being fed from disturbs the sisters, who do not consider the action sexual in any way, though this is partly due to them not knowing what sex even is, all they know is that they get a weird reaction from their "victim" while feeding from them, and that this results in them returning to that spot for a reason they do not clearly remember, except that they keep having erotic dreams about the place


the sisters have come face to face with you after you strayed from a funeral, and spotted them, and you are completely apathetic, as you were planning a suicide at that moment, you decide to have a conversation with "death", and both of you learn a lot of things about each other, you tell them what friendship is, what love is, and later about what sex is, as the reason for your suicidal impulses was related to being in love with a friend that died before you could confess to her, only to later discover she felt the same way about you, you also tell them about suicide, they learn more about their legend, and about the outside world, they promise to speak to you again, and you decide to visit them again, after repeated meetings, the two of you go from friends, to being in a relationship, to being lovers, and having 2 /12 way sex for the first time, these sisters saved your life, and you vowed to protect theirs, by smuggling them items from a hospital after becoming a renowned doctor, by help them learn more and more about the outside world, to even smuggling them out of the necropolis.

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713dde No.372571


>Mome Rath

>a green Wonderland p'orc

That actually sounds like a likely future MGE entry.

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cb6091 No.373834

A Golem-Shapeshifter monster that can shift between a stone statue and a beautiful woman, remains a statue until a low-tier man comes along, the stature then comes to life and seeks the man out as a romantic partner, upon acquiring him, she uses her magical influence to gradually turn him into a top-tier man, her husband rewards her with sex, love, and children.

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ba9e79 No.374011


fuck, what was the name of that manga, with the bat girl. I knew once upon a time.

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0b6319 No.374016

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ba9e79 No.374017


thank you

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7ea887 No.374031

File: 5e41f2bbd904873⋯.jpeg (79.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,B504F8A3-3896-4062-B816-6….jpeg)



Fag enabler detected

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f746e6 No.376020

https://pastebin.com/qhbv412K tried to make the horror monsters into waifuable monsters

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7ea887 No.376036

File: 1452616d870685e⋯.jpeg (36.24 KB,272x540,68:135,B3D58D91-7783-41E2-BE83-0….jpeg)


You’ve got some interesting ideas but it could use proofreading. However there probably wasn’t a need for a chestburster section as they don’t burst chests and can probably just be considered the larval stage a regular xenomorph.

Just my take on it but I would have facehuggers be a monster that doesn’t resemble humans like the parasite slime, but more of a parasitic tailpussy which monsterizes the victim into a xenomorph, becomes a tail and is then used to convert other human women into xenomorphs. Then you could have their main method of spreading being abducting and converting human women from nearby settlements, which I think grasps the idea of the xenomorph hive horror better.

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7d567d No.376050

Name: Mootaur

Physical Characteristics: Quadruped/humanoid, Ranging from 8 to 12ft tall, 800 to 1500lbs, brown to black hair and fur.

Locations: Throughout the northern hemisphere temperate/borial zone

The Mootaur can be encountered throughout northern Europe, Siberia, and Canada. While this massive creature is Centaur-like in appearance, it also has characteristics found in the Whitehorn species. It is comprised of a moose body with female human-like torso and head. Unlike a female moose, the Mootaur retains the impressive antlers the animal is known for. The antlers have been known to spread over 72 inches from tip to tip. They have an excellent sense of smell and hearing.

Although Mootaur's are intelligent, they have a timid personality and typically avoid contact with Humans and others of their kind. This is not always the case with un-married Mootaurs as they will group under a married or unmarried matriarch in times of danger or for convenience.

Their diet is vegetarian, however, Mootaur's will consume meat under duress. Mootaur's can be fearsome warriors, using weapons, extreme stature, and cunning to defeat an opponent. This behaviour is rare but is noted more commonly when her offspring is threatened. One survivor of such an attack was quoted "I'd rather face a battalion of Centaurs than half a dozen Mootaurs."

Mootars are very attracted to Human males and can be social when approached by unmarried men. The courtship between the two can be quite extended due to the Mootaur's timidity. A courting Mootaur will gift the man items such as wild rice, cranberries, snowshoes, staves, and bows, but will avoid making contact with him while doing so. This will last until the next full moon, at which point the Mootaur's lust will exceed her shyness and she will mate with the male of her affections. Married Mootaurs will herd to her husband and generally adopt Human conventions but will tend to wander around her claimed territory which can exceed 500 km2. Because of this, Mootaur/Human couples typically relocate to remote areas and live a subsistence lifestyle.

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b69261 No.376453

Slavic lore has all sorts of interesting monsters to make into mamono.

Wila, the ghosts of rich girls who led frivolous lifestyles, controls the air


Water zombies of girls who died in crimes of passion or because of theirs

Black Volga,

Originally a kgb vehicle with a mass murder at the helm. Now the car looks for males to have sex with in the backseat.

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